What The Creativity Revolution Is All About

Throughout history different civilizations and cultures have established for themselves a set of values that they hold in high esteem. Although some of these may seem frivolous, even stupid, to other rival cultures, nevertheless they were and are the fundamental yardsticks of each of those particular cultures, nations and/or civilizations – values they hold dear. How were these primary values established? Again, going back into history we find such values were derived and molded through their particular religious beliefs. Whereas to White Europeans a cow is just a cow, a useful animal that is not too bright, yet to Hindus a cow is a sacred object, a holy animal, due untold respect and veneration. Why is a cow holy to Hindus? Because their religion tells them so, and theirs is not to question why. To Moslems, Mecca and Medina are holy shrines because their religion tells them that’s the way it is. To Jews, Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and a whole passel of other Jewish scoundrels are their national and religious heroes. The Christians have their Jesus Christ, etc.

I have listed a few focal highlights that are venerated as fundamental values of high esteem in a selective few of many scattered religions. But with each of these goes a whole plethora of subsidiary values and beliefs that are tied in with their central core, and whereas such a resume or listing would be endless, we are here primarily concerned with those fundamental values that are held sacred by our own race, the White Race. It is these values we want to examine, to analyze, and to keep and treasure, or, if found wanting, to discard on the scrap heap of history and replace with a more deserving set of values. In the chapters following we first of all carefully examine twelve major religions, what they stand for, along with a short resume of their origins and their history. We also want to know how they relate to the White Race, and in particular how they compare to our own religion, Creativity, when we put their various concepts to the acid test as to whether they are either beneficial or detrimental to the White Race.

Having laid the broad groundwork of the characteristics for some twelve major religions and their influence throughout the ages, we now focus our attention on that particular religion which inadvertently concerns us most, namely Christianity. We do this for the overwhelming reason that over the last nineteen centuries Christianity has subversively encroached on the minds of the White Race and managed to become its predominant religion. Originating from a passel of Jewish writers, “prophets” and murdero ...

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