“I have said it time and time again: CREATIVITY defies classification into any present categories of racial, political, or religious movements. It is not similar to, or a copy of any other movement, past or present. It is not a re-tread of Hitler’s Nazi movement, nor are we “Neo-Nazis.” It is not similar to, or affiliated with, any of the Klans. It is not a White Supremacy group.”
Ben Klassen, September 10 AC (1983 CE).
CREATIVITY is a LEGALLY RECOGNISED Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion for White people, by White people. We object to amongst other things, Christianity, multiculturalism and Marxism. Creators do not believe in gods or devils, an after-life, heaven or hell. WE BELIEVE in maintaining a balance with nature while keeping a Sound mind, in a Sound Body, in a Sound Society, in a Sound Environment. Our church is called the Church of Creativity.
THE CREATIVITY ALLIANCE is an organization of individuals and numerous regional Church of Creativity groups that have come together in an Alliance to further expand Creativity, and to promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity.
IT IS NOT OUR OBJECTIVE TO DECLARE A WAR OF VIOLENCE against the Jews, Blacks and other non-Whites. We assert ourselves non-violently but are adamant in our pursuit to freely practice our religion as guaranteed by the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights. We demand, as everyone else, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to organize.
WHAT SEPARATES US FROM OTHER GROUPS, is that after careful consideration, we have decided that it is in the best interests of Creativity for us to adopt a policy of non-participation in the “White Power” social scene. It is absolutely vital that we keep to our chosen path because if Creativity does not grow beyond the White Power social scene, it will never prosper and assume its ultimate destiny as the mantle of salvation for White European people.
The full text of this policy can be found here »
We Want You!
Former Creators from all eras and interested Church Applicants are encouraged to contact us at: PM@creativityalliance.com or via our Contact Page. (Note: Yahoo Mail blocks mail from @creativityalliance.com by default.)
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Or ask for details at Creator Forum’s Racial Loyalty News