A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 1

By Ben Klassen

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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

I have read many books on the origins of Christianity and it never ceases to amaze me how this new religion was forced down the throats of White Pagans by brutal force and intimidation until they were duped into believing it to be the religion of the White Race. The question that always comes to mind is why this “religion” had to be enforced on people?

If you`re going to create a new religion at least give people a choice if they want to accept it or not, and at least use your own symbolism, mythology and days of celebrations. Did these early Christians really think that they would be able to suppress the truth from those whose mission it is to search out the truth about the origins of Christianity and its twisted history? The problem with anything that gets forced down your throat through fear, torture and intimidation, lies in the fact that there is something unnatural about it, something the people would not want to accept, something untrue. And this is exactly what we find when we examine the origins of Christianity, and fortunately for us, its all pinned down in historical facts, symbolism, mythology and days of celebrations which points to an earlier White Pagan spirituality. By stealing these elements from an earlier time, Christianity exposes itself as a fraud. Christianity changed natural, spiritual Paganism into metalized Christianity.

Although the early Christians lived in Rome, they made no attempt to assimilate into Roman culture, and like the Jews, they segregated themselves and saw themselves above the law. They were seen as traitors to the Roman state when they refused to profess loyalty to the Roman pantheon of gods. The Christians quickly became hated by the Romans and we read in Smiths` “The Death of Classical Paganism” the following : “They were ‘the ultimate filth’, a gang ‘of ignorant men and credulous women’, who ‘with meetings at night, solemn fasts and inhuman food’ made up ‘a hole-in-the-corner, shadow loving crew’, ‘silent in public but clacking away in corners’, ‘spitting on the gods and laughing at holy things”. Can you imagine? Here we have a new religion that sees itself ...

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