We the undersigned, recognise the failure of the current approach to spreading Creativity through public White Power forums. If Creativity is to survive and thrive as a religion for White people, it must be outside the infighting and riff-raff of the so-called White Power Movement, therefore as of today, 23 July 2008, it is our policy that all people associated with the Creativity Alliance incorporating the Church of Creativity, immediately cease advertising Creativity Alliance web sites and related materials within White Power forums. Furthermore, any current fighting in White Power forums on behalf of the Creativity Alliance will also cease.
In the case of old or ongoing arguments in support of Creativity Alliance web sites in White Power forums, the following statement is to be issued; or where modification of previous posts is possible, the following statement will be used to replace all arguments, advertisements and other text relating to the Creativity Alliance but not covered by this policy statement:
Copy and Paste where needed.
Summary of the Creativity Alliance Policy Statement Regarding WP Forums and Organizations.
Due to changes in strategy, it is against the policy of the Creativity Alliance incorporating the Church of Creativity and affiliated websites to involve themselves in White Power forums.
This includes:
1. No advertising of the Creativity Alliance and affiliated websites on White Power forums.
2. No participation in arguments on behalf of the Creativity Alliance and affiliated websites on White Power forums.Web sites covered by this statement are: (the Main Church Website)
And others affiliated but not listed here.It is hoped that the issuance of this policy statement will assist in the prevention of the infighting within White Power forums and allow Creativity to attain its ultimate destiny as the religion for all White European people, and a time when together, we can build a Whiter and brighter world.
This policy only relates to White Power forums and does not effect advertising on any other web sites or forums.
For the full text of this policy statement, visit, the Creativity Alliance incorporating your local Church of Creativity.
23 July 2008 ~ 23 Words.
Signed this 23rd day of July, 35 AC (2008 CE),
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.