Why Does a Jew Call Himself a Holocaust Denier?

Paul Eisen is a Jewish scholar who has embraced the label Holocaust Denier in the same way that we Creators have embraced the term Racist. Rejecting the Holocaust via a path of compassion for the victims of modern Israel, Mr Eisen has arrived at that place we Creators and Revisionist Historians have long inhabited, and for which many of us has been the defining line between general acceptance by society and outright condemnation. I wonder how long it will be before he is denounced as an anti-Semitic, self-hating Jew?

Welcome to our world, Mr Eisen.


Extract from: Why I Call Myself a Holocaust Denier

Paul Eisen | Paul Eisen Blog | 5 December 2012


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Holocaust Denier

It’s always worth defining your terms. Not that it does that much good – the inquisitors will see what they want to see and claim what they want to claim. But for the record here’s what I do and do not question. First, what I do not question:

  • I do not question that the National Socialist regime brutally persecuted Jews.
  • I do not question that Jews in Germany were discriminated against, violently assaulted, dispossessed, imprisoned in camps and expelled and that many Jews died as a result.
  • I do not question that Jews in countries occupied by Germany or within the German sphere of influence were pitilessly assaulted, dispossessed and subjected to brutal deportations, many to forced labour camps where many hundreds of thousands died.
  • I do not question that many Jews were executed by shooting in the East.
  • But enough of this negativity – here’s what I do question:

  • I question that there ever was an official plan on the part of Hitler or any other part of the National Socialist regime systematically and physically to eliminate every Jew in Europe.
  • I question that there ever existed homicidal gas-chambers.
  • I question the figure of six million Jewish victims of the Nazi assault and I believe that the actual figure was significantly less.

And finally, one more thing I do not and do ...

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