Every Creator a Reverend

Now that we have the blueprint drawn, the foundations laid and the framework for the White Racial Religion of the future under construction, it behooves us to put muscle on the bones as quickly as possible. This we are attempting to do and the means to do it with are people more good, aggressive, White activist people. We need to utilize our resources to the utmost and take advantage of every means at our disposal. As Ben Klassen have pointed out a number of times, religion is undoubtedly the most powerful motivator and energizer to ever influence the human elements throughout history. Combine this with a racial fervor, as the Jews and Moslems have done, and you have a combination that is intensely powerful. In Creativity we finally have such a combination for the White Race.

Religion, like fire, is a powerful force, but, like fire, it can be either constructive or destructive depending on how it is used, by whom, and on whom. As I have also pointed out innumerable times, the Jews concocted Judeo-Christianity for us, slopped it on us, and used it as a powerful tool against us and for our own self-destruction. However, now that Creativity has come along, we can take a long historical view of all this religious anarchy which the White Race has suffered and profit from the lessons it has taught us. We can and should learn from experience. We can and must especially learn from the disastrous experience such as the nightmare of mongrelization the White Race is being subjected to right now. We can learn the same methods, techniques and procedures our enemies use and put them to work for our own best interests. Now that we Creators are no longer interested in saving (the scum of) humanity, but instead look at every issue from the basis of our own Golden Rule (What is best for the White Race?), we too, can do many powerful things with religion, our own religion.

This short treatise is designed to emphasize only one limited phase of that all-encompassing programme, and that is to fully utilize the extraordinary prestige and influence religious titles exercise in our culture and society. The Jews have bragged time and again that practically every new issue (such as integration and mongrelization) that they want to slop on the White Race they promote first through the ministers (the White Man’s) and the churches as a moral issue. Why? Because there is an inherent “reverence’ for the Reverend.” They not only use this ploy with the White “Reverends,” but also and especially by means of black “Reverends” who, are now almost instantly  ...

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