The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

This document gives the principles of world domination. They are the Illuminati and Jewish Kehillah Bible, and have been found by diplomatic officers in manuscript in all parts of the world. Throughout the Protocols we find the term “goyim” used as in the Jewish Talmud. As a matter of fact, anyone studying the Talmud will find embedded between the chaff and long winded diatribe, the essence of the programme prescribed in the Protocols. Coincidence? You decide.

The patriarch of the German Jewish banking family, Jew Amshel Mayer Rothschild(1743-1810), was so intrigued by ancient scrolls bearing Hebrew Protocols, that he acquired them for his library. Immediately we have the Jewish Rothschild connection; the reader would remember this family being involved in financing wars in Europe. He commissioned an apostate Jesuit priest, Adam Weishaupt, to up-date them. The Einigen Original-Scripten(Protocols) was presented by Weishaupt to Rothschild in 1776, accompanied by an organizational paradigm designed to implement the revised Protocols, which he named “The Illuminati”. Thus, the lie that the Protocols were plagiarized from the 1864 book, “Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu”, is put to rest. Rest in peace.

In 1784 the Weishaupt/Rothschild documents were revealed to the world “by an act of God”, when a Rothschild courier and his horse were struck dead by lightning in Ratisbon enroute to Paris. A copy of the Einigen Original-Scripten were found in the saddlebags by the Bavarian authorities. After being outlawed, the Illuminati quickly infiltrated Freemasonry Lodges throughout Europe. A revised version of the Protocols reappeared in St.Petersburg, Russia, following the Jewish Bolshevik revolution. Professor Sergyei Nilus, an Orthodox Catholic priest, gave a Bolshevik edition to a correspondent from the London Morning Post named Victor E.Marsden. According to Nilus the manuscript had been handed to him about four years earlier by a friend. He vouched that it was a true translation of an original document stolen by a women at the end of a meeting of the “initiated” in France, that “nest of Jewish-Masonic conspiracy”. Translating it into English, Marsden published it under the title : “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. Consequently Marsden was murdered for his temerity. Coincidence? Think again.

Founder of the American Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, ordered millions of copies of the Protocols to be printed in several languages and distributed throughout the world in the 1920`s. Ford discovered that Jewish elitists were conspiring against him and others, bent on owning  ...

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