Finding The Pole Star

Finding The Pole Star

There is a fierce and as yet unresolved battle of ideas going on for the possession of men’s minds. In order to survive the White Race must polarize its own goals. In studying the history of navigation, we find that during and immediately after the fifteenth century the White Man`s progress in navigation on the high seas took a quantum leap. It was during the latter half of the 15th century that he became capable of making long forays down the west coast of Africa, discovering islands in the Atlantic formerly out of reach, and in 1492 Columbus was able to make his epic voyage across the Atlantic and discover the New World. From there on out there were no limits on this our Planet Earth. The White Man was motivated by a burst of energy as never had been witnessed before. The era of discovery and colonization set in, and it was the White Man exclusively whose brilliant energy and genius was the center of it all. South America was soon discovered, explored and colonized by the Spaniards. Magellan circled the globe and Captain Cook “discovered” Australia, the Hawaiian Islands and many areas of the Pacific heretofore unknown. This was the White Man at his best.

What sparked this illustrious burst of discovery and colonization? There were several key factors and we might say that it was an idea whose time had come. There was a partial improvement in the size and durability of the sailing vessels, but whereas this was a factor, it was not major. The most important item was that the White Man was learning the art of navigation, a pursuit that was strongly upgraded by Henry the navigator of Portugal. He started a school for navigation, and collected, studied and improved the known arts of navigation as they stood in the middle of the 15th century. This provided the needed impetus and soon the White Man’s ideas about the world began to change in conformity with reality. Once the White Man realized the world was round, not flat; that it spun about its axis; that that axis pointed to the Polar Star; discovered the magnetic compass; and that it pointed to magnetic north; discovered the sextant; Mercator drew his famous charts and innovated numerous other aids. From there on out the White Man was off and running and soon reached and colonized all the ...

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