About The American Civil War

There are some further observations I (Ben Klassen) want to make about the so-called Civil War, which was not a civil war at all, but more correctly a war between one group of American states (the North, or the Union) and another group of American states (the South, or Confederate States) In a war of secession (the latter from the former). In so doing, I may not have any new information to offer, except for one important point that historians have chosen to ignore, and that is this : viewing that war from the point of view that the real power behind it was the Jewish money power – the whole worldwide Jewish network. To ignore such (because of “fear of the Jews”) throws an altogether different light on world events and is, in fact, an aberration and a gigantic distortion of history. As I have stated on numerous occasions previously, the only wars that America has fought that were of any benefit to the White Race were of two categories. The first was the war against Mexico between 1846 and 1848. The second category consists of the numerous battles, wars and skirmishes against the savage Indians which flared up, off and on, for approximately three centuries. In the first case, the Mexican War, which was ably planned and successfully carried through by our outstanding eleventh President, James Knox Polk, we gained a major third of our land area for the benefit of the White Race. True, it was a racial war, in which the White Anglo-Saxon Race was pitted against the more numerous mongrelized Mexicans. The White Man won that war hands down, much to the glory and benefit of our brave and competent forefathers. Although spread out over a much wider period of time and circumstances, the results of the numerous Indian skirmishes was the same. We conquered a continent and a massive new territory and held it by force. We settled it, developed that territory and built a great nation. Of this we can be tremendously proud.

We cannot say the same about any of the other wars into which the United States has been treacherously inveigled. We derived no benefit from the Vietnam War, not from World I or II, nor even from the American Revolution, which, had it not been for the Bank of England and Jewish money power, need never have been fought at all. But of all the bloody and costly wars into which the White people of the United States have been snookered, none was as stupid, as bloody, as destructive and as unnecessary as was the massacre between the States in the era of 1861-1865. As most of the de ...

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