Jewish Christianity – Mission Impossible

Jewish Christianity – Mission Impossible

Have you ever seen a championship boxer trying for the world title go into the ring with one hand tied behind his back? Would Jack Dempsey voluntarily have done so? Max Schmeling? Jack Sharkey? No, not even Joe Louis, a dumb mulatto, was ever that stupid. Have you ever seen a 100 meter sprinter enter the Olympic contests voluntarily strapping a 100 pound bag of flour on his back while trying to break new world records? No, I never have, and neither have you. No sprinter is that dumb, and if he were you can be sure he would be a sorry loser. Have you ever seen a race car driver enter the Indy 500 with a voluntary, self-imposed brake lock on his wheels? Have you ever seen a championship tennis player vying for the U.S. Open, or the Wimbledon crown, voluntarily cut a big hole in the face of his racquet? Can you imagine Jimmy Conners, or Chris Evert, or John McEnroe doing such a stupid thing just before the finals? No, no champion would even consider such an idiotic self-imposed handicap. They did not become winners or champions by throwing obvious self-imposed roadblocks in their path to success As we can see from the foregoing, no winner is so dumb as to even consider such idiotic selfimposed handicaps. If they had such inclinations they would have been relegated to the position of small-time losers far down the line and never come near the winner’s circle. You would think such self-imposed idiocy would be hard to find anywhere, especially in a contest where the stakes are extremely high, namely, a matter of life or death, a matter of survival or extinction.

Well, there are such individuals, believe it or not. In fact, there is not only a group of such people, but a large number of such groups, of such people. Strangely, most of them are White people. Before we go into identifying such groups and why they do what they do, let us reiterate a few basic truths derived from the Eternal Laws of Nature. In this respect it would be productive to again review the 24 points listed at the end of Chapter 1 in Nature`s Eternal Religion; Point No. 22 says, “Eternal struggle is the price of survival.” This being so, let us add to this an obvious corollary, namely : In the figh ...

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