
Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group, which can range in expression from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution.”
Anti-Semitism – Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia

Anti-SemitismSo says Wikipedia and most dictionaries.

In reality anti-semitism is all of the above plus anybody who happens to disagree with anything, including the policies practiced by the government of Israel, kosher slaughter, dislike or disagreement with somebody who just happens to be a Jew, insult financial institutions/bankers, or perhaps you dispute the amount of Jewish deaths in World War II. No matter the reason, you’re just as likely to wind up in the papers as Public Enemy Number One, with a thousand marxists at your door chanting “GO HOME NAZI!” as you are of just being ostrasised by your local community.

Why is this so?

If there was a genuine fear for the health and safety of the Jews in question, then the cry of “anti-semite” would be understandable, but this is far from always the case. Often the reason is pure and simple greed. i.e. Greed for wealth and along with it the power to dominate the masses.

There might not be any actual gain for those that originally launched the cry of “anti-semite,” infact there usually isn’t, but that doesn’t stop them doing what they are told is their civic duty. Further more, in declaring someone an anti-semite, the good little Jewish boy or girl gets his or her fifteen minutes of fame, which of course attracts those who really call the shots in this declare an anti-semite scam. It’s always the same crowd, Bnai Brith, the Anti Defamation Commision/League, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the Australia Israel Business Club and a multitude of others. Along with the the big shots come’s their minions: Despotic White politicians who’ll do anything for their money and support, lawyers looking to get a name for themselves, judges paying back favours or looking for a quick buck, and of course the obligatory angry mob of marxists/anarchists tossing balloons filled with urine. Everyone of them full of the need for fame and fortune, and not an ounce of respect for the truth amongst them.

Bearing all of that in mind, let us explore what is poss ...

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