Category: Race & Religion

The Spooks In The Sky Swindle

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 52

In Nature`s Eternal Religion I have already stated that basically five Jewish books have had widespread effects on the history of the White Race and those effects have been devastating. The five books in their historical order are:

The Old Testament; the New Testament; the Talmud;
Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital;
and lastly The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The opening wedge of this psychological warfare was the Old Testament, a relatively dull book of myths and fairy tales, dealing in the biggest part about …

Observations About The Devil & Hell

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 50

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.
The opening verse of the Jewish bible flatly states, “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” Not mentioned in this garbled story of creation are two other factors that this lonesome ghost must also have created at the very beginning, two elements that loom disastrously large in the fate of mankind. We must presume that before the first day there was nothing – no “heaven,” no earth, no light, no sun, no universe – just a lonesome spook floating aimlessly in a dark void, as he …

Hell – The Ultimate Horror Concept Of A Depraved Mentality

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 49

If you were given the task of conjuring up a concept that was the ultimate horror, the ultimate concept of hate, and torture, of misery and depravity, could you, in a thousand years, come up with a concept to top that which the Jews came up with two thousand years ago, namely the Christian concept of hell? No, you could not. In that very concept, hell, is gathered together all the hatred, viciousness, brutality, criminality, fiendishness, evil and depravity only an unbalanced Jewish mind could lump together …

Fear And Terror As Christianity’s Ultimate Weapon

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 48

There are certain human emotions that stir men into action. Among these are love, hate and anger. There are certain emotions that paralyze and incapacitate. The foremost among these are fear, panic and confusion. In this chapter we want to focus on the phenomenon of fear and how the diabolical Jewish mind-manipulators have utilized this treacherous weapon to the hilt, have capitalized on this human frailty and used it as a powerful weapon to intimidate, to paralyze, to whip their victims into line in order to enslave …

Christianity And Communism : Jewish Twins

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 14

To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition – in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and …

The “Christianity” Hoax – No Spooks In The Sky, No Historical Evidence

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 47

Alexander the Great died at the early age, of 33. Before his death in 323 B.C. he founded the illustrious city of Alexandria in Egypt. Ptolemy I (Ptolemy Soter), Pharaoh of Egypt, started a Museum and Library in Alexandria about a generation later. This library grew and eventually comprised of 400,000 volumes. In the continuing intellectual growth an additional Library was established in an adjacent quarter of the city in the Temple at Serapis. It eventually comprised of another 300,000 volumes. During the next several centuries Alexandria …

The Glory And The Catastrophe That Was Rome – A Lesson For All Time

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 20

The history of Ancient Rome embraces a period of over a thousand years. A cogent study of that history gives us a telescopic review of the greatness and the tragedy of the White Race, from its highest pinnacles to its lowest depths, from its greatest glory to its utter collapse.

From the history of Ancient Rome, which spanned the period from 753 B.C. to 476 A.D. we can learn much, if we will.

No other history is as rich in example as is that of Rome. She …

Why Does a Jew Call Himself a Holocaust Denier?

Paul Eisen is a Jewish scholar who has embraced the label Holocaust Denier in the same way that we Creators have embraced the term Racist. Rejecting the Holocaust via a path of compassion for the victims of modern Israel, Mr Eisen has arrived at that place we Creators and Revisionist Historians have long inhabited, and for which many of us has been the defining line between general acceptance by society and outright condemnation. I wonder how long it will be before he is denounced as an anti-Semitic, self-hating Jew?

Welcome to our world, Mr Eisen.


Extract from: Why