They are the inferior mud races of Third World countries. Opportunistic economic illegal immigrants who see the White Man’s Nation as a way to get a White woman or to get a White husband and live like kings and queens amongst the slop of their own tribal filth as they take from their White Australian husband or wife and thanks to a government with a death wish for the slightly more predominate tax-paying White Australian population, that very same tax payer has assumed the White Man’s modern burden of ensuring that every mud that lands on these shores gets to …
Category: Asians
Black? Indigenous? Asian? Middle Eastern? Jewish? This is the Card for You!
Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate, perhaps to obfuscate the matter. It is a metaphorical reference to card games in which a trump card may be used to gain an advantage. [Wikipedia]

To the banana sucking, smart and articulate, spear chucking beasts (please fill in your own stereotype here …) looking at this page and fuming because they feel that they have been mortally vilified by Whitey – again, try reading Stupid Black Men: How to Play …
Gunpoint traffic light terror
Michael Milnes, Police Reporter: The Advertiser | December 17, 2008,22606,24812773-5006301,00.html
A MOTORIST has been robbed at gunpoint at a set of northern suburbs traffic lights, after thugs smashed their way into his vehicle with an iron bar.
As the man waited at the intersection of Kings Rd and Fairbanks Drive, Paralowie about 4.30am, two men approached him, one of them smashing the windscreen with the bar.
Police spokeswoman Senior Constable Rebecca Stokes said the other man was armed with a dark coloured handgun and threatened the driver and demanded money.
The men escaped with the man’s wallet in a …
Asian Teacher Caught with 600 Images of Child Porn
Convicted teacher says child porn too easily accessed on internet
Sean Fewster, Court Reporter: The Advertiser | November 06, 2008,22606,24610974-2682,00.html
A PIANO teacher caught with 600 images of child pornography says he is “quite concerned and annoyed” at how easily illegal material can be found online.
Robin Than Quan Duong today told the District Court he was “passionate” about improving laws regulating the internet, and would seek counselling “for everything that is wrong with me”.
He said that “in an ideal world”, child pornography would “not be so easily accessible”.
The 36-year-old, of Kensington, pleaded guilty to one aggravated …
Racial tolerance in South Australia ‘too high’
Tory Shepherd: The Advertiser | September 30, 2008,22606,24423463-2682,00.html
The “disappointing” results are from a 10-year survey called Challenging Racism, to be released at the 4Rs (rights, reconciliation, respect and responsibility) International Conference in Sydney this week.
A cultural gap yes,
but we’re not racist
ONE in two South Australians do not like the idea of a close relative marrying a Muslim, while one in three are against marriage to Aborigines or black Africans.
Despite this, only one in 10 actually admits to being racist.
Project leader Professor Kevin Dunn, from the University of Western Sydney, said yesterday the levels …
40% Believe Others Don’t Belong Here
The Advertiser | September 28, 2008,22606,24415273-5005962,00.html
FORTY percent of Australians believe some ethnic groups do not belong in the country with one in 10 having outwardly racist views, a new study shows.
New South Wales tops the list with racist views, but lead researcher on the project Kevin Dunn puts it down to Sydney being the focus of international migration to Australia.
The study, led by human geography and urban studies Professor Dunn and his team from the University of Western Sydney, reveals racism in Australia has waned over the years but the figures remain high.
He will unveil …
KRudd Continues Keating’s Asianisation of Australia
Rudd’s plan for Asian Australia
Samantha Maiden, Online political editor: The Australian | August 12, 2008,25197,24169710-601,00.html
KEVIN RUDD has unveiled his vision for Australia to become the most “Asia-literate country” in the West.
In a speech in Singapore today, the Prime Minister pledged to boost the investment in the study of Asian languages and culture in schools and universities.
“Australia’s future will also depend on our ability to engage constructively and effectively with the countries of the Asia Pacific,” he said.
“That is why I am committed to making Australia the most Asia-literate country in the collective West.
“By …
Boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics
As is typical in this world where White people are continually accused of being the international sadistic beasts from time immemorial to the present day, the hypocrites of the International Elite have continually turned a blind eye to the behaviour of their favourite little Red hen, China. Yet, if a White or “Western” nation as the multiculturalists prefer to call it behaved in a way anywhere near the way Red China behaves, that nation would be ostrasised and have multiple United Nations declarations against it, refused to participate in world sporting events such as cricket and football, the International Olympic …