Tag: White Racial Teamwork

белачки тимски рад

Креативизам: белачки тимски рад

У Креативизму следимо искуства из историје. Вечна борба је цена за опстанак. Победници таквих борби су они који организују, који имају план, који практикују расни тимски рад.

1. У Креативизму наглашавамо одговорност и дужност изнад либералне филозофије.

2. Преферирамо ствараоце у односу на потрошаче.

3. Научили смо из тешких искустава током историје да су либерална друштва завршавала у анархији, а да је анархија најокрутнија и најдеструктивнија од свих тиранија.

4. Верујемо у пуно изражавање слободе унутар контекста организованог друштва и одговорности према том друштву.

5. Верујемо да су најслободнији појединци они који су унутар организованог друштва, …

About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society

– By Ben Klassen.

Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen

In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity than any other concept. They further smirk unto themselves that each one of these words contradicts the others, and that none of these concepts are workable in the real world, yet by throwing them out to the …


If we are to survive in a world gone stark, raving mad, we must sort out our priorities and put them in proper order.

The word triage is of French origin and derives from the word “trier,” meaning to sift, to sort out. It came into prominence during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 when battle casualties were tremendous and the French army medics were hard put in their limited efforts and resources to try to save what they could of the overwhelming number of wounded and dying on the battlefield. Since it was completely impossible to save all the wounded, …

Recognize Your Enemies!

The Jews and the dark races have ganged up in a fierce and deadly racial war designed to exterminate the White Race. Only the victim seems unaware that it is targeted. The second dumbest creature on the face of the earth is one who cannot, or will not, recognize its enemies. There are very few species on this planet that fall into this category. For the dumbest of all, the ultimate booby prize goes to that creature which not only refuses to recognize its natural enemies, but will actively collaborate with those enemies in helping to bring about the destruction …

Afrikaans Youths In Black-Face Protest Against Racist University Policies

Afrikaans Youths In Black-Face Protest Against Racist University Policies

A group of students, accompanied by a delegation of AfriForum Youth, painted themselves black in front of the Department of Higher Education, as a protest against the anti-white “racial targets” the Department is imposing on the Veterinary Science Faculty of the University of Pretoria – the only such faculty in South Africa. AfriForum Youth issued a statement, noting they represented some 30 prospective Afrikaans students who had collectively earned 190 distinctions in Matric, but were turned away by the university’s Veterinary Science Faculty owing to “poor academic performance”.

“AfriForum Youth, students and parents protested against the entry requirements for veterinary …

White Benoni Woman Shoots Dead Black Male Gunman

One of two black men who broke into a family home in Crystal Park, was shot dead during a gun-fight on July 29. Clyde Meela reports in LookLocal Benoni that the unnamed white home-owner was awakened by the house alarm and her dogs. She was asleep in the bedroom with her two children. She took her gun and went downstairs to investigate. She looked through her living room window and spotted two black men with guns in her yard. When they saw her one pointed his firearm at her, and she raised her gun and a gun-fight ensued, with shots …

Dispersion And Polarization

We need both for survival. In issue No. 13 of “Building a Whiter and Brighter World”, I mention briefly the need for Creativity to step up its efforts for both dispersion and polarization. As I explained briefly, these two terms may seem contradictory, but they are not as far as strengthening and insuring the survival of our White Racial movement is concerned. In fact, both are highly essential if we are to build a solid worldwide structure, if we are to survive and expand. It is our determined goal to do exactly that. We are not only determined to survive, …