Tag: Gulags

About Rev. Dufresne

All about Reverend Joel Dufresne

Joel is legitimately innocent. His case is that of a marriage breakup gone wrong, with a draconian government getting involved in order to bring down a man they saw as a threat to their multi-racially skewed, politically correct universe. Sentenced to near 80 years in prison, Joel is a genuine Prison Martyr.

RaHoWa Reverend Joel Dufresne!

Creator Forum Profile: https://creativityalliance.com/forum/profile/JoelDufresne

URL/Address: FreeJoelDufresne.us
Summary of Events
Chronology of Events
Post Trial Motions
All Attachments *
Michigan DOC Glossary
Only Whites Racist?

Article: Protest
Other Rev. Dufresne entries from Creator Forum – News from the Gulags

Rev.Dr Joe 2017.07

This morning, Reverend Cailen Cambeul of South Australia was surprised to receive a phone call from PM Joe Esposito in the Oregon Gulag. Reverend Cambeul reports that PM Joe had just been notified that he’s allowed phone calls again and had $16 remaining on his phone account. So Joe called Reverend Cambeul in Australia and they had a quick 10 minute chat.

PM Joe’s down to sixteen months to go before release.

His JOG captors have ordered both of them to cease using terminology the Gulags do not approve of – they can’t even speak of Reverend Cambeul’s dog, Nigger, …

Rev.Dr Joe 2017.02

Reverend Cailen Cambeul,

Racialist Greetings and Hail to you and all my Brothers.

Fuck the ADL, SPLC and all Zionist swine. They can investigate us all they want because of Gibbs!

The JOG here read me my rights today and are trying to arrest me for a deadly weapon I did not have. I couldn’t care less and will force the JOG agents to take me to trial.

I am going back to SHU at IMU at Snake River. Don’t know when, but I will. They gave me 120 days and a fine of $100. I had saved $63 for …

Poor White Prisoners

The Truth About Poor Whites in Prison

In the era of mass incarceration, the ranks of Whites in prison have escalated enormously, from about 90,000 in 1980 to nearly half a million today. At about 450 per 100,000, White men are incarcerated at roughly three times the rate of the general population in the United Kingdom, the most prolific incarcerator amongst the G7 nations.

Yet, if considered as a nation, whites in the US would have a higher incarceration rate than every country in the world except for Thailand and Cuba, with more than 10 million people.

The reasons for …

Article: Protest

Press Release
From Reverend Joel Dufresne
Protest Re, Kinross Correctional Facility, Michigan Department of Corrections

The MDOC, Michigan Department of Corrections, has attempted to censor what the protest at Kinross Correctional Facility, KCF, was truly about.  The administration misleads the media by stating that the demonstration performed by the incarcerated body, was solely due to the quality of food being served by Trinity Food Service.  That was partly the reason for the demonstration but not the sole reason for it.  The following complaints are all of the issues that were being addressed through the peaceful demonstration that was orchestrated by

Rev.Dr Joe 2013.07

The Torture of White Men in America by the Swine

The swine have complete control. They use petty games against White Men such as denying outside exercise, food trays, leave the lights in the cells on 19 hours a day, steal inmates’ property such as radios, watches, personal photos et cetera, et cetera. The swiine also set us up with false disciplinary reports if you complain or write grievances. They continue to house known White Racialists and White Gang members with sub-human Negroes, muds, child molesters, rapists, sexual offenders and think it’s okay. So far, three White Brothers here (or …

Rev.Dr Joe 2013.01

40th Anniversary of Creativity + An Update

White Racialist Greetings my Brothers and Sisters,

I send greetings from the gulag on this, the fortieth anniversary of Creativity – 40 AC (2013 CE). As a Brother and Reverend with Founder Klassen’s Church of the Creator, and later a Reverend Doctor with the Church of Creativity (Creativity Alliance), I am honoured to be with you.

It’s time I gave you an update on the abuse, mistreatment and illegal actions taken against me for being a proud White Racial Loyalist. Let me start by saying that Commandment VI states: Your first loyalty belongs