Tag: CA


Creativity: A History

0AC (1973CE): Bernhardt “Ben” Klassen, a former Florida state legislator and state chairman of George Wallace’s 1968 presidential campaign, announces the formation of a religion he calls Creativity and a church called the Church of the Creator, in Lighthouse Point, Florida. Ben Klassen becomes the first Pontifex Maximus or High Priest of Creativity. The tenets of P.M. Klassen’s race-based religion, called “Creativity,” are detailed in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion. Among its 16 Commandments: “It is our sacred goal to populate the lands of this earth with White people exclusively.”

8AC (1981CE): P.M. Klassen publishes his …

Anti-Semitism in Australia (AIJAC)

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on Freedom of Religion

Human Rights Commission | August 12, 2009

HREOC Site Search: WCOTC


The Church of the Creator variety of anti-Semitic pseudo-Christian is most publicly represented in Australia by Creativity South Australia. The Australian chapter of the World Church of the Creator [now the Church of Creativity], which had no more than three identifiable supporters, has established a presence on the Internet as well as taking part in a minor way in public debate in online newsgroups and in the Queensland regional media. …

Leaflets Violate Race Hate Laws

The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) | April 21, 2007

RACISM has reared its ugly head in Rockhampton again.

Residents across the Central Queensland city have been bombarded with leaflets dropped in their letterboxes calling for “real” Australians to join white supremacist movements and to fight against crimes allegedly committed by various ethnic groups.

One of the groups mentioned is a world-wide organisation called Storm Front.

It has branches in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Italy and Russia, and members call themselves patriots.

While this group seems to be relatively new to Rockhampton, residents have been confronted by these …

Supremacist Group Warned

The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) | May 21, 2002

BRISBANE – Queensland’s anti-discrimination commissioner yesterday warned members of a white supremacist group they face prosecution if caught distributing racist leaflets in Rockhampton. Karen Walters said yesterday the commission was aware of leaflets allegedly being distributed by the Rockhampton chapter of the US-based World Church of the Creator [now the Church of Creativity], dedicated to the survival, expansion and advancement of the white race.

http://rahowadirectory.com/queensland/supremacist-group-warned/print/” Print this entry

Complaint Lodged Against White Supremacists

Nine News | May 22, 2002

ATSIC made an official complaint to Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Commission about racist leaflets allegedly distributed by a white supremacist group in Rockhampton.

David Wragge, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission’s central Queensland chairman, said the leaflets should become a test case for the state’s new racial vilification legislation.

Under amendments to anti-discrimination laws last year, the Beattie Government outlawed the use of racial and religious hatred to incite violence.

The new laws make unlawful any public statements that incite hatred towards, serious contempt for or severe ridicule of a person or group on the …

Racists Target Schwarten

Linda Brady | The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) | May 21, 2002

MEMBER for Rockhampton Robert Schwarten renewed his condemnation of white supremacist group the World Church of the Creator [now the Church of Creativity] yesterday after they plastered his electoral office with racist stickers on Wednesday night.

Mr Schwarten said the attack followed his decision to stop responding to the group’s stream of “racist” letters to his office, targeting a federal racial vilification issue.

:I refuse to entertain their nonsense, and I wrote to advise their leader that he was only the second constituent in my 20 years of public …

Rockhampton Church’s Racist Leaflets ‘Un-Australian’: Govt.

ABC News-online Monday, May 20, 2002.

The Federal Government has expressed outrage at racist leaflets that have appeared in Rockhampton.

The leaflets are allegedly being distributed by the Rockhampton chapter of the American-based World Church of the Creator [now the Church of Creativity].

The church says it is dedicated to the survival, expansion and advancement of the ‘white race’.

The leaflets refer to an Aboriginal cancer and foreign influences bleeding Australia to death.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Gary Hardgrave, says the leaflets are totally unacceptable.

“Most Australians would be repulsed by this and we can support free speech as …

Racists Hit CQU

Stephanie Rose | Felix Culpa, C.Q.U. Student Newspaper | September 2001

PROMOTIONAL material produced by racist white supremacist organisation, The World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) [now the Church of the Creator], was found at CQU, the day after the Multicultural Fair.

A poster was pinned to a noticeboard in building 19, where many students pass through 24 hours a day.

The poster was a recruitment flyer, asking for people to “stand up and fight for the White race”.

The only contact details provided was a Rockhampton post office box.

Other material from the WCOTC was placed under car windscreen …

Laws to Affect Creativity

The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) | April 17, 2001

The white supremacist group The World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) [now the Church of Creativity] is making headlines in Queensland again, this time as one of the groups most likely to be hit by tough new racial vilification laws due to be introduced next month.

Both the World Church of the Creator and the Ku Klux Klan have been under police investigation in Queensland and NSW over the past eight weeks following two racially motivated incidents.

In Rockhampton the WCOTC was being investigated after the Palmtree Wutaru Aboriginal Land Corporation was …