Category: History

The World Is Run By Means Of Fictitious Concepts

From Expanding Creativity, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 7 – December 1983

The Hoax of the 20th Century

Most people have never heard of Fictitious Concepts, yet the power Establishment uses them so effectively and so insidiously that our everyday lives are run by them. Preachers use them. Con-artists use them. Politicians use them. The whole shabby structure of the fraudulent I.R.S. is based on Fictitious Concepts, with which to extract and extort the hard earned money of productive citizens into the coffers of the Jewish gangsters. What is a Fictitious Concept? My basic definition of it is: a word, a phrase, or an …

Why Does a Jew Call Himself a Holocaust Denier?

Paul Eisen is a Jewish scholar who has embraced the label Holocaust Denier in the same way that we Creators have embraced the term Racist. Rejecting the Holocaust via a path of compassion for the victims of modern Israel, Mr Eisen has arrived at that place we Creators and Revisionist Historians have long inhabited, and for which many of us has been the defining line between general acceptance by society and outright condemnation. I wonder how long it will be before he is denounced as an anti-Semitic, self-hating Jew?

Welcome to our world, Mr Eisen.


Extract from: Why

Free Black Slaveowners in South Carolina

Domestic slavery was quite common in West Africa, although the Europeans organized the trade to a much greater magnitude and value. Free black slaveowners resided in states as north as New York and as far south as Florida, extending westward into Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Missouri. According to the federal census of 1830, free blacks owned more than 10,000 slaves in Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia. The majority of black slaveowners lived in Louisiana and planted sugar cane. The majority of black masters had not been slaves themselves. Yet, the ranks of black slave masters were diverse: some …

Jews Demand the Holohoax be Taught in Australian Schools

Schools failing to teach on Holocaust

Justine Ferrari, Education writer: The Australian | July 10, 2008,25197,23996561-2702,00.html

AN obsession with Australian history in curriculums has left students able to leave school without knowing that the Holocaust occurred.

In a speech to high school principals, NSW education department head Michael Coutts-Trotter regretted the omission of the Holocaust from the state’s mandatory history course.

“I discovered for the first time about a month ago that you can get through compulsory schooling in NSW and never know that the Holocaust, the destruction of Jews in Europe, actually happened,” he said. “You will know …