Tag: reverend

About Rev. Dufresne

All about Reverend Joel Dufresne

Joel is legitimately innocent. His case is that of a marriage breakup gone wrong, with a draconian government getting involved in order to bring down a man they saw as a threat to their multi-racially skewed, politically correct universe. Sentenced to near 80 years in prison, Joel is a genuine Prison Martyr.

RaHoWa Reverend Joel Dufresne!

Creator Forum Profile: https://creativityalliance.com/forum/profile/JoelDufresne

URL/Address: FreeJoelDufresne.us
Summary of Events
Chronology of Events
Post Trial Motions
All Attachments *
Michigan DOC Glossary
Only Whites Racist?

Article: Protest
Other Rev. Dufresne entries from Creator Forum – News from the Gulags

About Rev. Barletta

Creativity’s longest serving prisoner at a THOUSAND YEARS.
Reverend John Barletta says RaHoWa!

Watch on YouTube

About Rev.Dr Joe

Dear Brothers And Sisters, White Racialist Greetings!

Rev. Dr Joe and FriendsMy name is Reverend Dr Joseph Esposito and I am an original member of the premier Church of the Creator, friend of our first Pontifex Maximus, Ben Klassen, since 1974, when the Church was still located at Light House Point, Florida.  I first learned of the Church of the Creator in an ad in the November 1974 issue of Outdoor Life.  The ad said, “Are you proud to be a noble White Man?  If so, contact the Church of the Creator.”

My friend, Bobby Way, and I wrote to the address in the …

Rev.Dr Joe 2019.07

Rev. Cailen Cambeul, RaHoWa!

Racial Greetings and hail to you my brother! As you state, I do enjoy our phone time and now I can speak to you and Rev. Harold, which makes things a lot easier on all of us.

I do understand the buying and selling of our merchandise. We will handle this all when I’m out of ZOG’s control.

As of now, ZOG has prolonged my release pending a complete investigation by a Federal Gang Task Force. This is the Zionist controlled ADL’s doing. This morning I had a visit from the prison’s Gang Lieutenant, and I …

Rev.Dr Joe 2017.07

This morning, Reverend Cailen Cambeul of South Australia was surprised to receive a phone call from PM Joe Esposito in the Oregon Gulag. Reverend Cambeul reports that PM Joe had just been notified that he’s allowed phone calls again and had $16 remaining on his phone account. So Joe called Reverend Cambeul in Australia and they had a quick 10 minute chat.

PM Joe’s down to sixteen months to go before release.

His JOG captors have ordered both of them to cease using terminology the Gulags do not approve of – they can’t even speak of Reverend Cambeul’s dog, Nigger, …

Rev.Dr Joe 2017.03

To Reverend Cambeul and my Brothers and Sisters of the Church of Creativity,

Racial Greetings my Brother,

Received your E-Mail and 9 photos.

I am getting harassed on all ends. The mail room is tampering with mail and using bogus reasons to reject mail for BULLCRAP and the JOG’s agents along with it. Our people all over need to flood the director of ODOC with E-Mails because this White Man is being discriminated against by liberal Zionists who oppose anything White Racial Loyalists read.

Maybe with a White N.Y. President in the White House, the Whites will rise once against …