Category: Awakenings

Br. John Hobb

Creator Forum Profile Link @JohnHobb

It was early December of this year, cold and rainy. Work had sent us home. On the way, I noticed more and more people did not look like me, act like me, or speak like me. I shook my head and wondered where my people, my Race, would wind up. I was lost and mad.

I immediately got on the web and began searching for answers. I found the American Nazi Party, but the demand for money/funds in every aspect of their ‘reports’ made my stomach shrink.

I found the NSM, but again what I …

3. Rev. Dr Billy Jackley

A Life-Long Voyage through Creativity
By Reverend Doctor Thomas William “Billy” Jackley Jr, B.S., Ph.D.
Co-Founder of the Creativity Alliance

Reverend BillyMy name is Thomas “Billy” Jackley, and I was first introduced to Creativity and what was then known as the Church of the Creator, back in 1978. The first I heard about it was when I was reading a Florida based newspaper and noticed an article about The Church. I quickly located the address in order to obtain a copy of the book Natures Eternal Religion, by the Pontifex Maximus or high priest of that religion, Ben Klassen. I patiently …

Rev. Ken Molyneaux

My Awakening
By Reverend Kenneth Molyneaux

During my high school days, I became racially aware as I noticed the vast differences between Whites and Negroes.
I realized that I preferred my own Race while abhorring the obnoxious behavior and stupidity of the inferior blacks. My high school was mostly White but there was a large population of blacks so that I could see first hand that the notion of equality was simply a fairy tale. Being in honor and AP classes, I saw first hand the superiority of the White Race as my classes were overwhelmingly White.

During this time, …

2. Rev. Cailen Cambeul

My Awakening

By Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E., C.A.
Co-Founder of the Creativity Alliance

Before you begin to read, remember that we do have Greek and Italian Creators within the Church, and I am honoured to call each and every one of them Brother or Sister.

Cailen & Nigger Born in 1969 of Scots parentage, I was naturally raised to be proud of my Race and Heritage. And for this reason I’ve been despised by muddyCULTuralists wherever I went. I remember in 1977, when I was a little seven year old sitting up the back of the class listening to my school teacher’s Asian …

Br. Aanon Ymous

My Awakening
By Brother Aanon Ymous

I found out about yours and my Religion – CREATIVITY – by reading The Little White Book. It made it a lot easier for me to understand Creativity. I have started to believe in yours and my religion – CREATIVITY – because I saw all of the facts in our Religion on the news, in movies, TV shows, and all of that kind of stuff.

Another big reason (the main reason) is because my father (Reverend Allen) was a part of this religion – CREATIVITY. He told my older brother about it when …

1. Ben Klassen

My Own Spiritual Awakening
By Ben Klassen, Founder of Creativity

My parents were members of the Mennonite religion, a Protestant sect originating in Holland during the middle 1500’s. This faith was founded by a man named Menno Siemens, who, like Martin Luther, broke away from the abuses of the Catholic religion of that time, and was originally a Catholic priest.

The Mennonites were severely persecuted by the ever-loving and broad-minded Christians of the times, both the Catholics and the Lutheran Protestants. As a result, a large number of them were dispersed to several of the neighboring countries, klassen-photo_bw_sig_enhanced_quote250some settling for …