Tag: The World

Call For The Genocide Of The Afrikaners

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I wonder what would`ve happened to Steve Hofmeyr or Sunette Bridges if they called for the genocide of black people? This negro “master” looks pretty wet behind the ears and will run like hell when chaos breaks out in South Africa, of that I`m 100% sure.

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‘I hereby pledge my undying loyalty to the WHITE RACE:

Stop Demonising the White Man in South Africa

Daniël Lötter | South Africa Today | 2 October 2014


Stop the demonising of the White man in South Africa and own up to your responsibility towards the country!

Knowing oneself and admitting to your own shortcomings is in all probability the most challenging aspect of being human.

To those of us with the inherent incapability of doing so, it is so much easier to distance ourselves from our shortcomings and blame it upon something or someone which operates out of our own sphere of influence.

In the most pathetic case of projection, we even take off the identity …

Reject Anti-Islam Rallies Orders Race Discrimination Commissioner

Adelaide, South Australia | November 2015

Australians ‘should reject’ violent anti-Islam rallies, Race Discrimination Commissioner says

Anti-Islam rallies in Melbourne and around the country on Sunday have been described as “ugly and disappointing” by Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner.

There were violent scenes in Melton, in Melbourne’s west, where six people were arrested and weapons including knives were seized when Reclaim Australia campaigners clashed with anti-racism protesters.

Police were forced to subdue some protesters with capsicum spray.

Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphommasane said he supported people’s right to protest, but he was concerned some are out to spread hate.


Slavery Common in Australia

They are the inferior mud races of Third World countries. Opportunistic economic illegal immigrants who see the White Man’s Nation as a way to get a White woman or to get a White husband and live like kings and queens amongst the slop of their own tribal filth as they take from their White Australian husband or wife and thanks to a government with a death wish for the slightly more predominate tax-paying White Australian population, that very same tax payer has assumed the White Man’s modern burden of ensuring that every mud that lands on these shores gets to …

The Leadership Principle

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 7

There should be no great mystery as to the meaning of the Leadership Principle. It is as simple as it sounds. Yet thanks to all the brain pollution we have been deluged with about “democracy,” our great “republic” and other deceptive clichés, the average White Man is completely confused about this term.

The Leadership Principle is older than civilization itself and goes back to the very beginning of mankind’s organized tribal society. It is as modern as General Motors and IBM. The first tribal organization used the …

Queen Isabella – The Inspired Crusader

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 12

Our debt to the great Queen of Castile and Lyon is hard to measure, but in any case, it is phenomenal. This remarkable woman was possessed of some of the finest qualities that we can be proud of as being characteristic of our great White Race. Even as a child she was endowed with a serene self-possession and had a majestic presence.

This was not surprising, perhaps, considering that she was descended from Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, the Plantagenet kings of England, St. Louis, King …

Creativity vs Christianity

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 15

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad ....

In making an analytical comparison between the new, dynamic, militant and vibrant new Creativity religion with the sick and morbid religion of Christianity, we find the philosophies of the two religions in direct opposition to each other.

We Creators are tremendously proud of that difference. We are proud to be the enemies of Christianity. We are convinced that our dynamic new religion will pursue and expose Christianity for what it is, a Jewish conspiracy – until all Jewish influence, Christianity and communism are wiped from off the …

Australia’s New Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull More Jew Than Any Hebe

@TurnbullMalcolm #RaceTraitor

A Goy that thinks he just might possibly have Jewish heritage, Malcolm Turnbull is potentially the worst prime minister Australia could ever have throughout its history.

Unusual for these days, Turnbull actually lives in his own electorate on the shores of Sydney Harbour. One of the wealthiest areas in Australia, it’s a region of Sydney that contains a concentration of Jews higher than any other area in Australia. We are talking about an enclosed area with massive fencing, gating and private security rivalling the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie. If you do manage to get in and you …

The Incongruity Of The Jewish God

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book I – Chapter 12

Throughout the bible, and especially in the New Testament, we are continuously urged to become more perfect, more God-like. We are continuously told that we are a collection of no-good, worthless sinners. We are told that our shortcomings and our weaknesses are as numberless as the stars in the heavens. In contrast to this, we are reminded again and again how perfect is the Jewish God as portrayed in the Scriptures. We are told that God is kind, he is loving, he is gracious, he is the …