The Laws Of Nature Are Eternal

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book I – Chapter 1

Family Hiking Along Path By River In UK Lake District

Family Hiking Along Path By River In UK Lake District

When we look at the natural world about us, we are awed at the beauty and the majesty of Nature. We view the delicate rosy sunsets reflected in the wispy clouds, we view the massive splendour of the mountains, gleaming and shining in their white coats of snow in the winter, bursting with greenery and the colour of flowers in the spring and in the summer, painted with endless coats of yellow and red with the changing leaves in the autumn. We can view about us the vast expanse of the oceans sweeping endlessly, wave upon wave, and finally beating upon some distant rocky shore or some sandy beach.

Nature - Trees & ForrestWe are deeply impressed with the clear, crisp, tingling air of the desert at sunrise and the coral, pink beauty of it all as the first rays of the sun strike the dry, wind-eroded crags of the mountain. As we wander through an endless field of brightly coloured flowers on the prairie hillsides in the springtime, we are overwhelmed with the profusion of colours and beauty and variety with which Nature has surrounded us. As we drink in the beauty of the flowers, of the blue skies, the green trees, the mountains and the rippling streams, we are glad to be alive. We don’t understand it all, we have no idea how long Nature has been putting on her bountiful displays. We just know that year after year Nature rolls through her seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall. We just know that Nature is always the same, yet always changing. We see as spring approaches flowers come forth out of the ground and later begin to bloom in their profuse colours, only to wither and wilt during the summer, produce thei ...

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