Category: Jews

Polarization And Confrontation

From Racial Loyalty – Issue 29, by Ben Klassen

The Jew contrives to delay it until the White Race is too weak and degenerate to fight back before closing in on the kill. From the earliest dawn of history, it has been the White Race that has written it, and achieved all the major accomplishments that were worth writing about.

For thousands of years, the White Race and the White Race alone has built civilizations, built empires and reigned supreme. Not until as recently as 69 years ago, after WWII, has the White Race seriously been threatened of being …

Why Does a Jew Call Himself a Holocaust Denier?

Paul Eisen is a Jewish scholar who has embraced the label Holocaust Denier in the same way that we Creators have embraced the term Racist. Rejecting the Holocaust via a path of compassion for the victims of modern Israel, Mr Eisen has arrived at that place we Creators and Revisionist Historians have long inhabited, and for which many of us has been the defining line between general acceptance by society and outright condemnation. I wonder how long it will be before he is denounced as an anti-Semitic, self-hating Jew?

Welcome to our world, Mr Eisen.


Extract from: Why

The Holocaust: A Modern Government Propaganda Tool for School

This following letter was copied to the students and faculty at Rhode Island College

To: Kathelin Hurd
News Editor
The Anchor
Rhode Island College
Providence, Rhode Island

From: Heinz Bartesch

Your article would be considerably more truthful if it was entitled “Incorporating the Holocaust propaganda effectively into lesson plans” as I assure you this workshop, or anything promoted by US Holocaust Museum (USHMM) will be anything but true education as there will be only distorted facts presented and there won’t be ANY opportunity for a student scholar to ask questions and present facts that dispute the presenters claims.

Protocol 6

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


1] We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even, large fortunes of the Goyim will depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the States on the day after the political smash…

2] You gentlemen here present, who are economists, just strike an estimate of the significance of this combination! …

3] In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those …

The Jews And War

When we look at the great wars all over the world one things catches the eye of the student studying the Jewish question. The international financiers of the wars are mostly Jewish. The most notorious of these are the Rothschilds [Anslem, Solomon, Charles James and Nathan Meyer], Schiffs and the Speyers. In the House of Rothschild we have the five war-lords of Europe who financed wars for more than a generation while their dynasty was continued by their successors. Let us closely examine these crimes again humanity which has had no court-hearing.

Thirty Years’ War – Germany [1618-48]
Here we …

Jews: Hate Them Because They Hate You

It doesn’t matter what country Jews live in – America, Australia, Europe, or their Palestinian home, Isntreal – when they get the upper hand they will spit on you, assault you with fists boots and objects at hand, and if they can get away with it, mow you down with a machine gun while every Jew in the land defends them or at the very least, finds some way to excuse them.

Yet all you have to do is to do is whisper an innocuous remark under your breath in the presence of someone who reports it to a Jew …

Jewish Supremacism in Game

Defend Your Temple 2: Finally there’s a game that gives Jews a chance to live out their fantasy of massacring us Goyim as we try to invade the sacred temple of the Chosen People.

In 168 B.C.E. the Jews were forced to convert or die by invading Hellenists led by Antiochus. Far outnumbered, the Jews formed a rebel group called the Maccabees. Against all odds, they defeated the Hellenists in the miracle of the Hanukkah.


Jewish Supremacism in Game
It’s supposed to be 168 B.C.E. The Jews have guns and grenades, while the “Hellenists” seem to be wearing modern day jungle …

Intermarriage for Jews a No-Go

Jews: The chief advocates of multiculturalism, intermarriage, miscegenation – the destruction of race and traditions for people of White or European descent, do not allow their own people to follow the same trends. Usually the Jewish imperative is maintained through Jewish religious and cultural activities. With the advent of the nation of Israel, the Israeli government has been able to install a pro-Jewish version of the Nuremburg laws. The latest is an Israeli government sponsered US$40 million print, television and internet campaign attempting to put a stop to Jewish miscegenation – or as Jews call it, assimilation – by urging …