Intermarriage for Jews a No-Go

Jews: The chief advocates of multiculturalism, intermarriage, miscegenation – the destruction of race and traditions for people of White or European descent, do not allow their own people to follow the same trends. Usually the Jewish imperative is maintained through Jewish religious and cultural activities. With the advent of the nation of Israel, the Israeli government has been able to install a pro-Jewish version of the Nuremburg laws. The latest is an Israeli government sponsered US$40 million print, television and internet campaign attempting to put a stop to Jewish miscegenation – or as Jews call it, assimilation – by urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews.

Intermarriage for Jews a No-Go

Jews say no to miscegenation: A still from the Israeli government's advertising campaign reads: "Assimilating and getting lost to us."

In the television campaign voice-over well a known Israeli television newscaster by the name of Ayala Hason, tells Israelis that “over 50 percent of Jewish youth abroad [Diasporaic Jews] are assimilating and becoming lost to us. Do you know a Jewish youth abroad? Call Masa, and together we will strengthen their connection to Israel so that we don’t lose them.”

“We want Israelis to view assimilation [in the Diaspora] as a national strategic problem,” explains Masa CEO Ayelet Shilo-Tamir. “This is a media campaign that’s trying to educate Israelis about the strategic aspect of the Diaspora.”

In launching the campaign, Shilo-Tamir notes figures from recent studies that showed the total worldwide Jewish population “is on the verge of negative growth.” Yet, the very same people who decry the possibility of Jewish negative population growth applaud White negative population growth.

Here’s the list of the countries (counting total population, not the indigenous White population) with negative natural increase or zero negative increase in population…

Ukraine: 0.8% natural decrease annually; 28% total population decrease by 2050
Russia: -0.6%; -22%
Belarus -0.6%; -12%
Bulgaria -0.5%; -34%
Latvia -0.5%; -23%
Lithuania -0.4%; -15%
Hungary -0.3%; -11%
Romania -0.2%; -29%
Estonia -0.2%; -23%
Moldova -0.2%; -21%
Croatia -0.2%; -14%
Germany -0.2%; -9%
Czech Republic -0.1%; -8%
Japan 0%; -21%
Poland 0%; -17%
Slovakia 0%; -12%
Austria 0%; 8% increase
Italy 0%; -5%
Slovenia 0%; -5%< ...

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