Category: Religion

Superstition And Gullibility – The Achilles Heel Of The White Race

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 45

Over the last two thousand years, two negative characteristics in the minds of the White Race have perhaps caused it more damage than any other. These two defects are its vulnerability to (a) superstition, and (b) gullibility.

Not that the White Race is more susceptible to those flaws of the mind than the dark races. Not at all. It is even probably less so, but the consequences of these shortcomings for the highly advanced White Race have been a thousand times more disastrous than for the dark …

Why We Indict Christianity So Strongly

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 57

We have used up many pages in our books exposing and debunking Christianity for the fraud that it is. Since so many of our good White Racial Comrades are more or less infected with this fungus on the brain, I have been asked by some of our supporters why I take such a hostile position towards Christianity, which after all has been the principal religion of the White Race for nearly 2000 years. Not only that, but some of our most patriotic citizens, some of our best …

Thumbscrew & Rack

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 51

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

In order that the White Race may never forget (or forgive) the bloodthirsty and criminally brutal means by which Christianity clawed its bloody course across the face of Europe, I am going to review the cruel instruments of torture they used to carry on their nefarious methods of gentle, persuasion. I also want to show what a hypocritical, cruel, brutal, and two-faced teaching it really is. Christianity has blatantly billed itself as a teaching of love, of charity and kindness. Let us look at the scene and …

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Recordando a Brian Kozel

Brian Kozel de 18 años, era un activista pro-blanco de la Iglesia de la Creatividad que fue cobardemente asesinado por una pandilla de chicanos el 15 de Septiembre de 1991 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Según las informaciones aparecidas en los periódicos, Brian Kozel, junto con otros activistas boinas blancas, repartían propaganda de forma pacífica en forma de volantes mientras caminaban a casa de un amigo en Milwaukee, cuando de pronto un vehículo con chicanos a bordo comenzó a insultarles y bajaron del coche para atacarles e iniciar una pelea.

Brian Kozel Murdered by Wetbacks - 17 Sept 1990Debido a que Brian y sus amigos se defendieron honorablemente, los …

Creativity: The One and Only True Religion

By Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.
October, 36 AC (2009 CE)

As logical White men and women, Creators one and all, we do not accept belief in mysterious, magical beings living in the sky, controlling our lives, and as such we do not approve of religions based on the primitive fantasies of the delusional. Therefore, as Pontifex Maximus in this, the third era of Creativity, I believe it is my duty to declare all so-called religions based on fantasy to be null and void. Amongst other religions, this includes that tripartite scourge on our White racial brethren across this wide blue …