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Benjamin Franklin – Unrepentant Anti-Semite
Benjamin Franklin, the discoverer of electricity and initiator of the 3rd Industrial Revolution, was also a rabid anti-Semite: “There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial […]
More Than a Box of Crayons …
From Creator Forum, by Brother @JohnHobb I’m a divorced father of two. Nothing means more to me than my weekends with my children. Their smiling, cheery, White faces bring me much pride and a feeling of hope for this world and Our Race. The truth is, outside of reading and following the latest Creativity […]
Rev.Dr Joe Refused Parole Due to Creativity
To all Creators, Supporters and Friends: Do @P.M.JoeEsposito. a favour and email or print and send as many copies of this letter as you can to anyone anywhere, wherever you think it may be useful. ~ @Cailen. To: US Embassy & Consulate in Australia State Governor Oregon Oregon Parole Board United Nations […]
Australian Referendum: Vote NO to “The Voice”
Vote NO to “The Voice” – Australia already has a House of Representatives – Vote NO to a House of Aboriginal Overlords – Vote NO to Aboriginal Supremacy – A YES VOTE for “The Voice” is a Vote for Black Power! UPDATE: We Won! Discussion at Creator Forum
The Royal Family Make The Perfect Martyrs
Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on 11 May 2023 Source: Bridgerton star Adjoa Andoh has walked back her controversial comments about the royal family’s race after considerable backlash The actress was a member of British broadcaster ITV’s guest panel during their coverage of King Charles III’s coronation, which had an audience in the millions. She shocked […]
Swear an Oath to the White Race – Not King Charles III
King Charles III Demands: During the homage portion of his coronation, hundreds of millions of people across the UK and Commonwealth will be called upon to say: ‘I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.’ After a fanfare, the […]
Call For The Genocide Of The Afrikaners
I wonder what would`ve happened to Steve Hofmeyr or Sunette Bridges if they called for the genocide of black people? This negro “master” looks pretty wet behind the ears and will run like hell when chaos breaks out in South Africa, of that I`m 100% sure. Print Friendly Page
Reparations: Black History Month
From Creator Forum With Contributions by Brother James Lewis & Brother Ian von Turpie Every so often you’ll hear a lot of talk about reparations from all the self entitled Negroes. About how we owe them for slavery, oppression and the list goes on. But what’s NEVER mentioned is the fact that the Negroes […]
A Wonderful Religion Called Creativity
From Racial Loyalty Forum News,10331.0.html With Contributions by Brother Rebel, Reverend Sturmkrieger & Others … Question: We have a wonderful religion. Let us speak about that. Our Family and Folk, our children and how we are going to introduce our wonderful religion to them. I’ve heard enough about the Zionist Cultural Marxism gender identity. […]
Thoughtcrime: Race & Intelligence
Thoughtcrime: The Study of Race and Intelligence, and the Jews’ Furious Reaction By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC,10128.0.html Recently in Sacramento, California, a high school student made a science project suggesting that race and intelligence do, in fact, correlate. The student, part of the school’s elite HISP program, examined […]
Founding Day – 45th Anniversary
By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC,10134.0.html Right off the bat from the Klassen Day Centenary, the Creativity Alliance has reached another landmark. Forty five years ago today, Ben Klassen founded Creativity with the publication of “Nature’s Eternal Religion” in 1973. He would expand upon our great racial religion for […]
Klassen Day – A Centenary
By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Racial Loyalty News Forum | 20 February 45 AC,10133.0.html Happy Birthday to our great founder, P.M.E. Bernhardt Klassen (February 20, 1918-August 6, 1993), born 100 years ago on this day. If not for this great man, the situation of the White Race today would be dreadful and doomed to extinction. […]
Modern White Racial Loyalists have Moved on from Fascism
By Reverend Cailen Cambeul Church Administrator Creativity Alliance Church of Creativity South Australia,10051.0.html There is a Reason We Do Not Ask You to Become Fascists or Nazis Years ago some Leftard mob – probably SPLC or ADL or connected to them – did a chart from Extreme Left to Extreme Right. If I still […]
Only the C.A. Can Stay True!
By Brother James Lewis No other ideology can save the White Race but Creativity! Creativity is the total creed and program for the protection, salvation and advancement of the greatest species to ever live upon the Earth. Any group that compromises White Racial Loyalty to gain ‘acceptance’ with the sheeple is NOT a group worthy […]
Anklage Christentum
Auszug aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981) CREATIVE CREDO Nr. 57 – [leicht gekürzt] Warum wir das Christentum so stark unter Anklage stellen Vielzahl von Gründen. Wir haben viele Seiten dieses Buches darauf verwendet, das Christentum als den Schwindel zu enthüllen und zu entlarven, der er ist. Da so viele unserer guten Weißen […]
Vorwort The White Man’s Bible
Auszug aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981) VORWORT The White Man’s Bible – [leicht gekürzt] Diese unsere zweite Veröffentlichung ist ein Begleitbuch zu unserem ersten, NATURE’S ETERNAL RELIGION, welches zuerst am 21. Februar 1973 veröffentlicht wurde. Im ersten Buch haben wir unseren fundamentalen Glauben und das Programm unserer Religion, CREATIVITY, niedergelegt und damit […]
Liebe und Hass
Auszug aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981) CREATIVE CREDO Nr. 62 – [leicht gekürzt] Beide gesunde, normale Emotionen. Es gibt kein Thema, bei dem mehr Heuchelei an den Tag gelegt wird, als beim Thema Hass. Wir CREATORS haben die Haltung, dass Liebe und Hass zusammengehören wie die zwei Seiten derselben Medaille und dass […]
Stop Demonising the White Man in South Africa
Daniël Lötter | South Africa Today | 2 October 2014 Black South African: Stop demonising the white man in South Africa Black South African: Stop the demonising of the white man in South Africa and own up to your responsibility towards the country! Knowing oneself and admitting to your own shortcomings is in all probability […]
Setting the Record Straight About Will Williams
By Hadding | Blogspot – NonCounterProductive | 1 Januarius 43 AC I just want to say a few words about Will Williams in light of a controversy that has arisen in the past few weeks. The controversy is that Will Williams is alleged to have laid hands in a hostile way on Garland DeCourcy, […]
Reject Anti-Islam Rallies Orders Race Discrimination Commissioner
… And Report on Reclaim Australia – Adelaide Rally Adelaide, South Australia | November 2015 Australians ‘should reject’ violent anti-Islam rallies, Race Discrimination Commissioner says Anti-Islam rallies in Melbourne and around the country on Sunday have been described as “ugly and disappointing” by Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner. There were violent scenes in Melton, in Melbourne’s […]
Slavery Common in Australia
They are the inferior mud races of Third World countries. Opportunistic economic illegal immigrants who see the White Man’s Nation as a way to get a White woman or to get a White husband and live like kings and queens amongst the slop of their own tribal filth as they take from their White Australian […]
The Leadership Principle
There should be no great mystery as to the meaning of the Leadership Principle. It is as simple as it sounds. Yet thanks to all the brain pollution we have been deluged with about “democracy,” our great “republic” and other deceptive clichés, the average White Man is completely confused about this term. The Leadership Principle […]
Queen Isabella – The Inspired Crusader
Our debt to the great Queen of Castile and Lyon is hard to measure, but in any case, it is phenomenal. This remarkable woman was possessed of some of the finest qualities that we can be proud of as being characteristic of our great White Race. Even as a child she was endowed with a […]
Creativity vs Christianity
In making an analytical comparison between the new, dynamic, militant and vibrant new Creativity religion with the sick and morbid religion of Christianity, we find the philosophies of the two religions in direct opposition to each other. We Creators are tremendously proud of that difference. We are proud to be the enemies of Christianity. We […]
Australia’s New Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull More Jew Than Any Hebe
@TurnbullMalcolm #Australia #PrimeMinister #HJIC #RaceTraitor A Goy that thinks he just might possibly have Jewish heritage, Malcolm Turnbull is potentially the worst prime minister Australia could ever have throughout its history. Unusual for these days, Turnbull actually lives in his own electorate on the shores of Sydney Harbour. One of the wealthiest areas in Australia, […]
The Incongruity Of The Jewish God
Throughout the bible, and especially in the New Testament, we are continuously urged to become more perfect, more God-like. We are continuously told that we are a collection of no-good, worthless sinners. We are told that our shortcomings and our weaknesses are as numberless as the stars in the heavens. In contrast to this, we […]
Personal: I Remember When My Mother Was Threatened Because I Am a CREATOR
Some years ago, my mother was threatened by some form government housing overseer. Her tenancy conflicted in this way or that or whatever … As it turned out, all the government appointed landlord wanted to talk about was how her son was a RACIST! A NAZI! A WHITE SUPREMACIST! Of course, it had all erupted […]
Reclaim Australia Rally – Adelaide
Note: The Reclaim Australia (from Islamic extremism) Rallies are an event organised by pro-Multicultural, pro-Israel, anti-Islam populist groups. Of that list, we White Racial Loyalists (WRL’s) are anti-Islam only. The rally organisers are not WRL in any way whatsoever! However, as we WRL’s do agree with the reasoning behind the rally, a large number of […]
Mohammedanism – The Power Of A Militant Religion
As we observed in the first chapter of this book, all of Nature and the entire universe is governed by law. The entire universe, including our little world, is governed by the laws of Nature, which are universal, which are fixed, inflexible, and forever the same. Among these laws of Nature are the laws of […]
Marxism : The Modern Poisonous Brew
By no recognized standard may Karl Marx be considered a great writer, nor even a great thinker. His famous production Das Kapital is so dull and so boring that it is almost impossible to read. Despite the fact that it has been highly touted by the Jewish propaganda networks and tremendously promoted by international Jewry, […]
Narisha Pienaar Fights Two Black Home Invaders
She’s 1.5meters tall, weighs less than 50kg but she fought so fearcely against two burly black male attackers, that police launched an investigation to find out if any males were treated for deep slashes to their faces. The two thugs got between her two-year-old child inside the house – and the mom putting up the […]
Christianity Peculiarly Vulnerable
If we are ever to successfully rescue the White Race from the insane dilemma it now unwittingly finds itself in, there are two basic questions we must properly assess : (a) What is the average White attitude towards Christianity today? (b) After 2000 years of Christianity, can the White Man’s thinking ever again be […]
Masters Of Deceit – A Short History Of The Jews
Nature in her infinite wisdom has put the highest premium on survival of the species. In her profuse variety Nature has brought forth creatures of all kinds, fish and fowl, animal and vegetable, insect and bacteria. Some creatures like the cardinal and bluebird are beautiful to behold. Others like the scorpion fish and the lizard […]
The Importance Of Land And Territory
Even the most backward savage is well aware of the essential importance of land, room and territory within which his tribe can live and survive. So essential and self-evident is this idea that they will fight and risk their lives in order to either preserve their own, or expand and take over the adjoining tribe’s […]
White Man Fights Off Knife-Wielding Nigger Gang
Durban – A Westville homeowner fought off a gang of knife-wielding home invaders who threatened his family on Wednesday night. Yuri Reinders managed to disarm one of the men who had stormed his Thames Road home, near Durban, and stabbed him repeatedly as they fought. Reinders escaped without injury. Speaking to News24, his partner Lucille […]
Germany – Adolf Hitler And National Socialism
In the study of the whole historical movement of the White Race struggling to free itself from under the heel of Jewish tyranny, the name of Adolf Hitler shines forth as the brightest meteor to flash through the heavens since the beginning of history. No doubt the White Race will produce even greater men in […]
White Race – Creators of Chinese, Mexican & Aztec Civilizations
During the last century popular thought in Great Britain, cleverly nurtured by the unseen Jewish hand, reached a high pitch of insanity in regards to the racial facts of life. The abolitionists, philanthropists and the negrophiles conceived the coloured races to be child races in the process of development. The coloured problem was considered to […]
Lessons From The Laboratory Of India
Whereas the Egyptian civilization started off with a relatively pure White Race that was slowly mongrelized over a period of 3000 years by the White Egyptians of themselves voluntarily dragging in the black barbarians, India, on the other hand, has a different history. Emerging from the hill country of Afghanistan and the slopes of the […]
Racial Socialism – The Search for a New Ideology
By Michael Woodbridge | Western Spring | 27 February 2015 The ramshackle remnants of British Nationalism afford us a unique, ideological, opportunity which can provide a revolutionary framework for the future. Bold courageous thinking is in order. In this article we’ll take a brief introductory look at the historical context of British Nationalism and […]
The Purpose of Life
For millennia mankind in general, and philosophers in particular, have been pondering the meaning of life. This question has undoubtedly troubled and concerned practically every thoughtful human being. Few have arrived at any conclusion during their lifetime, leaving the question unanswered at the time of their demise. Certainly this question has concerned me, more or […]
Nature And Religion
In studying the creatures of Nature, we have observed with increasing clarity that each creature has its own peculiar means of survival, of propagation, of gathering food, of defense, and of ushering in the next generation. Not only does each creature have its particular pattern for survival, but in this pattern are imbedded many peculiarities […]
Racial Socialism
In his frantic, unending endeavor to blunt and stifle the healthy, natural instincts of the White Man, the Jew has worked feverishly to confuse us on those prime issues that are vital for our survival. In this category I have already mentioned the havoc he has wrought relative to our ideas about racial loyalty and […]
A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 4
Christianity has distanced humanity from nature as people came to perceive God as a singular supremacy detached from the physical world. In Christian eyes, the physical world became the realm of the devil in contrast to a society that had once celebrated nature through seasonal festivals, and were now forced to commemorate biblical events bearing […]
A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 3
In an attempt to purge Christianity of pre-Christian and Pagan elements, the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation was born. Can you imagine? A religion trying to purge itself from Pagan elements while its birth was centered in Mithraism; a religion trying to purge itself from Pagan elements while it celebrated Pagan festivals […]
A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 2
The Church also had a devastating impact upon artistic expression. According to orthodox Christianity, art should not serve simply as an individual’s creative exploration and expression, but should enhance and promote Christian values. Gregory the Great tore down marble statues of ancient Rome and turned them into lime. It was also common practice to take […]
A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 1
I have read many books on the origins of Christianity and it never ceases to amaze me how this new religion was forced down the throats of White Pagans by brutal force and intimidation until they were duped into believing it to be the religion of the White Race. The question that always comes to […]
The Jewish Take-Over of South Africa
In the 19th century the British fought wars to subject the Boer states to British Rule. In 1948, the Boers took power democratically, with the election of the National Party. In the 1960s the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took power and implemented the formal separate but equal policies in South Africa. These policies made South […]
Foundations Of Our White Society
Just as the honey bee has instinctively organized itself according to the pattern Nature has devised for it, and by following it and only by following it does it survive, so also is there a natural order for the White Man’s society. If he follows this natural order he will survive and multiply. If he […]
Farmers Thwart Farm Attack – Black Suspect Dead
Amersfoort, Rolfontein farm, Newcastle — Thwarted farm-attack. One of the black male suspects who ambushed the Amersfoort farm-family upon their return home, were shot dead. Report by Kyle Cowan, 22 Dec 2014 Six black male suspects got far more than they bargained for when they descended on a farm approximately 18 kilometers from Amersfoort late […]
How To Destroy A Nation – The Book Of Esther
In the King James Version of the bible I have, there are a total of 39 “books” in the Old Testament. One of the most revealing of all these is the Book of Esther, which, more than any other, lays bare the essence of the Jewish programme, and the workings of the Jewish mind. It […]
The Laws Of Nature Are Eternal
When we look at the natural world about us, we are awed at the beauty and the majesty of Nature. We view the delicate rosy sunsets reflected in the wispy clouds, we view the massive splendour of the mountains, gleaming and shining in their white coats of snow in the winter, bursting with greenery and […]
The World Is Run By Means Of Fictitious Concepts
Most people have never heard of Fictitious Concepts, yet the power Establishment uses them so effectively and so insidiously that our everyday lives are run by them. Preachers use them. Con-artists use them. Politicians use them. The whole shabby structure of the fraudulent I.R.S. is based on Fictitious Concepts, with which to extract and extort […]
Survives Attack By Four Black Gunmen
“The ‘robber’ is fighting for his life in hospital after his victim – who is too terrified to have his name published – shot him to defend his daughter from the gunmen shortly after four blacks attacked the girl, 22, and her boyfriend shortly after 21h00 on Sunday. The boyfriend had just dropped off the […]
Zuma : If ANC Goes Gown, So Will SA
Johannesburg – President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday admitted that the ANC had been shaken and was in trouble. “The youth league has been shaken but also the mother body has been shaken,” he told delegates at the ANC Youth League consultative conference in Soweto, Johannesburg. “We admit that the organisation is in trouble.” Zuma was […]
Let Us Make Hay While the Sun Still Shines
There will never be a better time than now for us to get our act together. In the last chapter (C.C. No. 73) of The White Man`s Bible is listed a number of alibis our White Racial Comrades repeatedly put forth in order to avoid, evade, or procrastinate coming to grips with the dire dilemma […]
The Curious Relationship Between Father, Son & The Devil
It should really not be necessary to spend so much time discrediting the “spooks in the sky” swindle, since even a cursory examination of the Jewish (and Christian) bible should convince even the most simple minded that the collection of weird stories contained therein are contradictory, wild, and completely unsubstantiated by the records of authentic […]
The Spooks In The Sky Swindle
In Nature`s Eternal Religion I have already stated that basically five Jewish books have had widespread effects on the history of the White Race and those effects have been devastating. The five books in their historical order are : The Old Testament; the New Testament; the Talmud; Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital; and lastly […]
Observations About The Devil & Hell
The opening verse of the Jewish bible flatly states, “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” Not mentioned in this garbled story of creation are two other factors that this lonesome ghost must also have created at the very beginning, two elements that loom disastrously large in the fate of mankind. We must presume […]
Hell – The Ultimate Horror Concept Of A Depraved Mentality
If you were given the task of conjuring up a concept that was the ultimate horror, the ultimate concept of hate, and torture, of misery and depravity, could you, in a thousand years, come up with a concept to top that which the Jews came up with two thousand years ago, namely the Christian concept […]
Fear And Terror As Christianity’s Ultimate Weapon
There are certain human emotions that stir men into action. Among these are love, hate and anger. There are certain emotions that paralyze and incapacitate. The foremost among these are fear, panic and confusion. In this chapter we want to focus on the phenomenon of fear and how the diabolical Jewish mind-manipulators have utilized this […]
Christianity And Communism : Jewish Twins
To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two […]
The “Christianity” Hoax – No Spooks In The Sky, No Historical Evidence
Alexander the Great died at the early age, of 33. Before his death in 323 B.C. he founded the illustrious city of Alexandria in Egypt. Ptolemy I (Ptolemy Soter), Pharaoh of Egypt, started a Museum and Library in Alexandria about a generation later. This library grew and eventually comprised of 400,000 volumes. In the continuing […]
Superstition And Gullibility – The Achilles Heel Of The White Race
Over the last two thousand years, two negative characteristics in the minds of the White Race have perhaps caused it more damage than any other. These two defects are its vulnerability to (a) superstition, and (b) gullibility. Not that the White Race is more susceptible to those flaws of the mind than the dark races. […]
Confessions Of A Jew – The Devastating Ramifications Of Paul Of Tarsus
The following was written by Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish writer (1884-1965). It appeared in the now defunct Century Magazine in the February, 1928 issue. It is so clear, so direct, and its implications so far-reaching, that the full disaster, so explicitly spelled out herein, completely escapes the average befuddled White Christian. Here is the […]
Why We Indict Christianity So Strongly
We have used up many pages in our books exposing and debunking Christianity for the fraud that it is. Since so many of our good White Racial Comrades are more or less infected with this fungus on the brain, I have been asked by some of our supporters why I take such a hostile position […]
Thumbscrew & Rack
In order that the White Race may never forget (or forgive) the bloodthirsty and criminally brutal means by which Christianity clawed its bloody course across the face of Europe, I am going to review the cruel instruments of torture they used to carry on their nefarious methods of gentle, persuasion. I also want to show […]
White Man’s Criminal Negligence In Protecting The Survival Of His Own Kind
Consider the following situation : A man, his wife and three children live on the fifth floor of an apartment building. A raging fire is in progress on the second floor of the same apartment building, but not immediately underneath his section of the building. Dense smoke is oozing throughout the building, even into their […]
The Magnificent White Race
To show how upside down and crazy our thinking has become in this day and age, I observed two different newspaper articles in the same Sunday paper. One related to the frenzy that had ensued in building the Tellico dam on the Little Tennessee River. In building the new dam for which 38,000 acres of […]
Colonization – A Basic Urge In Every Creature Of Nature’s Realm
A strange malaise has settled on the White Man’s thinking in the period following World War II. By means of the satanic propaganda impinging on his brain from every direction, the White Man is overwhelmed with a neurotic guilt complex. And what is he ashamed of? Why does he feel guilty? Evidently, he […]
The Glory And The Catastrophe That Was Rome – A Lesson For All Time
The history of Ancient Rome embraces a period of over a thousand years. A cogent study of that history gives us a telescopic review of the greatness and the tragedy of the White Race, from its highest pinnacles to its lowest depths, from its greatest glory to its utter collapse. From the history of Ancient […]
Civilization Without A Racial Religion – A Self-Destructive Process
Lets today examine the past, present and future genetic development of the White Race. We want to look at the heights reached in the past, where we are today, and what we aim to accomplish in the future. We also want to study the destructive influences of civilization itself on the genetic changes regarding the […]
Only A Homogenous Society Can Be Governed And Can Endure
History has proven over and over again that no multi-racial or polyglot society has survived for long. We have seen that a healthy body will not and cannot tolerate any alien organisms in itself, so also a society cannot survive admixture with alien elements. Let us learn this basic lesson for all time and heed […]
Nature’s Model Or Organized White Society On A Global Scale
Throughout Nature there is intensive organization. The ways of Nature are replete with systems and logic that have a striking similarity, on a small scale (in microcosm), or on a vast scale (macrocosm). For example, the atom (in microcosm) has a very similar arrangement to the solar system (in macrocosm). The atom has a nucleus […]
We Are Not Atheists, We Are Creators!
For too long we Creators have been called atheists. For too long we have been smeared and slandered by Christian name callers, and we are getting damned sick and tired of it. It is not good enough for us to merely take a defensive posture and say, “No, we are not atheists.” We do not […]
Polarization And Confrontation
The Jew contrives to delay it until the White Race is too weak and degenerate to fight back before closing in on the kill. From the earliest dawn of history, it has been the White Race that has written it, and achieved all the major accomplishments that were worth writing about. For thousands of years, […]
The White Race: Nature`s Greatest Miracle
If there is one thing in this wonderful world of ours that is worth preserving, defending, and promoting, it is the White Race. Nature looked fondly upon the White Race and lavished special loving care in its growth. Of all the millions of creatures who have inhabited the face of this planet over the eons […]
Demonstration Against Boer Genocide
On Saturday, 19th April, 23 activists took to the streets of London to demand an end to the destruction of the Boer people in South Africa. The day started with activists gathering near Charing Cross promptly at 1pm, from there they moved on to South Africa House where a flash demonstration took place for nearly […]
The Black Tide And The Dark Flood Are Upon Us
The Jewish goal is to drive all the Whites out of Africa, and finally from the planet earth. When I wrote Nature’s Eternal Religion back in 1971 and ’72, I predicted that the foolish racial policies of both Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa would culminate in the self-destruction of both of these two […]
Philly Post Questions Local “Hate Groups”
What Hate Groups Say About Being Called Hate Groups We asked five Philly-area organizations. By Victor Fiorillo | Philly Post | 4/18/2013 The Southern Poverty Law Center maintains a database of organizations it designates as “hate groups.” To make the list, your group must “have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class […]
If You Can’t Hear The Drums Of War You Must Be Deaf
Jew Kissinger : “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf” NEW YORK – USA – In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Jew Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East. [ACCURATE SATIRE] Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan […]
Revolutionary Leadership
Leadership, like fame, is an elusive and fleeting quantity. Some people have leadership thrust upon them, others train for it and struggle hard to obtain it, others are born to it. In this discourse we are interested how we, the Church of Creativity can obtain more and better leaders in our movement. We need thousands […]
Why Does a Jew Call Himself a Holocaust Denier?
Paul Eisen is a Jewish scholar who has embraced the label Holocaust Denier in the same way that we Creators have embraced the term Racist. Rejecting the Holocaust via a path of compassion for the victims of modern Israel, Mr Eisen has arrived at that place we Creators and Revisionist Historians have long inhabited, and […]
What Is The Matter With Being A Racist?
In their long and depraved history, the Jews have launched and promoted any number of evil and destructive movements and ideas. To name a few – Judaism, Christianity, Communism, the United Nations, race mixing and the programme of the White Race feeding and subsidizing all the scum and dark races of the world. There are […]
Miss America Pageant
As some of you may know the 2013 Miss America Pageant was held a few days ago. What I want to know is, why we need a Miss Black America Pageant. There are black women in the Miss America Pageant, but White women CANNOT enter the Miss Black America Pageant. So why don’t we have […]
How We Will Build A Whiter And Brighter World
Creativity is a racial religion structured for the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White Race. We are a non-violent religious movement. We have a comprehensive plan as to how to achieve a Whiter and Brighter World. Every step along the way is legal, constitutional and non-violent as we will detail to you. Here is […]
AfriForum Marches Against Farm Attacks
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De Doorns/Hex River “Service Delivery Protest”
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Our Friends And Our Enemies
We must learn to distinguish clearly between our Friends, our Enemies, and the Mugwumps. Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has endowed each living creature with a built-in characteristic called instinct. This characteristic embodies the collective wisdom of that particular creatures experiences in the struggle for survival throughout the millions of years when that species developed […]
About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society
Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of […]
If we are to survive in a world gone stark, raving mad, we must sort out our priorities and put them in proper order. The word triage is of French origin and derives from the word “trier,” meaning to sift, to sort out. It came into prominence during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 when battle […]
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