Category: Racial Loyalty

Revolutionary Leadership

From On the Brink of a Bloody Racial War, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 81 – June 1992

Leadership, like fame, is an elusive and fleeting quantity. Some people have leadership thrust upon them, others train for it and struggle hard to obtain it, others are born to it.

In this discourse we are interested how we, the Church of Creativity can obtain more and better leaders in our movement.

We need thousands of leaders and millions of followers.

Leaders come in different shapes and categories. Some are financial leaders, some are best fitted to be political leaders, …

What Is The Matter With Being A Racist?

Racial Loyalty – Issue 78

In their long and depraved history, the Jews have launched and promoted any number of evil and destructive movements and ideas. To name a few – Judaism, Christianity, Communism, the United Nations, race mixing and the programme of the White Race feeding and subsidizing all the scum and dark races of the world. There are dozens more, such as the French Revolution, but we will not pursue the list of evils that were conceived and promoted by the Jewish network over the last 5000 years.

In promoting any and all of these movements their key …

Recordando a Brian Kozel

Brian Kozel de 18 años, era un activista pro-blanco de la Iglesia de la Creatividad que fue cobardemente asesinado por una pandilla de chicanos el 15 de Septiembre de 1991 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Según las informaciones aparecidas en los periódicos, Brian Kozel, junto con otros activistas boinas blancas, repartían propaganda de forma pacífica en forma de volantes mientras caminaban a casa de un amigo en Milwaukee, cuando de pronto un vehículo con chicanos a bordo comenzó a insultarles y bajaron del coche para atacarles e iniciar una pelea.

Brian Kozel Murdered by Wetbacks - 17 Sept 1990Debido a que Brian y sus amigos se defendieron honorablemente, los …