Category: Activism
Founding Day – 45th Anniversary
By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC,10134.0.html
Right off the bat from the Klassen Day Centenary, the Creativity Alliance has reached another landmark. Forty five years ago today, Ben Klassen founded Creativity with the publication of “Nature’s Eternal Religion” in 1973. He would expand upon our great racial religion for last twenty years of his life, including such important texts such as “The White Man’s Bible,” “A Revolution of Values Through Religion” and “Salubrious Living,” among others.
Ben Klassen pictured at the World Center of the Creator – North Carolina
One value I always …
Modern White Racial Loyalists have Moved on from Fascism,10051.0.html
There is a Reason We Do Not Ask You to Become Fascists or Nazis
Years ago some Leftard mob – probably SPLC or ADL or connected to them – did a chart from Extreme Left to Extreme Right. If I still had it, I’d show you, but I don’t, so my memory will just have to suffice.
Anyway, this Leftard chart was done like a Family Tree of Left and Right in the US; with basically the bad-guys – people like us – to the Right …
Only the C.A. Can Stay True!
By Brother James Lewis
No other ideology can save the White Race but Creativity! Creativity is the total creed and program for the protection, salvation and advancement of the greatest species to ever live upon the Earth. Any group that compromises White Racial Loyalty to gain ‘acceptance’ with the sheeple is NOT a group worthy of support. Any group that holds ANY man who screwed up as a ‘god’ is NOT worthy of support. Only the Creativity Alliance can spread the true faith correctly. Only the Creativity Alliance stands against the kosher CONservatives and their right-wing fakery. Let us give …
Articles and Posts…
Program of Action
We would like to restate the main goals and challenges facing our Religious Creed.
Now that the first (IDEOLOGICAL) stage of our Creed has been successfully completed, our main goal must be RAPID, AGGRESSIVE. MASSIVE EXPANSION of the Creed of Creativity through the concerted programs of THE SEVEN OPERATIONS:
— To increase the frequency (and volume!) of our message by turning our Website, our Forum and our Newsletter – RACIAL LOYALTY, into informative, printable publications for use in both online and offline dissemination. This I consider to be the matter …
3. Rev. Dr Billy Jackley
A Life-Long Voyage through Creativity
By Reverend Doctor Thomas William “Billy” Jackley Jr, B.S., Ph.D.
Co-Founder of the Creativity Alliance
My name is Thomas “Billy” Jackley, and I was first introduced to Creativity and what was then known as the Church of the Creator, back in 1978. The first I heard about it was when I was reading a Florida based newspaper and noticed an article about The Church. I quickly located the address in order to obtain a copy of the book Natures Eternal Religion, by the Pontifex Maximus or high priest of that religion, Ben Klassen. I patiently …
Rev. Ken Molyneaux
My Awakening
By Reverend Kenneth Molyneaux
During my high school days, I became racially aware as I noticed the vast differences between Whites and Negroes.
I realized that I preferred my own Race while abhorring the obnoxious behavior and stupidity of the inferior blacks. My high school was mostly White but there was a large population of blacks so that I could see first hand that the notion of equality was simply a fairy tale. Being in honor and AP classes, I saw first hand the superiority of the White Race as my classes were overwhelmingly White.
During this time, …
Join Our Church
Joining the Church of Creativity
Compiled 43AC (2016CE) – Last Edited South Victory Day 50AC
We Want You!
Former Creators from all eras and interested Church Applicants are encouraged to contact us at: or via our Contact Page. (Note: Yahoo Mail blocks mail from by default.)
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Or ask for details at Creator Forum’s Racial Loyalty News
Anyone that has previously held Ministerial Status under Creativity’s founder, Ben Klassen, or other Church leaders, may retain their title. After a mandatory six months as …