Vic Police chief bags SA bikie laws

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The Adelaide Advertiser (South Australia) | 26 June 2008,22606,23923536-5006301,00.html

VICTORIA’S police chief is warning SA’s tough new anti-bikie gang laws will lead to increased conflict between police and bikies and drive them underground.

Police Commissioner Christine Nixon says the laws will “merely drive the visible appearance of organised motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) underground, where the criminal activity will continue to function”.

“Rather than displacing OMCG organised crime activity from SA, it is likely the new laws will increase police-OMCG conflict,” she said.

“Victoria Police does not support proposals intended to deal with OMCG members in a similar manner to that of terrorist groups by prohibiting groups and individual association between declared persons.”

In her submission to a federal parliamentary crime inquiry, Ms Nixon also says the SA laws would probably breach Victoria’s charter of human rights.

SA Police has disagreed with the comments, with a spokeswoman for Police Commissioner Mal Hyde saying police believed “our legislation will be highly effective in disrupting serious criminal behaviour”.

‘”SAPOL can’t understand Chief Commissioner Nixon’s opinion these criminals will be driven underground, as serious organised criminals already go to great lengths to keep their criminal activities secret,” she said.

Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission also has questioned the effectiveness of the SA laws.

Bikie gang expert Dr Arthur Veno has called for an independent crime commission in SA to oversee the implementation of the new laws.

Their views are contained in submissions to the inquiry into laws to outlaw serious and organised crime groups. The committee is expected to take evidence in Adelaide early next month.

State Parliament passed the new laws last month after an extensive debate and protests from lawyers and civil libertarians.

The tough anti-bikie laws make it an offence for outlaw motorcycle club members or people with criminal records to meet more than six times a year. They also significantly widen police powers to deal with bikie gangs.

A recent bikie funeral in Adelaide for Gypsy Jokers president Wayne “Chiller” McGrath, attended by more than 300 people, might have been declared illegal under the new laws, which are yet to come into effect.

The Queensland commission submission says legislation proscribing specific groups may be useful in disrupting the activities of outlaw motorcycle gangs but banning association among certain individuals is likely to be subject to extensive legal challenge.

“Persons may be sent to jail not for what they do but for who they know,” it says.

Dr Veno, from Monash University’s school of political and social inquiry, in a joint submission with Dr Julie van den Eynde, from Queensland University’s faculty of social and behavioural science, says the new legislation has no checks and balances.

He said the only possible recourse was to put some balance back in the system and to establish an independent commission against corruption to oversee the implementation of the legislation.

A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, Jayne Stinson, said the Government made no apology for taking a tough stance and adopting all necessary measures to eradicate criminals from the streets.

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“An ICAC is not necessary,” she said. “SA has a comprehensive system of anti-corruption bodies.

“These include the Police Complaints Authority, the Auditor-General and an Ombudsman with the powers of a royal commission as well as whistleblowers legislation.”

“An ICAC is not necessary,” she said. “SA has a comprehensive system of anti-corruption bodies.

“These include the Police Complaints Authority, the Auditor-General and an Ombudsman with the powers of a royal commission as well as whistleblowers legislation.”


If you live in SA and have thoughts or beliefs that are contrary to those that the state government allows – or even worse, contrary to those as allowed by the popular media, you have no legal comeback. If you are rich, you will undoubtedly find some money-grabbing lawyer to reap the profits of your up and coming legal failure, but for the average person, it begins with a series of phonecalls to half a dozen lawyers, whereupon you find that they refuse to even discuss the matter with you. Others will accept you but start with a bill of $300 for a half an hour “consultation.” I presume the exhorbitant bill for a 30 minute chat is supposed to disuade you from even thinking of hiring that particular whore of a legal consultant/solicitor.

The Police Complaints Authority plays judge and jury in its own right refusing to investigate cases where, again, it doesn’t like the particular complainant’s thoughts or beliefs. When I have seen the PCA investigate a complaint, the person in question has been thoroughly harrassed by the police to the point where the person making the complaint has barely escaped going to prison for the crime of just trying to enter his own home while the police were visiting a neighbour. In this case, the police were caught lying in court and the case was thrown out. After the complaint was made to the PCA about the violent behaviour of the police, SA Police decided to appeal the case in a higher court. All the previous evidence was ignored, the police by this time had made up a better story and the defendent was abused by the judge – like I said, barely escaping prison time.

The Ombudsman for ANYTHING in this country is always a joke. They are there to prevent the average person accomplishing anything via a complaint while logging it for statistical purposes as yet another complaint successfully dealt with. All the ombusdman ever does – whether it’s the banking, communications or law ombudsman, is advise the complainant that the industry or government agency he or she is making the complaint against has the right to screw him or her over under current law.

The only people who have any legal protection in this state/country are the filthy rich who can afford their own legal expenses and the non-Whites, homosexuals and feminists that usually escape needless persecution through their political correctness.

As for SA’s whistleblowers legislation?

Blow it out your arse!
