The Glory And The Catastrophe That Was Rome – A Lesson For All Time

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 20

The history of Ancient Rome embraces a period of over a thousand years. A cogent study of that history gives us a telescopic review of the greatness and the tragedy of the White Race, from its highest pinnacles to its lowest depths, from its greatest glory to its utter collapse.

From the history of Ancient Rome, which spanned the period from 753 B.C. to 476 A.D. we can learn much, if we will.

No other history is as rich in example as is that of Rome. She built the greatest Empire of all time, considering the then-known world. In terms of civilization, language, architecture, law, warfare, sculpture and the art of government, no other civilization has contributed so many essentials as did Ancient Rome.

We, the White Race, owe a tremendous debt of gratitude and have every right to be mighty proud of our early White Racial Comrades. She reached dazzling heights of accomplishment because of the excellency of her racial stock. She also made tragic errors in not safeguarding her racial integrity, errors so colossal that they resulted in her utter collapse. Because Rome did not fully realize the value of her racial genes, nor the importance of race, a great and glorious civilization whose future had unlimited potential sank instead into dismal decay, and finally, into utter collapse. Had Rome had a racial religion such as Creativity, not only would this catastrophe have been averted, but the genetic quality of her sons and daughters and her glorious civilization would have marched onward and upward and advanced to dazzling heights that we can now hardly comprehend.

It therefore behooves us to look closely into her greatness and also make an honest appraisal of her weaknesses and errors. According to a pleasant Roman fiction, Rome was founded by a chieftain named Romulus on April 21, 753 B.C. at about 8 o’clock in the morning. Archaeologists and historians doubt this story, and Rome’s actual beginnings are lost in antiquity. We do not really know where the Romans came from. All we know is that there were various Latin tribesmen in that area in the seventh and eighth century B.C. They fought over strategic river crossings that offered passage between the south and what was to become Etruria to the north. Rome, destined to rule the ancient Mediterranean world, showed no early promise of greatness. Despite the fact that the Italian peninsula was relatively populous in prehistoric times, the site of Rome was without inhabitants before 1000 B.C. Even after the first settlement was made, the future Imperial City was little more than a hamlet situated at a ford in the Tiber River until its conquest and occupation by the Etruscans in the Seventh century B.C. Under these foreign war lords, Rome became a fortified town with a sizeable population, only to fall into obscurity again following the Etruscan withdrawal about 500 B.C. By the middle of the fourth century, however, the Romans had at last found themselves. With the achievement of governmental stability and an efficient military organization, they began a steady expansion which led to the domination of the Italian peninsula, then control of the Western Mediterranean, and finally the conquest of Greece and the Near East.

It was said of Rome that she did not want to conquer the world – only her adjoining neighbours – which of course led to an ever expanding Empire. Subconsciously or otherwise she realized that neighbours at her borders – hostile or otherwise – were always either a present or potential threat to her survival. By their very nature, the Romans were aggressive and expanded their territory. Instinctively they were aware of one of Nature’s eternal laws we have stated in an earlier : Eternal Struggle is the Price of Survival. Fortunately, as the Romans expanded up and down the Italian peninsula they took in and absorbed tribes that were similar, racially, culturally and ethnically. As Rome expanded her empire she became more powerful and more prosperous. Soon she began to collide with other empires that were also powerful in their own right. The Romans were tremendous organizers, great fighters, wise law givers, competent administrators, and capable rulers. Furthermore they were brave, tenacious and indefatigable. It is not our objective to review the thousands of smaller and larger wars they fought, but of special significance is the critical and long series of wars they fought against their powerful rival to the south, namely Carthage.

These wars, known as the Punic Wars, were three in number. The First, 264-241 B.C. began with a Roman collision in Sicily. During this war Rome built up her first real navy, finally defeated Carthage at sea and acquired Sicily. The Second, 218-202 B.C., was even more bitter than the first and was highlighted by the great Carthaginian general, Hannibal, who invaded Rome by means of Spain, and was able to sustain himself on Italian soil for 15 years. He almost brought Rome to her knees. He was finally defeated by Scipio at Zama. Although Carthage was now no longer a dangerous military threat, she soon did regain her commercial prosperity and was again a growing rival of Rome. Led by Cato, the Elder, who ended every Senate speech with “And furthermore I move that Carthage must be destroyed!” (Delenda est Carthago!) Rome finally descended on Carthage in earnest. The Third Punic war lasted from 149 to 146 B.C. When it was over Carthage was completely destroyed. For seventeen days the fires blazed over Carthage, then the buildings and walls were razed. Then a plow was driven over the rubble and salt was sown into the furrows. Finally a solemn curse was spoken over the whole city. The male population was put to the sword, and the women and children sold into slavery. So ended the history of a city and an Empire that had endured for seven centuries. Rome early realized a sound principle that was echoed by General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean war : “There is no Substitute for Victory.”

At about this time Rome itself was infiltrated by an alien people that were to prove more deadly, more treacherous and more tenacious than the Carthaginians. According to a Jewish Encyclopedia, the first accounts of Jewish settlement in Rome date to 139 B.C., but they undoubtedly were there much earlier. It states that Rome is the oldest continuous Jewish settlement in the world. Unlike the Carthaginians, the Jews were not a military threat, but more like an internal disease or virus, they undermined and sickened the whole body politic, culturally, economically, religiously, morally and racially. After the defeat of Carthage, Rome expanded dramatically. By the end of the First Century A.D. it was the supreme and unchallenged ruler of the Mediterranean world, and in fact, of most of the then-known world. Everywhere it conquered it brought law and order, civilization and culture. It built roads, bridges, aqueducts, cities, and in general, brought prosperity and well-being into the territories it governed. It is an acknowledged fact of history that a period of two hundred years, starting with the reign of Emperor Augustus in 27 B.C., was the longest period of peace and prosperity in the history of civilized mankind. This period, known as Pax Romana, was probably also the finest and happiest epoch in mankind’s existence. True, there were minor border skirmishes and internal uprisings that were quelled from time to time. But they did not threaten the Empire as a whole and the average Roman citizen carried on his affairs in relative security in a prosperous and orderly world.

In the middle of this era, during the reign of Emperor Vespasian the Jewish population, who always resist assimilation, revolted in Judaea, a minor Roman Province. General Titus was sent to quell the rebellion. In a siege similar to Carthage, he sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D., levelled it to the ground and sold the population into slavery. Remembering the drastic and final demise of Carthage, one would believe that this was also the end of the Jews. But far from it. Today Romans have been extinct for over seventeen centuries, but the Jews are not only alive, but financial and political masters of the world. In fact, the Jews are the oldest continuous race on the face of the planet – threatening to mongrelize and destroy the White Race, with the power to do so. We might pause here and well ask – why did Carthage, a mighty military and commercial power, perish, when the inferior Jews in a similar fate, did not? Why did the Jews survive, when their victors, the mighty Roman Empire and the virile Romans did not? It is a key question and the answer to it, as we will see, brings us to the heart of what our religion, Creativity, is all about. The answer to the question is this : the Jews then, as now, possessed a strong racial religion, and they have rallied around their religion with race as the core, for the last five thousand years. We have already studied the importance of a racial religion and will have more to say about this later. In their rebellion against the Romans the Jews were utterly devastated militarily. They realized that they could never match the Romans in a contest of arms.

But they had a number of other factors going for them. Unlike Carthage they were not congregated in a specific geographic area. In fact, they were dispersed all over the Roman world, specializing even then in the slave trade, in finance, and feeding on the trade routes. Then as now, they covered all the nerve centers of power. The dispersion out of Jerusalem and Judaea did not weaken but only reinforced the Jewish infection on the life lines of the Roman Empire. Collectively they planned revenge on the Romans, for whom they harbored an intense and pathological hatred. In fact, the Jews always hate that which is best in the White Race and instinctively set about to destroy the best. Since the Jews knew they had no chance of destroying the Romans militarily, they conspired to use their most powerful weapon – mind manipulation, and they chose religion as the vehicle to do it with. About 100 B.C. a small Jewish sect, called the Essenes, originated around the area of the Dead Sea. This sect promoted ideas of self debasement that were highly suicidal to those who embraced this creed. Toward the end of the first century A.D. this teaching evolved into Christianity, but still a purely Jewish cult. It was regarded as a subversive and destructive movement by the mainstream of the Jewish leaders and was opposed and persecuted by them. Among the persecutors of the Christian cult was one Saul of Tarsus, a Jew, who later became Christianity’s St. Paul. One day while persecuting (Jewish) Christians, he conceived the brilliant idea of humbling and destroying the mighty Roman Empire by selling this suicidal creed, Christianity, to the Gentiles.

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This idea was the most significant turning point in history. No plague, series of plagues, wars or disasters during the next two thousand years has wreaked more horrible calamity on the White Race of the world than what happened next. So well did Saul of Tarsus do his job that he was soon joined and backed by the entire Jewish network in selling these suicidal teachings to the Romans. The Jews went about it with a vengeance, feeding the Romans such idiotic and self destructive ideas as “love your enemies”, “turn the other cheek”, “sell all thou hast and give it to the poor”, “resist not evil”, “judge not” and much other suicidal advice. Strange to say, the Romans fell for this idiotic garbage like a cat attracted to catnip. The Romans, who had always been virile, clear headed and practical, who had conquered the world, now gradually turned into limp jellyfish, into pacifist milksops. Their once clear and practical minds turned from the real world to a fantasy world of spooks in the skies. Instead of taking care of their responsibilities in the real world, the only world in which man has ever been known to live, their concern now turned to “saving souls” – their own and others from a fiery “hereafter.” Whereas they had been extremely proficient in building a superior civilization and a better world, they now abandoned all this and a mad frenzy about spooks in the skies preoccupied their minds. Mass insanity set in, and the Jews had done it all with their ultimate weapon – selling the Romans on a suicidal religion.

There is one other major factor that also contributed to the breakup of the Empire. We said previously that the Jews specialized in the slave trade. The fact is they practically monopolized it, as they did in North and South America more than a thousand years later. Whereas the Jews were (and are) extremely race conscious, the Romans were not. In conspiring to pull down the Romans they frantically promoted the importation of slaves, especially from Africa and Asia. Every wealthy Roman had slaves and some wealthy estates had anywhere from a thousand to twenty thousand alien slaves. Mongrelization between Romans and slaves became commonplace. In keeping the picture in proper perspective, we must also remember that not all slaves were of inferior racial stock. Many slaves were also from Western Europe which blended well with the white Roman stock. But as time progressed, the Asiatic, Egyptian and African breed predominated. As bad money drives out good, so the inferior out-bred the superior. By the time of Hadrian in the second century A.D. the oriental element increasingly began to predominate. Over the generations the liberated slaves and their mongrelized offspring expanded and the original Roman stock dwindled and died out. It was especially among the poorer riff-raff, the slaves and the mongrels that Christianity initially found its most fertile soil and took root. So effective was the twin Jewish programme of Christianity and Mongrelization that by the year 476 the glory that was Rome collapsed in utter shambles.

Rome was no more. Christianity with the Jews in control took over the wreckage. The Dark Ages set in. For the next thousand years superstition, poverty, ignorance, confusion and turmoil prevailed. It was a miserable age which can best be described as mass insanity. The Spooks in the Sky swindle was now fully in charge. It was not until the Renaissance that the White people of Europe again slowly began to extricate themselves and come to their senses. The recovery from the disease was slow, painful and only partial. To this very day this disease poisons and afflicts the minds of hundreds of millions of our White Racial Comrades to where they cannot think rationally. Such is the triumph and tragedy of Rome. Her rich heritage has survived for the benefit of the White Race despite the fact that it has been (and is) smothered and polluted with a subversive creed alien to the White Race – namely Jewish Christianity. Those benefits in the fields of language, architecture, law, warfare, sculpture and the art of government (and many other areas) are strongly imbedded in our present day culture, nevertheless. But her racial genes are as extinct as the dodo and the dinosaur.

So let us take stock. Let us analyze those glorious thousand years of history. What made the Romans so great? Why did they fail to survive and continue that wonderful civilization onward and upward?

On the Positive Side we can conclude :

1) The genius of the Roman civilization was basically due to their excellent racial stock. It was inherent in their genes. They were a tall, blonde, blue-eyed White Race endowed by Nature with beauty, creativity and intelligence.

2) The Romans were brave, energetic, tenacious and ever aggressive to expand and press forward.

3) They were great organizers in warfare, in goverment, in building programmes, in formulating their excellent language, Latin, and practically every other significant field of endeavour.

4) In the field of law, government and administration they have never been excelled, in fact, not even ever equalled by any other people. Most of the fundamentals of the laws of the White Race today have their origins in Roman law.

5) They recognized their (military) enemies and did not hesitate to destroy them utterly, and if necessary, wipe them off the face of the earth, as they did in the case of Carthage.

6) Whereas the Greeks were more imaginative, artistic and creative, the Romans were more pragmatic. They were a practical people. They had a genius for absorbing and adapting other peoples’ ideas, customs and cultures to means useful to their own purpose.

7) They built their military might so that it was second to none. The soldiers were manly, brave, courageous and relentless. In a few centuries they conquered most of the then-known world.

8) They developed the most expressive and orderly language in the history of mankind. Today, 2,000 years later, the Latin Language is still unequalled by any other.

9) They had an inborn sense of responsibility towards their homes, their family, their country and their Empire.

10) The Romans were great builders with a sense of destiny.

On the Negative Side there are characteristics that are also of special significance to us :

1) The Romans failed to realize that their Empire, their civilization and their greatness was due to the innate quality of their superb racial stock. In short they failed to recognize the inherent value of race and failed to protect their own.

2) They failed to understand the parasitic characteristics of the Jews, and did not recognize the deadly virus in their midst.

3) They failed to understand the power of ideas, propaganda and religion, and subsequently had no defense against the treacherous Jew, who understood them only too well.

4) They allowed the Jewish slave traders to import Negroes, orientals, Asiatics and other dark races into their empire, and had an open policy of “assimilating” their conquered subjects and territories. They practised inter-racial marriages. By these two means they polluted and poisoned their own blood stream into extinction. As the saying goes, Rome conquered the world, but lost her own soul. Actually, she lost her own racial genes.

5) Instead of breeding their own workers in every category, their slave policy led to shrinkage and extinction of their own race.

6) Similarly, the policy of being administrators and rulers of their territories led to the advancement and expansion of their “subjects,” but the decline and extinction of Romans. In fairness to the Romans, they did found and settle many of their colonies and provinces with their own veterans. Unfortunately, many of them intermarried with the natives. But again, they paid too little heed to race, which proved their ultimate downfall.

7) If they had had a strong sense of racial loyalty, rather than “national” loyalty to Rome, and embodied this as their central national religion, they would neither have been mongrelized, nor would they have succumbed to the poisonous new religion the Jews injected into their thinking : a religion which unhinged their reasoning and brought about their destruction.

8) Had the Romans had such a religion, instead of the silly, superficial religion they copied from the Greeks, Roman civilization would undoubtedly have survived to this day and for many thousands of years thereafter. In fact, civilizations do not die except when their racial blood becomes contaminated and the progeny is no longer the same as the forefathers who created the original civilization and culture in the first place.

9) If Roman civilization had prevailed, what a blessing for this world it would have been! Instead of a Jew-ridden world racked by revolution, dissension and anarchy, teeming with increasing floods of mongrels and dark races, we would today have a beautiful White world in every part of every continent, prosperous, peaceful, orderly, and productive. We would have a world minus the dark races and inferior scum that infests so much of the good real estate of the globe today, and undoubtedly minus that destroyer of all civilizations – the parasitic Jew.

10) Because they allowed the mongrelization of their racial stock; the infiltration of the Jew into their finances, education and government; and because they then succumbed to the suicidal “new” Christian religion, they perished miserably.

The Romans in their time were without a doubt the greatest colonizers the world had ever known. This is a basic urge in Nature that every creature has inherent in its make-up. Next time we will examine how well, or how poorly the White Race has done since the days of the Romans, and how it is doing today.

Link: The White Man’s Bible (PDF)