Tag: Jewish Christianity

Every Creator a Reverend

Now that we have the blueprint drawn, the foundations laid and the framework for the White Racial Religion of the future under construction, it behooves us to put muscle on the bones as quickly as possible. This we are attempting to do and the means to do it with are people more good, aggressive, White activist people. We need to utilize our resources to the utmost and take advantage of every means at our disposal. As Ben Klassen have pointed out a number of times, religion is undoubtedly the most powerful motivator and energizer to ever influence the human elements …

What The Creativity Revolution Is All About

Throughout history different civilizations and cultures have established for themselves a set of values that they hold in high esteem. Although some of these may seem frivolous, even stupid, to other rival cultures, nevertheless they were and are the fundamental yardsticks of each of those particular cultures, nations and/or civilizations – values they hold dear. How were these primary values established? Again, going back into history we find such values were derived and molded through their particular religious beliefs. Whereas to White Europeans a cow is just a cow, a useful animal that is not too bright, yet to Hindus …

The Debt Swindle

There are two basic points I (Ben Klassen) want to drive home in this article. The first point is that we, the White Race, are being totally enslaved by the JOG. Secondly, nobody can be enslaved unless they willingly cooperate with their slavemasters. Therefore the first step in our liberation is the straightening out of our thinking through a Revolution of Values. Right now, the Jews control the money creating machinery in the U.S. (FED) and all other White countries (Central or Reserve Banks), and it is probably the most powerful and significant weapon of all in the arsenal of …

Racial Hygiene

What do we mean by Eugenics? Basically it means racial health. All species of Nature practice it instinctively. All species, whether it is a herd of buffalo, or deer, or caribou, or a flock of ducks, do basically two things to keep the genetics of the herd or the flock healthy : (a) there is a continuous culling out of the misfits in order to improve the genetic quality of the herd or flock (survival of the fittest), and, (b) they do not interbreed with another similar species, no matter how closely related that species may be. There are a …

Analysis From The White Man’s Point Of View

Now in reaching the conclusions I (Ben Klassen) will be coming to, I want to make it clear that I am using the criteria as set forth in Creative Credo No. 2 of the White Man’s Bible. We Creators look at everything from the White Man’s point of view. Not from “America’s” point of view, not from the Jews’ point of view, nor that of world “humanity,” nor are we looking at it from the Negroes’ point of view, nor “through the snake’s eyes.” The bottom line is – what do all these dramatic changes occurring in today’s world bode …

“Kill The Best First”

“Kill The Best First”

In evaluating the horrible slaughter of White people that history has labeled as World War II, we must carefully keep in mind that this murderous and insane tragedy was basically a Jewish war, instigated by world Jewry, planned by them long in advance, orchestrated by the Kehilla from beginning to the end, and there was only one winner – the Jews. It was not just a war against Germany, but another major step in euchring the White Race to turn on itself and destroy its precious and unique Gene Pool. Indeed, it was for the sole benefit and bloodlust of …

Bashing The Rich – Fangs Of Bolshevism

The basic plank of Karl Marx’s communist creed is that the rich are the incarnation of all the world’s evil, and must be exterminated from the face of the earth. Once these nasty rich, these “Capitalists” have been destroyed, the “proletariat,” supposedly the working class, will take over, and there will be no more exploitation of the workers. Ipso facto, all problems, which are basically a matter of economics anyway (so the theory goes) will have been solved. If we will only get rid of those damn “Capitalists,” we could have a beautiful new world order. Class distinctions will fade …

Survival, Expansion And Advancement

These three words are the key words we Creators have in mind in our programme for the salvation, resurrection, and redemption of Nature’s Finest, our precious White Race. The more you think about it, these ideas become so obvious, you are led to wonder why no one has spelled it out before. Yet nowhere else but in the programme of the Church of Creativity have I ever before seen this combination set down in print. Because it is so simple, yet it’s implications so comprehensive, it has also been largely misunderstood by some, and deliberately distorted and misrepresented by our …

Creativity – Creed And Programme

Creativity – Creed And Programme

Fundamental Points :

1] Creativity is a racial religion whose prime goal is the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race.

2] Our organization is known as the Church Of Creativity. Our movement and religious philosophy are called Creativity, and members of our church are called Creators.

3] Every issue, whether religious, philosophical, political or racial, is viewed through the eyes of the White Man, and exclusively from the point of view of the White Race as a whole.

4] The cardinal test of any theory, plan, or programme is this : Will it accrue to the benefit of …