Tag: red sea pedestrian

Jews: Hate Them Because They Hate You

It doesn’t matter what country Jews live in – America, Australia, Europe, or their Palestinian home, Isntreal – when they get the upper hand they will spit on you, assault you with fists boots and objects at hand, and if they can get away with it, mow you down with a machine gun while every Jew in the land defends them or at the very least, finds some way to excuse them.

Yet all you have to do is to do is whisper an innocuous remark under your breath in the presence of someone who reports it to a Jew …

Intermarriage for Jews a No-Go

Jews: The chief advocates of multiculturalism, intermarriage, miscegenation – the destruction of race and traditions for people of White or European descent, do not allow their own people to follow the same trends. Usually the Jewish imperative is maintained through Jewish religious and cultural activities. With the advent of the nation of Israel, the Israeli government has been able to install a pro-Jewish version of the Nuremburg laws. The latest is an Israeli government sponsered US$40 million print, television and internet campaign attempting to put a stop to Jewish miscegenation – or as Jews call it, assimilation – by urging …

Advertiser Editorial: Jail a price Toben should have to pay

While just about every mainstream media (MSM) correspondent claims that the incarceration of Doctor Frederick Toben has silenced him for good, the Editor of the Adelaide Advertiser (often in what would be deemed “hate speech” if I were to write in such a way about the Jewish community for example) claims this is not so.

Originating Article Details:

Advertiser Editorial: Jail a price Toben should have to pay
The Editor, Melvin Mansell: The Advertiser | August 15, 2009

Although he does follow the MSM practice of synchronised intolerance for views that grate against the politically correct grain, the Editor …

Doctor Toben Begins Prison Sentence for Denying Dogma

This is an update for http://creativityalliance.com/2009/05/13/dr-frederick-toben-sentenced-to-three-months-prison

Background: In 2002, a judge of the Federal Court of Australia found that Töben’s website “vilified Jewish people”, and ordered Töben to remove offensive material from his site. [Wikipedia.]

According to The Advertiser’s Court Reporter, Sean Fewster,

HOLOCAUST “revisionist” Fredrick Toben has finally been silenced and jailed for repeatedly insulting and abusing the Jewish race via the Internet. [Full story here.]

Being of German origin, Dr Toben, like all German people surviving the horrors of World War II, and their descendants, has himself been and continues to be vilified, and …

Simon Wiesenthal Was a Liar

The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies

The London Times | July 19, 2009

UPDATE: The article was removed from the source site on August 14, 2009.

Simon Wiesenthal, famed for his pursuit of justice, caught fewer war criminals than he claimed and fabricated much of his own Holocaust story.

Since the early 1960s Simon Wiesenthal’s name has become synonymous with Nazi hunting. His standing is that of a secular saint. Nominated four times for the Nobel peace prize, the recipient of a British honorary knighthood, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the French Légion d’honneur and at least 53 other …

Dr Frederick Toben Sentenced to Three Months Prison

Doctor Frederick Toben of the Adelaide Institute http://adelaideinstitute.org has been sentenced to three months prison for refusing to kowtow to Jewish supremacist “Holocaust” dogma, in which six million Jews were supposedly murdered by various means including cyanide gas, by the Nazis during WWII. He has also won a fourteen day reprieve to file papers for an appeal.

“I’ve mentally prepared myself to go inside for a few weeks or months,” said Doctor Toben.

“Anyone who expresses an opinion should not be silenced because someone else is offended, but my opinions have been criminalised.

“How could I regret having done something …

If Militant Jews are OK, What’s Wrong with Militant Whites?


Consider what would happen to any White only group that openly trained for war in this fashion. The government would immediately shut them down while the media screamed “Nazis,” “racists,” and “terrorists.” All participants would be arrested on various bogus charges, and Jewish groups would declare that the world is a little bit safer from anti-Semitism.

The Jewish Defense League is a terrorist organisation based in the United States of America that encourages the harassment and murder of non-Jews, and anybody that takes a public stand against Jewish supremacy.

In December of 2001 Irving David Rubin and Earl Leslie …

Jews Demand the Holohoax be Taught in Australian Schools

Schools failing to teach on Holocaust

Justine Ferrari, Education writer: The Australian | July 10, 2008


AN obsession with Australian history in curriculums has left students able to leave school without knowing that the Holocaust occurred.

In a speech to high school principals, NSW education department head Michael Coutts-Trotter regretted the omission of the Holocaust from the state’s mandatory history course.

“I discovered for the first time about a month ago that you can get through compulsory schooling in NSW and never know that the Holocaust, the destruction of Jews in Europe, actually happened,” he said. “You will know …



The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression ‘racial prejudice’. Initially this referred to making a judgment about a person based on their race, before receiving information relevant to the particular issue on which a judgment was being made; it came, however, to be widely used to refer to any hostile attitude towards people based on their race. Subsequently the word has come to be widely so interpreted in this way in …