Tag: Nature’s Eternal Religion

Civilization Without A Racial Religion – A Self-Destructive Process

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 19

Lets today examine the past, present and future genetic development of the White Race. We want to look at the heights reached in the past, where we are today, and what we aim to accomplish in the future. We also want to study the destructive influences of civilization itself on the genetic changes regarding the White Race. We also want to make sure that in the future civilization will become a tool for the genetic betterment of the White Race, rather than an implement for the erosion …

Only A Homogenous Society Can Be Governed And Can Endure

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 17

History has proven over and over again that no multi-racial or polyglot society has survived for long. We have seen that a healthy body will not and cannot tolerate any alien organisms in itself, so also a society cannot survive admixture with alien elements. Let us learn this basic lesson for all time and heed it and heed it well!

Let us state it another way: Any society whose elements are composed of two or more differentiated races will perpetually be at war within itself until it …

Nature’s Model Or Organized White Society On A Global Scale

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 16

Throughout Nature there is intensive organization. The ways of Nature are replete with systems and logic that have a striking similarity, on a small scale (in microcosm), or on a vast scale (macrocosm). For example, the atom (in microcosm) has a very similar arrangement to the solar system (in macrocosm). The atom has a nucleus around which revolve satellites, such as electrons, protons, neutrons and other sub-atomic particles.

Holding their orbits in place forces similar to those in the solar system come into play – gravitational forces, …

We Are Not Atheists, We Are Creators!

From Racial Loyalty – Issue 4, by Ben Klassen

For too long we Creators have been called atheists. For too long we have been smeared and slandered by Christian name callers, and we are getting damned sick and tired of it. It is not good enough for us to merely take a defensive posture and say, “No, we are not atheists.” We do not accept the Christian’s derogatory epithets and labels. We are Creators. It is time for us to go on the offensive and no longer tolerate such nonsense. We must attack – attack their insidious and deceitful …

The Black Tide And The Dark Flood Are Upon Us

From Building a Whiter Brighter World, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 28 – September 1985

The Jewish goal is to drive all the Whites out of Africa, and finally from the planet earth. When I wrote Nature’s Eternal Religion back in 1971 and ’72, I predicted that the foolish racial policies of both Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa would culminate in the self-destruction of both of these two flourishing countries in Africa, two countries that were founded by sturdy White pioneers of over a century ago.

Today, Rhodesia is no more. It has been replaced by …

About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society

– By Ben Klassen.

Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen

In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity than any other concept. They further smirk unto themselves that each one of these words contradicts the others, and that none of these concepts are workable in the real world, yet by throwing them out to the …

Racial Hygiene

What do we mean by Eugenics? Basically it means racial health. All species of Nature practice it instinctively. All species, whether it is a herd of buffalo, or deer, or caribou, or a flock of ducks, do basically two things to keep the genetics of the herd or the flock healthy : (a) there is a continuous culling out of the misfits in order to improve the genetic quality of the herd or flock (survival of the fittest), and, (b) they do not interbreed with another similar species, no matter how closely related that species may be. There are a …

Remember The Alamo – Never Forget Dresden!

Remember The Alamo – Never Forget Dresden!

The mission fortress of the Alamo at the little town of San Antonio de Bejar had been under siege for twelve days. The 6000 man army led by that flamboyant and cruel dictator of Mexico, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, had taken a heavy toll at the hands of the gallant 182 Texans inside the fort, whereas miraculously the Texans had, at this point, not lost a single man. On the thirteenth day, on the early morning of March 9, 1836, Santa Anna decided to storm the walls. With his buglers playing the famed Moorish March, the “Deguello,” the …

Bashing The Rich – Fangs Of Bolshevism

The basic plank of Karl Marx’s communist creed is that the rich are the incarnation of all the world’s evil, and must be exterminated from the face of the earth. Once these nasty rich, these “Capitalists” have been destroyed, the “proletariat,” supposedly the working class, will take over, and there will be no more exploitation of the workers. Ipso facto, all problems, which are basically a matter of economics anyway (so the theory goes) will have been solved. If we will only get rid of those damn “Capitalists,” we could have a beautiful new world order. Class distinctions will fade …