Tag: Rothschild

Racial Socialism

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 6

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

In his frantic, unending endeavor to blunt and stifle the healthy, natural instincts of the White Man, the Jew has worked feverishly to confuse us on those prime issues that are vital for our survival. In this category I have already mentioned the havoc he has wrought relative to our ideas about racial loyalty and also our religious orientation. One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably.

Since this idea has been so …

The Jewish Take-Over of South Africa

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

In the 19th century the British fought wars to subject the Boer states to British Rule. In 1948, the Boers took power democratically, with the election of the National Party. In the 1960s the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took power and implemented the formal separate but equal policies in South Africa. These policies made South Africa the economically strongest nation in Africa, and gave the blacks in South Africa (and the whites) the highest standards of living of any African nation. Verwoerd’s policies had two main opponents. One was a Jew named Harry Oppenheimer, the other a Jew named Anton …

Polarization And Confrontation

From Racial Loyalty – Issue 29, by Ben Klassen

The Jew contrives to delay it until the White Race is too weak and degenerate to fight back before closing in on the kill. From the earliest dawn of history, it has been the White Race that has written it, and achieved all the major accomplishments that were worth writing about.

For thousands of years, the White Race and the White Race alone has built civilizations, built empires and reigned supreme. Not until as recently as 69 years ago, after WWII, has the White Race seriously been threatened of being …

The Black Tide And The Dark Flood Are Upon Us

From Building a Whiter Brighter World, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 28 – September 1985

The Jewish goal is to drive all the Whites out of Africa, and finally from the planet earth. When I wrote Nature’s Eternal Religion back in 1971 and ’72, I predicted that the foolish racial policies of both Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa would culminate in the self-destruction of both of these two flourishing countries in Africa, two countries that were founded by sturdy White pioneers of over a century ago.

Today, Rhodesia is no more. It has been replaced by …

Rothschild Money Power

Rothschild Money Power

We now come full circle as to who and what caused the Civil War and culminated in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In this whole treacherous and catastrophic series of events, let me assure you, that freeing of the slaves was never the real and underlying issue. The issue was two fold – money and race. Both of these issues are the primary domain of the Jewish cabal and have been for at least three thousand years. The Jewish focus on money and power therefore did not start with the Rothschild family dynasty, but it did reach new heights with …

About The American Civil War

There are some further observations I (Ben Klassen) want to make about the so-called Civil War, which was not a civil war at all, but more correctly a war between one group of American states (the North, or the Union) and another group of American states (the South, or Confederate States) In a war of secession (the latter from the former). In so doing, I may not have any new information to offer, except for one important point that historians have chosen to ignore, and that is this : viewing that war from the point of view that the real …

Changing The Future – The Lincoln Assassination

Sequel to the Kennedy Assassination
1] “If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel…” Benjamin Disraeli, (Son of Isaac D’Israeli and, secondly, British Prime Minister) toasting and bragging to Nathan Rothschild’s boys at the wedding of their sister, Lenora, to their cousin Alfonso in 1857.
2] “We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and stupidity. They shall massacre each other and clear the ground for us.” From the funeral oration of Rabbi Reichhorn (Page 59 of the Rothschild Money Trust).

Let us take …

Jews And Communism In South Africa – Part 4

For the most part, the Jews had come to South Africa from Lithuania at the turn of the century. They had been popular at first, but by the mid-1930`s this was no longer the case. The Jews had become heavily urbanized. In Johannesburg, they constituted 17 per cent of the population and were sufficiently conspicuous so that the metropolis was sometimes referred to, not as Jo burg, but as Jewburg. They aroused envy and some rancor during the years of depression because they controlled a large part of the business of Johannesburg and other cities. Anti-Semitism was fed by the …