Tag: Fighting Back

Narisha Pienaar Fights Two Black Home Invaders

Narisha Pienaar is the Whitest African Heroine

From the Middelburg Observer | South Africa

She’s 1.5meters tall, weighs less than 50kg but she fought so fiercely against two burly black male attackers, that police launched an investigation to find out if any males were treated for deep slashes to their faces. The two thugs got between her two-year-old child inside the house – and the mom putting up the curtains. She said she fought for life or death. The thugs had to duck away for a sugar pot, a kettle and a very heavy table, which was brough down on …

White Man Fights Off Knife-Wielding Nigger Gang

From South Africa | News24

Durban – A Westville homeowner fought off a gang of knife-wielding home invaders who threatened his family on Wednesday night. Yuri Reinders managed to disarm one of the men who had stormed his Thames Road home, near Durban, and stabbed him repeatedly as they fought. Reinders escaped without injury.

Speaking to News24, his partner Lucille Coetzee said that the ordeal began in the early evening. “We had been sitting down for dinner and the dogs started barking. At the time I thought it might have been a new cat which belongs to tenants in our …

Farmers Thwart Farm Attack – Black Suspect Dead

Good News from South Africa

Source: Newcastle Advertiser | Kyle Cowan | 22 December 2014


Amersfoort, Rolfontein farm, Newcastle — Thwarted farm-attack.

Dead Niggers

Six black male suspects got far more than they bargained for when they descended on a farm approximately 18 kilometers from Amersfoort late on Sunday afternoon. According to reports, six men, some of who were armed, attacked Rolfontein Farm just after 5.30pm. The exact circumstances surrounding the attack are unclear at this stage. It is believed a shootout ensued between the attackers and local farmers who came to the aid of the victims. It is further believed …

Survives Attack By Four Black Gunmen

From Farmitracker | South Africa | December 2014

Boer Lives Matter

“The ‘robber’ is fighting for his life in hospital after his victim – who is too terrified to have his name published – shot him to defend his daughter from the gunmen shortly after four blacks attacked the girl, 22, and her boyfriend shortly after 21h00 on Sunday.

The boyfriend had just dropped off the daughter at her house when the four armed black men stopped behind them in a luxury black BMW. “Three of the men went to the driver’s since and plucked my boyfriend from the car, he pleading with …

Demonstration Against Boer Genocide

On Saturday, 19th April, 23 activists took to the streets of London to demand an end to the destruction of the Boer people in South Africa.

The day started with activists gathering near Charing Cross promptly at 1pm, from there they moved on to South Africa House where a flash demonstration took place for nearly an hour. A group of ordinary people quickly assembled around our demonstration as onlookers listened to speeches expounding on the problems White people face in South Africa and urging action to be taken immediately to stop further bloodletting of White people.

Demonstration Against Boer Genocide

We were also bearing …

We Are Finished With Black South Africa

Afrikaners burned the South African flag outside Delmas law courts today – protesting against their own genocide – demanded their own Afrikaner council to rule only themselves, and proclaimed : “We are finished with black South Africa”. On the same day when a group of peaceful Afrikaner protestors burned the South African flag outside the Delmas magistrate’s court, declaring they have no faith in the Zuma-government to protect their small minority-nation –  in Brussels a Dutch MP also said it ‘was ‘absurd to give even one Euro to the corrupt and discriminatory ANC-regime in South Africa, seeing its present attitude …

Afrikaans Youths In Black-Face Protest Against Racist University Policies

Afrikaans Youths In Black-Face Protest Against Racist University Policies

A group of students, accompanied by a delegation of AfriForum Youth, painted themselves black in front of the Department of Higher Education, as a protest against the anti-white “racial targets” the Department is imposing on the Veterinary Science Faculty of the University of Pretoria – the only such faculty in South Africa. AfriForum Youth issued a statement, noting they represented some 30 prospective Afrikaans students who had collectively earned 190 distinctions in Matric, but were turned away by the university’s Veterinary Science Faculty owing to “poor academic performance”.

“AfriForum Youth, students and parents protested against the entry requirements for veterinary …