Tag: Eugenics

Revolutionary Leadership

From On the Brink of a Bloody Racial War, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 81 – June 1992

Leadership, like fame, is an elusive and fleeting quantity. Some people have leadership thrust upon them, others train for it and struggle hard to obtain it, others are born to it.

In this discourse we are interested how we, the Church of Creativity can obtain more and better leaders in our movement.

We need thousands of leaders and millions of followers.

Leaders come in different shapes and categories. Some are financial leaders, some are best fitted to be political leaders, …

About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society

– By Ben Klassen.

Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen

In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity than any other concept. They further smirk unto themselves that each one of these words contradicts the others, and that none of these concepts are workable in the real world, yet by throwing them out to the …


If we are to survive in a world gone stark, raving mad, we must sort out our priorities and put them in proper order.

The word triage is of French origin and derives from the word “trier,” meaning to sift, to sort out. It came into prominence during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 when battle casualties were tremendous and the French army medics were hard put in their limited efforts and resources to try to save what they could of the overwhelming number of wounded and dying on the battlefield. Since it was completely impossible to save all the wounded, …

Racial Hygiene

What do we mean by Eugenics? Basically it means racial health. All species of Nature practice it instinctively. All species, whether it is a herd of buffalo, or deer, or caribou, or a flock of ducks, do basically two things to keep the genetics of the herd or the flock healthy : (a) there is a continuous culling out of the misfits in order to improve the genetic quality of the herd or flock (survival of the fittest), and, (b) they do not interbreed with another similar species, no matter how closely related that species may be. There are a …

Survival, Expansion And Advancement

These three words are the key words we Creators have in mind in our programme for the salvation, resurrection, and redemption of Nature’s Finest, our precious White Race. The more you think about it, these ideas become so obvious, you are led to wonder why no one has spelled it out before. Yet nowhere else but in the programme of the Church of Creativity have I ever before seen this combination set down in print. Because it is so simple, yet it’s implications so comprehensive, it has also been largely misunderstood by some, and deliberately distorted and misrepresented by our …

Creativity – Creed And Programme

Creativity – Creed And Programme

Fundamental Points :

1] Creativity is a racial religion whose prime goal is the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race.

2] Our organization is known as the Church Of Creativity. Our movement and religious philosophy are called Creativity, and members of our church are called Creators.

3] Every issue, whether religious, philosophical, political or racial, is viewed through the eyes of the White Man, and exclusively from the point of view of the White Race as a whole.

4] The cardinal test of any theory, plan, or programme is this : Will it accrue to the benefit of …

Rosenberg’s Germanic Religion vs Creativity – A Comparison

A) Basis of Belief
The German nationalistic religion that both Hitler and Rosenberg envisaged never became a reality. At the time of Hitler’s death in 1945, Protestant and Catholic Christianity was the prevalent religion of the land, as it still is today. We therefore have to distinguish between the religious dogma of the contemplated religion and the political dogma of the Nazi party. The religious philosophy was dimly outlined in Rosenberg’s many writings, particularly his magnum opus, Mythos, and also in Hitler’s Mein Kampf. They vaguely expressed the intent to create such a religion, to be based on the myths, …