Tag: thoughtcrime

Thoughtcrime: Race & Intelligence

Thoughtcrime: The Study of Race and Intelligence, and the Jews’ Furious Reaction

By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC


Recently in Sacramento, California, a high school student made a science project suggesting that race and intelligence do, in fact, correlate. The student, part of the school’s elite HISP program, examined the 508 students in his program, and listed the statistics as 312 White students, 104 gook students, 80 spic students and 12 Negro students. After providing evidence pointing the lower intelligence held by the Negroes and muds, the student concluded that it was justified that …

Adelaide Institute’s Doctor Toben Reveals Flaws in Judicial Process

Holocaust denier’s ‘attack on justice’

Pia Akerman: The Australian | August 06, 2008


HOLOCAUST denier Fredrick Toben aggravated charges of criminal contempt of court by attacking federal judges and the judicial process, a court has heard.

Dr Toben yesterday pleaded not guilty to 28 charges alleging he breached orders made by the Federal Court in 2002, as well as an undertaking he made last year to remove offensive material from his website. The former schoolteacher, who spent seven months in a German prison in 1999 for inciting racism, is facing a possible finding of criminal contempt in the Federal …

SA Government Raid’s Home – 2006

The following blog entry was originally written in October of 2006 for another blog I wrote on from 2006 until October 1, 2008 (yesterday). The Director of Public Prosecutions did not authorise the police to investigate my case. So I was not charged and the confiscated items were eventually returned in late January of 2008 after two years sitting in the storage room at Major Crime.

Thoughtcrime or Thoughtcriminal? Why do I choose to describe myself as such?

The answer to that is, to put it bluntly, the corrupt state (at the present time I live in the state of …