Tag: Jewish Goals

Jewish Goals – Upgrading The Dark Races

A] Welfare Programmes

These programmes are designed with the full support and encouragement of government agencies so that the blacks can loaf and ride on the back of the working White People. Today`s welfare programmes are becoming a tax-payer`s nightmare and a free-loader`s paradise. The parasites and freeloaders are further encouraged by a treacherous government to increase and multiply by making it easier, and in some case, more profitable to breed and not to work. Black females aged between 14 and 15, start having children without the benefit of marriage. Reaching the age of 35 they have produced anywhere from …

Jewish Goals – Numerical Increase Of The Dark Races

A] Subsidizing

By dangling catch-words such as help, charity, compassion, humanitarianism, aid to the needy, etc, in front of the gullible White “goyim”, the Jew has the White Man subsidizing not only the dark races all over the world, but the White Man is sending huge quantities of aid to all his other enemies. He is subsidizing the mulattoes of more than 120 countries throughout the world, communist Russia and all her satellites, and the bandit state of Israel. Most of these mailings and “charitable” programs are organized by the Jews. When tracing the money so garnered, it is found …

Jewish Goals – Instigating Wars As a Method Of Extermination

Jewish Goals – Instigating Wars As a Method Of Extermination

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes, we will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment.