Tag: palestine

Jews: Hate Them Because They Hate You

It doesn’t matter what country Jews live in – America, Australia, Europe, or their Palestinian home, Isntreal – when they get the upper hand they will spit on you, assault you with fists boots and objects at hand, and if they can get away with it, mow you down with a machine gun while every Jew in the land defends them or at the very least, finds some way to excuse them.

Yet all you have to do is to do is whisper an innocuous remark under your breath in the presence of someone who reports it to a Jew …

Dr Frederick Toben Sentenced to Three Months Prison

Doctor Frederick Toben of the Adelaide Institute http://adelaideinstitute.org has been sentenced to three months prison for refusing to kowtow to Jewish supremacist “Holocaust” dogma, in which six million Jews were supposedly murdered by various means including cyanide gas, by the Nazis during WWII. He has also won a fourteen day reprieve to file papers for an appeal.

“I’ve mentally prepared myself to go inside for a few weeks or months,” said Doctor Toben.

“Anyone who expresses an opinion should not be silenced because someone else is offended, but my opinions have been criminalised.

“How could I regret having done something …