Tag: flag
Government & RSL say, the Australian Flag is not for Ordinary People
Flag flying not for hoons
Courier Mail | January 30, 2009
THE Australian flag is a revered symbol of our nation and as such should be treated with the respect it deserves.
None of us should be ashamed to display proudly our most recognisable national symbol, but those loutish buffoons who drape themselves in the flag as an aggressive declaration of their Australianness do nothing but make fools of themselves and degrade the flag’s true meaning.
…The Australian Flag symbolizes, murder, rape, stolen generation, genocide, invasion and a lot of other horrible things that your people did to
Creator Flags and Pins
Creator flags and pins are now available for purchase from
Former soldier ordered to take down ‘offensive’ Aussie flag
The Advertiser | October 09, 2008
A COUNCIL has ordered an ex-soldier to take down the Australian flag which flies outside his house because it has been deemed “offensive” by a neighbour.
Aaron Wilson erected the 5m high flagpole eight weeks ago, in honour of his friends who served in Iraq.
But on Tuesday, Logan City Council called to tell him a neighbour had made a complaint, labelling it “offensive”.
He was told to remove the pole or risk legal action. Mr Wilson, whose father fought in Vietnam, said he was disgusted.
“I find it astonishing that anyone could …