Tag: Creator

Br. John Hobb

Creator Forum Profile Link @JohnHobb

It was early December of this year, cold and rainy. Work had sent us home. On the way, I noticed more and more people did not look like me, act like me, or speak like me. I shook my head and wondered where my people, my Race, would wind up. I was lost and mad.

I immediately got on the web and began searching for answers. I found the American Nazi Party, but the demand for money/funds in every aspect of their ‘reports’ made my stomach shrink.

I found the NSM, but again what I …

What a Creator is Not

I. A CREATOR is not gullible, and does not easily accept any statement, belief, assertion or assumption that to him is lacking in proof and/or is unreasonable in the light of his own experiences.
II. A CREATOR is not superstitious and disdains belief in the supernatural. He will waste no time giving credence to, or playing silly games with imaginary spooks, spirits, gods and demons.
III. A CREATOR is not interested in the future or welfare of the mud races, and shuns race mixing or any social intercourse whatsoever with the inferior mud races.

Essence of a Creator

I. A CREATOR puts loyalty towards his own race above every other loyalty.
II. A CREATOR is responsible, productive and constructive.
III. A CREATOR places a high value on honor and self-respect, and will defend his own honor, the honor of his race and of his family at all costs.
IV. A CREATOR recognizes both love and hate as the two most powerful driving forces in life: that both emotions are healthy and essential to life, and to possess only one and be deprived of the other is to be as crippled as a bird with only …

Marxist Family Court = Stolen Generations of White Children

In case you didn’t know it, the Family Court of Australia has an intense hatred of White people who do not follow the politically correct standards of Christian-Marxist doctrines. If a case is man vs woman, heterosexual vs homosexual, White vs Black – the politically correct will almost certainly win for that reason alone.

However, like everything in society overshadowed by Christian-Marxist doctrines. Anytime a parent appears before the Family Court of Australia with anything but politically correct views, they are invariably chastised by the court for being “Nazis” and ordered to comply with what Christian-Marxist-Jewish-Muslim-Sorry to Abo loving society …