Tag: cracker

White Australians Sign Blanket Confession

JANUARY 1, 2020. CANBERRA: White Australians have followed their South African counterparts ten years to the day, by offering to sign a blanket confession, accepting blame for all current and future setbacks in the country, from non-delivery by Australia’s first all Indigenous Federal Government, the Aboriginal National Congress (ANC) to European athletics officials doing gender tests, in the interests of more efficient government and to save precious time and tax money being wasted on paranoid racist witch-hunts.

The decision follows the latest statements by government, implying that White Australians were racist for not going to Mabo International Airport to cheer …

Black? Indigenous? Asian? Middle Eastern? Jewish? This is the Card for You!

Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate, perhaps to obfuscate the matter. It is a metaphorical reference to card games in which a trump card may be used to gain an advantage. [Wikipedia]

Black? Indigenous? Asian? Middle Eastern? Jewish? This is the Card for You!

To the banana sucking, smart and articulate, spear chucking beasts (please fill in your own stereotype here …) looking at this page and fuming because they feel that they have been mortally vilified by Whitey – again, try reading Stupid Black Men: How to Play