Tag: Prisoner

Case Conclusion

The Joel Dufresne Case – Conclusion

The Emmet County Prosecutor’s Office knows Angela to be mentally ill, prone to fits of violence, and highly deceitful. None of the exculpatory evidence was suppressed by accident; the prosecution’s closing arguments at trial depended on that evidence being hidden, because Angela was presented to the jury as someone much different from the real Angela W. Had the jury seen the Angela known through the suppressed evidence, they wouldn’t have believed her at all.

Her parents did not testify, despite their sympathy for their daughter, because three people couldn’t have sustained the sheer quantity …

Case Chronology

The Joel Dufresne Case – A Chronology of Events

2001-10-24: Angela Wiertalla is arrested for driving with open intoxicants in a motor vehicle and violation of restricted driver’s license. Material in the abnormally persistent efforts of Angela to deceive the police.
Attachment A: Emmet County Sheriffs Dept. Incident Report 2001-7116-I

2002-01-24: Angela Wiertalla is involved in a serious traffic accident involving injury, in which she was operating under the influence of alcohol. She struck another vehicle, the driver of which was unconscious from injury. Material in Angela’s efforts to deceive the police and blaming the cause of the accident on …

Rev.Dr Joe 2020.10

From Rev.Cambeul: I was talking with PM Joe on the phone this morning. Some mail is being blocked going both ways into and out of the prison. The prison is committing a crime by their own standards, by not notifying PM Joe that mail has been rejected.

* Mail that is Rejected with a Notification is labelled as a Gang Threat – In relation to the World Church of the Creator/Matt Hale

* Disallowed Mail: Photos of known Creators, pictures with Church Logos, use of the name Creativity Alliance
Sometimes the pictures and mail get through – the decisions

Prison   Ministries

Pontifex Maximus (Elect), Reverend Dr Joe Esposito

In February of 44 AC (2017 CE), Reverend Dr Joe was appointed Pontifex Maximus Elect. PM Elect Reverend Dr Esposito will assume all duties as Pontifex Maximus in due course.

You can contact Reverend Dr Joe, P.M., through CorrLinks.com, or send us an email via the form below and we will pass on your message.

Personal Webpage: https://creativityalliance.com/prison-ministries/rev-joe
Donations via JPay.com: https://www.jpay.com/FirstTime.aspx?InmateID=20315402&FacilityID=139

Just some of our

Brothers Behind Bars