Tag: Laws Of Nature

The Importance Of Land And Territory

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 9

Even the most backward savage is well aware of the essential importance of land, room and territory within which his tribe can live and survive. So essential and self-evident is this idea that they will fight and risk their lives in order to either preserve their own, or expand and take over the adjoining tribe’s territory.

Even before the White Man ever arrived on the shores of America, the hundreds of Indian tribes constantly fought each other. And what were they fighting for? They were fighting for …

The Laws Of Nature Are Eternal

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book I – Chapter 1

When we look at the natural world about us, we are awed at the beauty and the majesty of Nature. We view the delicate rosy sunsets reflected in the wispy clouds, we view the massive splendour of the mountains, gleaming and shining in their white coats of snow in the winter, bursting with greenery and the colour of flowers in the spring and in the summer, painted with endless coats of yellow and red with the changing leaves in the autumn. We can view about us the …

Why We Indict Christianity So Strongly

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 57

We have used up many pages in our books exposing and debunking Christianity for the fraud that it is. Since so many of our good White Racial Comrades are more or less infected with this fungus on the brain, I have been asked by some of our supporters why I take such a hostile position towards Christianity, which after all has been the principal religion of the White Race for nearly 2000 years. Not only that, but some of our most patriotic citizens, some of our best …