Tag: Hitler

Adolf Hitler: Greatest Story Never Told

Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of an incredible story. The story of a boy from an ordinary family whose ambition it was to become an artist, but who instead became the Fuhrer.

Now for the first time, here is a documented account of a story many believe to be… The Greatest Story NEVER Told!

TruthWillOut Films - TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv
Think Different



Who is the "Creator"?
The White Race. White people are the creators of all worthwhile culture and civilization. Also, believers in our racial religion are called Creators.

If you were to sum up the objective of your religion, Creativity, in one sentence what would that be?
That objective would be: The Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race.

Why is that so important?
It is a matter of priorities. Our religion is based on the ultimate of …