Tag: Jewish Conspiracy

Creativity vs Christianity

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 15

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad ....

In making an analytical comparison between the new, dynamic, militant and vibrant new Creativity religion with the sick and morbid religion of Christianity, we find the philosophies of the two religions in direct opposition to each other.

We Creators are tremendously proud of that difference. We are proud to be the enemies of Christianity. We are convinced that our dynamic new religion will pursue and expose Christianity for what it is, a Jewish conspiracy – until all Jewish influence, Christianity and communism are wiped from off the …

Marxism : The Modern Poisonous Brew

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book I – Chapter 21

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

By no recognized standard may Karl Marx be considered a great writer, nor even a great thinker. His famous production Das Kapital is so dull and so boring that it is almost impossible to read. Despite the fact that it has been highly touted by the Jewish propaganda networks and tremendously promoted by international Jewry, this book has been read very little, and is still, today, very seldom read by anybody. In fact, the book was not even written by Marx alone but was compiled with a …

Masters Of Deceit – A Short History Of The Jews

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book I – Chapter 6

Nature in her infinite wisdom has put the highest premium on survival of the species. In her profuse variety Nature has brought forth creatures of all kinds, fish and fowl, animal and vegetable, insect and bacteria. Some creatures like the cardinal and bluebird are beautiful to behold. Others like the scorpion fish and the lizard are not.

Some creatures are flesh eating. Others are herbivorous. Some animals, like cows, forage on the grass of the meadows. Others like the coyote, the wolf and the tiger are predatory.…

Germany – Adolf Hitler And National Socialism

From Nature’s Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen

Book II – Chapter 5

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

In the study of the whole historical movement of the White Race struggling to free itself from under the heel of Jewish tyranny, the name of Adolf Hitler shines forth as the brightest meteor to flash through the heavens since the beginning of history. No doubt the White Race will produce even greater men in the future, but it is my considered opinion that Adolf Hitler stands head and shoulders above any other man as the greatest leader the White Race has ever produced, and as the …

If You Can’t Hear The Drums Of War You Must Be Deaf

From the mouth of America’s chief Jew …

Henry Kissinger: If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

Born: Heinz Alfred Kissinger 27 May 1923 Fürth, Bavaria, Germany
Died: 29 November 2023 (aged 100) Kent, Connecticut, U.S.A.

NEW YORK – USA – In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Jew Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East. [ACCURATE SATIRE]

Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the …

About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society

– By Ben Klassen.

Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen

In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity than any other concept. They further smirk unto themselves that each one of these words contradicts the others, and that none of these concepts are workable in the real world, yet by throwing them out to the …


If we are to survive in a world gone stark, raving mad, we must sort out our priorities and put them in proper order.

The word triage is of French origin and derives from the word “trier,” meaning to sift, to sort out. It came into prominence during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 when battle casualties were tremendous and the French army medics were hard put in their limited efforts and resources to try to save what they could of the overwhelming number of wounded and dying on the battlefield. Since it was completely impossible to save all the wounded, …

The Debt Swindle

There are two basic points I (Ben Klassen) want to drive home in this article. The first point is that we, the White Race, are being totally enslaved by the JOG. Secondly, nobody can be enslaved unless they willingly cooperate with their slavemasters. Therefore the first step in our liberation is the straightening out of our thinking through a Revolution of Values. Right now, the Jews control the money creating machinery in the U.S. (FED) and all other White countries (Central or Reserve Banks), and it is probably the most powerful and significant weapon of all in the arsenal of …

Analysis From The White Man’s Point Of View

Now in reaching the conclusions I (Ben Klassen) will be coming to, I want to make it clear that I am using the criteria as set forth in Creative Credo No. 2 of the White Man’s Bible. We Creators look at everything from the White Man’s point of view. Not from “America’s” point of view, not from the Jews’ point of view, nor that of world “humanity,” nor are we looking at it from the Negroes’ point of view, nor “through the snake’s eyes.” The bottom line is – what do all these dramatic changes occurring in today’s world bode …