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Bushcraft - veština preživljavanja, hiking i treking

Started by Fortem, Mon 27 Feb 2023

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Bushcraft is the use and practice of skills, thereby acquiring and developing knowledge and understanding, in order to survive and thrive in a natural environment.

Bushcraft skills provide for the basic physiological necessities for human life: food (through foraging, tracking, hunting, trapping, fishing), water sourcing and purification, shelter-building, and firecraft. These may be supplemented with expertise in twine-making, knots and lashings, wood-carving, campcraft, medicine/health, natural navigation, and tool and weapon making.


Prvi je dan proleća i dolazi lepše vreme i pred nama su sunčani dani koje treba iskoristiti maksimalno i poboljšati svoje zdravlje i kondiciju. U ZDRAVOM TELU - ZDRAV DUH. Najznačajniji je moto u svakodnevnom životu nas Kreatora. Ugasite svoje kompjutere i izađite iz svojih kuća i stanova i bavite se sportom. Zbog manje slobodnog vremena ja sam se odlučio za individualne sportove tj. za outdoor aktivnosti. Uopšte se ne obazirite o tome šta govore "stručnjaci" i profesionalni sportisti šta vam je potrebno od opreme. Oni su u službi proizvodnje a mi Kreatori nismo potrošači i nećemo da budemo pod njihovim uticajem. Mi smo proizvođači i težimo ka jednostavnom načinu života i iz sopstvenog bogatog iskustva mi znamo šta je najbolje za nas. Potrebne su vam samo udobne patike, običan šorc ili pantalone i lagana majca i duks. Jedan sasvim običan ranac za vodu, jednu od naših svetih knjiga i neku povrćku. Većina predlaže i koristi štapove ali je meni to suvišno. Neće vam ništa biti ako odgladnite tokom dugog pešačenja. Ali da to ne bude obično pešačenje, posmatrajte prirodu i živi svet oko vas - šume, brda, reke, jezera, ptice... Ako imate višak novca nabavite dvogled ili durbin.
Da budem jasniji šta je cilj hikinga i trekinga:
Istraživanje prirode
Fizičku atkivnost
Ozbiljniji fizički napor
Fantastične prirodne krajolike

Uvek ove discipline možete kombinovati sa planinarenjem i kampovanjem. I obavezno ponesite jednu od naših svetih knjiga :)

It's the first day of spring and nicer weather is coming and sunny days are ahead of us which should be used to the maximum and improve your health and fitness. HEALTHY BODY HEALTHY MIND. It is the most important motto in the daily life of us Creators. Turn off your computers and get out of your houses and apartments and play sports. Due to less free time, I decided on individual sports, ie. for outdoor activities. Don't worry about what the "experts" and professional athletes say about what you need in terms of equipment. They are in the service of production, and we Creators are not consumers and we will not be under their influence. We are manufacturers and strive for a simple way of life and from our own rich experience we know what is best for us. All you need is comfortable sneakers, regular shorts or pants, and a light t-shirt and sweatshirt. One very ordinary backpack for water, one of our holy books and some vegetables. Most suggest and use sticks, but for me it is unnecessary. It won't hurt you if you starve during a long hike. But so that it is not an ordinary hike, observe nature and the living world around you - forests, hills, rivers, lakes, birds... If you have extra money, get binoculars or binoculars.
To be more clear, what is the goal of hiking and trekking:
Exploring nature
Physical activity
More serious physical effort
Fantastic natural landscapes

You can always combine these disciplines with hiking and camping. And be sure to bring one of our holy books :)

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