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Topics - Rev.Cambeul

If Europe is held back by anything, it's Anti-Whiteness ...

Europe Being Held Back by 'Whiteness', Claims Soros-Backed Think Tank

Excerpt: The European Union (EU) is being hindered by "whiteness", according to a report by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

Despite young people in many European countries, including Germany and France, opting for the populist right in recent elections, the Jewish led think tank alleged that the preponderance of native European politicians in the EU Parliament could undermine backing from "young people" in the bloc for the globalist anti-White political project.

Young voters will be put off supporting the bloc unless the demographics of its Parliament is largely comprised of African descent, according to a report from the think tank, which is funded by cosmopolitan billionaire George Soros.

Rather than pointing to policies causing anger in much of Europe, such as lax external border controls and programmes to disperse third-world migrants throughout the bloc, or the perception of Brussels as too bureaucratic and elitist, the ECFR claims that more ethnic diversity among the continent's elected representatives is the way to restore trust and build confidence in the EU.

As well as praising the heavy diversity in European football tournaments, the report also commended EU nations which sent non-white singers to represent them at the most recent Eurovision Song Contest, and hailed the demographics of the 2024 Paris Olympics in which native Europeans made up a small proportion of athletes overall.
General Jabber / Nut Allergies?
Fri 04 Oct 2024
I have some questions about nut allergies

Observed Changes to Society

Back in the 70's and 80's, talk about nut allergies was almost unheard of. Then in the 90's, we began to hear of nut allergies, epee pens to save the lives of the allergic .... Beyond 2000 nut allergies became something for MSM to have occasional panic attacks about. Since 2010, nuts have been treated as a form of poison, and are often banned in places like schools.

In that same period, non-white immigration and interspecies breeding/miscegenation have become all the more prevalent.

The Questions

* Are nut allergies a White issue?

* Are nut allergies a non-white issue?

* If nut allergies are not a specifically White/non-white issue
  - And provided that nut allergies are extremely rare in both Whites and non-whites
  - Are nut allergies the common result of interspecies breeding/mixed race offspring?

If the above is true, would it then not be correct to assume that non-white immigration into the formerly all-White nations is leading to the advancement of a deficient form of humanity? A subhuman incapable of survival on the most basic of nature's plentiful bounty without interference from science?

Nut allergies, lactose intolerance, intolerances to wheat and more .... You tell me.


The article that raised the question ...

Quote from: MSMThe 'sliding doors moment' doctors missed that could have saved James - who tragically died aged 17

 * James Tsindos bought food from Deliveroo app
 * A burrito bowl included a sauce made with cashews

Austria's Freedom Party has secured the first national parliamentary election victory for the country's far right since World War II, finishing ahead of the governing conservatives in the Austrian election race on Sunday.

Juergen Wirth Anderlan, head of the Southern Tyrolian
Traditional Shooting Federation, speaks at a rally in Vienna
hosted by the far-right Freedom Party

Excerpt: Preliminary official results showed the Freedom Party finishing first with 29.2 per cent of the vote.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer's Austrian People's Party was second with 26.5 per cent.

The centre-left Social Democrats were in third place with 21 per cent.

The outgoing government — a coalition of Chancellor Nehammer's party and the environmentalist Greens — lost its majority in the lower house of parliament.

Herbert Kickl, a former interior minister and longtime campaign strategist who has led the Freedom Party since 2021, wants to be chancellor.

"I am a mountain climber, but the bag that I have been given is not light," he told supporters.

But to become Austria's new leader, he would need a coalition partner to command a parliamentary majority. Rivals have said they will not work with Mr Kickl in government.

In its election program — titled Fortress Austria — the Freedom Party called for "remigration of uninvited foreigners", for achieving a more "homogeneous" nation by tightly controlling borders and suspending the right to asylum via an emergency law.

The Anti-Islam Judeophiles of the Far-Right Speak

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders, whose party dominates the Netherlands' new government, took to X to congratulate the Freedom Party on Sunday. So did Alice Weidel, a co-leader of the Alternative for Germany Party.

Migrants to Remain Housed in UK Hotels for Another Three Years

Excerpt: The government scheme to put up migrants in hotels across Britain will reportedly continue for another three years despite Prime Minister Keir Starmer's vow to end the practice.

The new leftist Labour Party government in Westminster has conceded that its campaign promise to "end asylum hotels" will likely take up to three years to fulfil as a result of the asylum backlog taking much longer to go through than the party had anticipated, according to a report from The Times of London.

At present, around 30,000 foreigners are being housed in over 250 hotels throughout the country, at a cost to the taxpayer of £4.2 million per day.

There are currently around 87,217 asylum claims from migrants — many of whom entered the country illegally — awaiting their first decision. Meanwhile, there are also 137,525 cases in the process of appeal or pending removal from the country.

A White Hall source told the Times that the backlog was "much worse than we thought," adding: "It's going to take a lot longer to clear than we anticipated. It certainly won't be cleared in a year."

The issue is not static, however, as illegal migrants continue to cross the English Channel at pace, with more that 25,000 arriving on British shores since the start of the year and over 10,000 since Labour came into power in July.

Two reasons you should hate this:
 1. It's anti-White - solidification of the idea that They are more important than Us.
 2. It's a waste of taxpayer money.

To be fair, where's the Europhobia expert?

Excerpt: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has named Jewish lawyer and business leader Jillian Segal as the nation's first anti-Semitism envoy, in response to the rise of Jewish people being targeted amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Ms Segal is an accomplished lawyer with experience serving on the board of the National Australia Bank and as a president of the Jewish supremacist group, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ).

Ms Segal will advise the prime minister and Multicultural Affairs Minister Andrew Giles on issues of anti-Semitism, and promote education and awareness of the issue.

Jewish people in Australia have reported feeling unsafe, with cases of children at Jewish schools being fearful of wearing their uniforms, Jewish business being targeted and the Australian War Memorial vandalised with graffiti that the prime minister said was anti-Semitic.

Ms Segal said "we need to be vigilant to protect our tolerant and peaceful way of life. Anti-Semitism erodes all that is good and healthy in a society — as such, it poses a threat not just to the Jewish community, but to our entire nation.

"Anti-Semitism is an age-old hatred. It has the capacity to lie dormant through good times and then, in times of crisis like pandemic, which we've experienced, economic downturn, war, it awakens."

The ECAJ commended Ms Segal's appointment, saying she would be able to inform the development of targeted policies, legislative proposals and programs which will address anti-Semitism.

"She will bring deep knowledge of the issues and immense energy to the role, and we are confident that she will carry out her duties with integrity and distinction," the ECAJ said in a statement.

Excerpt: A special envoy to combat Islamophobia has been appointed by the federal government, months after it named Australia's first anti-Semitism envoy.

Aftab Malik, a United Nations Alliance of Civilisations "Global Expert" on Muslim affairs, has been named as the government's Islamophobia envoy.

Mr Malik was born in Britain to Pakistani parents and migrated to Australia in 2012.

The government promised to appoint envoys in the wake of social disunity after ... Blah blah blah the latest excuse.

Jillian Segal was appointed as anti-Semitism envoy in early July, and the prime minister promised then the government would also name an Islamophobia envoy "shortly", noting the announcement had been brought forward in order for Ms Segal to attend an international conference on anti-Semitism.

Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Minister Tony Burke said the appointments would bolster the $90 million in initiatives already invested wasted by the government to tackle the ongoing impacts of the Hamas-Israel conflict in Australia.

As special envoy, the government says Mr Malik will listen to and engage with members of the Muslim community, religious discrimination experts and directly with "all levels" of government on combating Islamophobia.

In a statement, Mr Malik said he also looked forward to engaging with his counterpart, Ms Segal, "to bring our communities together on a common ground".

"Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are not mutually exclusive: where there is one, you most likely will find the other lurking," he said.

The Goal?
Kill Whitey!
Positive Activism / 3 Symbols MNF
Sun 29 Sep 2024
Email from

Dear Friends,

Gab's new children's book, "Ginger the Giraffe (who wanted to be a horse)", has become an instant best-seller, surpassing even the latest Taylor Swift children's book in popularity. This heart-warming tale about a giraffe who embraces who God Nature made her to be is quickly climbing the charts and capturing the hearts of young readers everywhere. It makes for a great gift for your young children or grandchildren.

However, as our book's success continues to grow, we've noticed an unfortunate trend of fake, one-star reviews from liberal critics who are clearly upset by the book's popularity. These reviews are not from genuine customers who have actually read the book, but rather attempts to tank our ratings and discourage potential readers.

If you have already ordered "Ginger the Giraffe", we kindly ask that you consider leaving an honest review on Amazon to help us combat these fake reviews. Your genuine feedback is invaluable in showcasing the true quality and appeal of this wonderful children's book.

Additionally, if you spot any obviously fake reviews, please take a moment to rate them as such on Amazon. This will signal to Amazon's review team that these reviews are inauthentic and should be removed, helping to maintain the integrity of our book's ratings.

We are incredibly proud of the book and the positive message it conveys about embracing who God made us to be. In the coming months, you can expect many more exciting children's books from Gab as we continue to expand our literary offerings.

Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm for our work.

Together, we can ensure that "Ginger the Giraffe" and future Gab Books receive the recognition they deserve.

Buy a Physical Copy on Amazon

Buy A Digital eBook On The Gab Shop

QuotePlot Summary: Join Ginger, the curious giraffe, on her adventurous journey in this heartwarming children's book. Ginger has always been fascinated by horses, their grace, and strength, and dreams of being one herself. However, as she grows up, she begins to realize that God has blessed her with unique attributes that horses do not possess.

Through her encounters with the horses in the savanna, Ginger learns valuable lessons about the beauty and importance of embracing the special qualities that make her unique. With the help of her newfound friends, she discovers the incredible abilities of a giraffe, such as her long neck, which allows her to reach apples on tall trees and see far distances.

As Ginger comes to terms with her true identity, she realizes that God's design is perfect, and her giraffe-ness is something to be proud of. This charming story teaches children the importance and the joy of being who God made them to be.

Filled with vibrant illustrations and a relatable storyline, "Ginger the Giraffe" is a must-read for young children and their parents, encouraging them to appreciate their unique qualities and embrace their God-given talents.

Written by Andrew Torba and Illustrated by @Disco on

Quote from: Review by E.G.5 Stars
Thought provoking, valuable lessons learned even for an adult
Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2024
Verified Purchase

Liberals seriously are buying this book just to give it a bad review (seriously how disgruntled and insecure do you have to be with your self and your beliefs to do that?!) but Torba is still making money off them - lol *winning.* I personally thank them for donating to his cause and campaign. :)

Here's my honest review: This book is much needed, thoughtful and well written and easily understandable for kids. It's a perfect alternative to the cultural agendas, deceptions and lies of today. I found it thought provoking for an adult too, because it encourages me to think about the unique qualities and traits God has instilled in me that make me, me. And how I can use them to change my world. It encourages me to accept and embrace the parts of myself that I wrestle with, knowing God made no mistakes when He made me. Definitely wasn't expecting that but I appreciate it! The graphics are also well done. Nice work Disco. Overall, highly recommend! You and your kid will love it and learn something valuable. Thank you Andrew and Disco.

Quote from: Review from Kate4 Stars
Bad Reviews are nonsensical
Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2024
Verified Purchase

I read the book this morning. There is nothing in the book remotely like the three negative reviews state. It simply is a story about a giraffe that admires the qualities of horses, but comes to the realization that being a giraffe has its merits too. It is a story of self acceptance and God's plan for your life. I don't know if AI wrote it. I don't think so, since Andrew Torba writes all the time and children's literature is not particularly challenging (the challenge is not to bore the adult reader). I give it a 4*. Beatrix Potter gets a 5*. Hard to top Beatrix Potter.

Quote from: Reviews by Libtards1 Star Reviews

 * I guess the author figured that a children's book doesn't need to be well written. Fear based ideology aside, it's just not a good book. There are so many better choices when it comes to instilling values that are truly antithetical to Christianity.

 * the guy uses Ai to wright books and make the art for them don't buy if you don't support ai.

 * The purpose of this book is to spread hate for a minority group (transgender) and raise funds for the hate platform gab.
England no longer imprisons paedophiles, and lets machete wielding Black killers out after only six months after they have murdured a 14 year old White boy; BUT if you are White and what you say is deemed Misinformation or Racist, it's months and even years in prison.

The premise is that Third World immigrant farts are causing Climate Change ...

How Did Israel Do It?
Simple. Using shell companies specifically set up for the purpose, Mossad intercepted the manufacturing process and planted electronic detonators in the devices, along with the tiniest bit of chemical explosive similar to Nitro G. inside the battery.

The Lesson?
Don't buy your products from a Jew. For your own safety and the safety of your family, boycott Israel and everything Jewish. Or better still, JUST NUKE ISRAEL!

How Israel struck at the heart of Hezbollah: Secret Service 'built pagers from scratch using shell companies that had been making and shipping them to Lebanon for YEARS in preparation for attack'

The Israeli secret service didn't just tamper with the deadly Hezbollah pagers -- they made them from scratch, having set up a complex web of shell companies across Europe, it was claimed today.

Initially it was suspected that Mossad had managed to intercept and plant tiny bombs in a shipment of the pagers headed for the Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon after thousands of people were injured and dozens killed.

But now it appears that the Israelis set up front companies across Europe to manufacture the pagers themselves, embedding small amounts of PETN explosive inside the batteries, ready to be detonated by a coded message.

Many in Lebanon are now living in fear of a third wave of attacks. Civilians have spoken of their terror that their mobile phones and other home devices could effectively be turned into bombs, with reports that many are removing their batteries and Lebanese SIM cards.

'We don't know if we can stay next to our laptops, our phones. Everything seems like a danger at this point and no one knows what to do,' one local told the BBC.

Writing for MailOnline, journalist Hassan Harfoush described people's terror over the last two days.

'Beirut has collapsed into panic. The WhatsApp groups are going non-stop. There are wild rumours doing the rounds that solar panels might explode, batteries, fridges – anything.'
The following is a badly researched load of typical garbage labelled as journalism these days. It doesn't only get our church's founder, Bernhardt Klassen's name wrong, but it relies on rumour mongering and insinuation about older and current Creators, and is an insult to the good people of Otto, North Carolina.

All photos published on the original article were taken from this website:

Note: Nobody was murdered or otherwise died on the Church's NC property. It was Ben Klassen himself that was forced to call the local police on violent anti-White trespassers drive-by shootings and plans to blow up church buildings killing everybody. However, Creators do believe that the local police were in league with violent anti-White student activists of those times, and generally intolerant, hateful Christians driven by rumour and their love of the Jew and the Nigger. The proof of that is in the amount of times the local sheriff and attorney general took an active legal stance against the church, when they should have acted to protect the people, property and the rights of church members. It was they that set the tone for today's Creators understanding that we are outlaws without legal protection in a land that wishes us dead. Therefore we Creators are our own Police, Judge and Jury - and if need be, Executioner. Cross us and you will meet Creator Justice. ~ @Cailen.

* * * *

Hate in The Hills: How Benjamin Klassen and the Church of The Creator Influenced Modern Extremism (Pt. 1)

William T Ross (Anti-White POS) | 21 June 2021

Otto, North Carolina has welcomed travelers seeking a rural escape into the Smokey mountains for generations. Produce stands and shops for homemade crafts dot the side of Highway 441 (23) during the summer as it snakes through the unincorporated community and north towards Rocky Top, Tennessee.

Primarily agricultural, Otto also depends partly on the seasonal economy of vacationers and outdoor-enthusiasts coming north from Atlanta, Greenville or Charlotte.

Each year, thousands pass through while en route to the Smokies, the large casinos of the nearby Eastern Cherokee Reservation, or the amusements of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. These destinations represent quintessential getaways for the modern, Southern family hoping to escape the summer heat and reconnect with the mountains.

While locals are generally welcoming and hospitable to passersby, those who linger too long in Otto may find themselves suspect, and for good reason; Not all visitors have come in peace. Stories of high-profile extremists and fugitives escaping along 441 and stopping to hide in the area, such as the 1996 "Olympic Bomber" Eric Rudolph, are still fresh in the minds of local residents.

Least notorious, but by far the most dangerous of these intruders, white-supremacist Benjamin Klassen and his following, known as the Church of The Creator (COTC), came to Otto in 1982 and stayed until 1993. In the group's own newsletter Racial Loyalty, Klassen described the large parcel of land bought in Otto as a new home for the church.

"We've built a personal residence," read the 1982 newsletter, "a three-story church, a small warehouse and school for gifted boys."

Previously a Florida state legislator, state chairman of the George Wallace 1968 Campaign, and the patent-holder to several home appliances, Klassen was a known racist who published hateful texts throughout the 1970's. These texts laid the foundations for his newfound group and for many organizations, both contemporary and modern, built upon anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity, and race wars.

Within slightly over a decade, the group would go on to terrorize their new neighbors with violence, aggression and threatening behavior which still haunts those who lived through it. Worse still, the impact of the COTC would spread much further than Appalachia.

Among many others, Klassen's publications of The White Man's Bible and RAHOWA — Nature's Eternal Religion became the core tenets of what is now called the Creativity Movement, as well as many other right-wing, white supremacist organizations.

Most of the texts list specific calls to action for the beginning of a "racial holy war" or "Rahowa". This is similar to the call seen in modern groups such as the Atomwaffen neo-nazi organization or some sections of the "Booglaoo" movement for accelerationist actions. Comparable to the disgusting influence of William Pierce's The Turner Diaries, Klassen's books spewed hatred in a way that has ignited many to commit acts of violence against marginalized communities from their publication to today.

According to Appalachian State University professor and veteran extremism researcher Dr. Nancy Love P.hd, Klassen's time in Otto was extremely influential upon other extremist organizations and the current trajectory of white supremacy in the US due to the writings he published while there.

"The concept of Ra-Ho-Wa, is short for "racial-holy-war", she said. "If you want to think about the continuing legacy of the COTC up into the present day, it was one of the rhetorical sucesses of Klassen's teachings. It became a battle cry for other white nationalist movements."

Much of Klassen's ideas formed in his longer works were later boiled down into what was called The Little White Book. Dr. Love says that it includes mantras and sets of rules for "creators" in the form of Klassen's fundamental beliefs.

"His fundamental beliefs are in the Little White Book." Dr. Love said. "There's a little red book with the sayings of Chairman Mao, there was a little green book with the sayings of Muammar Gaddafi, and Klassen had this little white book which believers were expected to carry as devotions said daily."

Hate in The Hills: How Benjamin Klassen and the Church of The Creator Influenced Modern Extremism (Pt. 2)

In 1982, the residents of rural Otto, North Carolina were greeted with strange and threatening new neighbors: Benjamin Klassen and the Church of The Creator (COTC). What did they do about it?

Purchasing a roughly 30 acre plot off Swiss Village Rd including several buildings and pasture for livestock, Klassen and his following quickly built a reputation for odd, disturbing behavior.

John, "Puddin" Grassley is the rancher whose family farm borders the Klassen land to the south. Now retired, he remembers strange happenings on the property at the time.

"They'd shoot off machine guns late at night" Grassley said. "All kinds of automatic fire and sometimes explosions. They'd do some kind of pagan shit — dancing around fires with masks and feathers."

Though Grassley (who refused to be recorded) shared memories of these events with a slight smile, most of the neighbors surrounding the former Klassen compound declined when asked to share about what happened there in the 1980s.

One elderly Otto resident, who did not provide his name, reflected the general sentiment of those who still live in the vicinity of Klassen's past compound.

"You mean them devil-worshippers?" the neighbor asked. "I remember them."

Politely going back inside and refusing to be interviewed after this initial greeting, this gentleman reflected the general attitude of those with personal history and experience with Klassen and the Creators.

Known for violence and aggressive behavior, a visit from a current "Creator" or Klassen sympathizer over speaking to the press is a very real fear. Most nearby residents, including the current owner of what used to be the COTC compound, refused to comment. One neighbor who spoke with me, but wished to be kept anonymous due to fears of possible retribution, described a threatening presence from the group years ago.

"About a year after they moved on to the place," the property's owner said. "We started catching some of the younger ones sneaking around the house at night, coming up to the windows and peering in. From then on it only got worse till' they left."

Things did get worse. Throughout the 1980s, the Macon Co. Sheriff's Department was called out to the property on numerous occasions for violent occurrences. Beyond commonly showing offensive, obnoxious behavior and displays towards their neighbors, numerous people were attacked and some even allegedly killed on the property by the so-called "Creators."

After nearly a decade of these kinds of aggressions and tensions between Ottonians and the COTC, Klassen decided to leave Otto. Embroiled in a legal battle over a religious tax exemption and facing the loss of his assets in court to several lawsuits filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, he sold almost all of his property in North Carolina to fellow white supremacist and head of the National Socialist Alliance, William Pierce. In August of 1993, Klassen committed suicide by taking large amounts of sleeping pills. Though the COTC would unfortunately continue on under new leadership in Illinois after Klassen's death, the group's history in Otto largely came to an end.

Despite these crimes and allegations, how Klassen and the compound remained fairly unmolested by law enforcement or vigilantes for years on end remains a mystery. As is common with Appalachian history, local gossip and off-the-record recollections far outweigh police reports and investigative articles. Beyond threats of retribution from the COTC, why did locals not report more to the police?

Reverend Jonathan Stepp, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in nearby Franklin, N.C., explains how unique factors of Appalachian culture and history, such as an innate reverence of privacy and independence, may have inadvertently aided Klassen and the COTC.

"I think one of the prevalent cultural attitudes in the southern Appalachian mountains," said Stepp, "is one of 'I'll mind my business if you mind your business — I'll take care of me and mine and you take care of you and yours.'"

"Think back to the works of Horace Kephart— Our Southern Highlanders, written 100 years ago. He describes people living up in their holler — they don't even know the people on the other side of the mountain from them. Instead, they're just zeroed in on their family, their immediate relatives, the people in that space. I just see that as something that's very much built into the culture here."

The former COTC compound has long been repurposed as an outdoor rehabilitation center under unrelated ownership, but Klassen's body remains buried in Otto within the small section of the original parcel owned by his family. Dozens of people associated with the current Creativity Movement, National Socialist Movement as well as unaffiliated white supremacists travel to Otto each year to pay homage to Klassen and stir up controversy. Occasional volunteers attempt upkeep on the gravesite and post about it proudly on extremist message boards, but it typically appears overgrown and abandoned.

The remaining neighbors seem to want to forget that the dark chapter of history involved here, but their insights could be incredibly valuable. Many small towns similar to Otto are facing an equally problematic situation with unwelcome newcomers and could take lessons from the history of this community. When they are ready to share, many could surely find value in their stories.

Watch the full interview of Rev. Stepp of All Saints for more information on the cultural history of the region and how the COTC impacted Macon County.

Warning: Video Contains a Load of Nigger Lovin' Tripe
According to one of the 4 gorillion Jewish survivors of Auschwitz, there is a little Nazi in all of us. Now an article written by fellow Holohoax survivor, Gabor Maté, born in 1944, expands upon the theme with a load of "Blah blah blah, Nazis bad ... Muh Holocaust!"

Video from

We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism

(((Gabor Maté))) | The Guardian (Marxist) | 7 September 2024

Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in {White} people with more rightwing views.

"Any attempt to understand the attraction which fascism exercises upon great nations compels us to recognize the role of psychological factors," the German-Jewish social psychologist Erich Fromm asserted in 1941. Such factors are not specifically German or, say Italian, nor were they the manifestations of a unique historical era, now safely in the distant past. Not only can the malignant political-economic-ideological climates required for the flowering of fascism develop anywhere, so are its emotional dynamics present in the psyche of most human beings.

"Any attempt to understand the attraction which fascism exercises upon great nations compels us to recognize the role of psychological factors," the German-Jewish social psychologist Erich Fromm asserted in 1941. Such factors are not specifically German or, say Italian, nor were they the manifestations of a unique historical era, now safely in the distant past. Not only can the malignant political-economic-ideological climates required for the flowering of fascism develop anywhere, so are its emotional dynamics present in the psyche of most human beings.

"We each have a Nazi within," the Auschwitz survivor Edith Eger has written – pointing, in my observation, to a near-universal reality. Many of us harbor the seeds for hatred, rage, fear, narcissistic self-regard and contempt for others that, in their most venomous and extreme forms, are the dominant emotional currents whose confluence can feed the all-destructive torrent we call fascism, given enough provocation or encouragement.

"We each have a Nazi within," the Auschwitz survivor Edith Eger has written – pointing, in my observation, to a near-universal reality. Many of us harbor the seeds for hatred, rage, fear, narcissistic self-regard and contempt for others that, in their most venomous and extreme forms, are the dominant emotional currents whose confluence can feed the all-destructive torrent we call fascism, given enough provocation or encouragement.

All the more reason to understand the psychic sources of such tendencies, whose ground and nature can be expressed in a word: trauma. In the case of fascism, severe trauma.

Nobody is born with rabid hatred, untrammelled rage, existential fear or cold contempt permanently embedded in their minds or hearts. These fulminant emotions, when chronic, are responses to unbearable suffering endured at a time of utmost vulnerability, helplessness and unrelieved threat: that is, in early childhood.

Nobody is born with rabid hatred, untrammelled rage, existential fear or cold contempt permanently embedded in their minds or hearts. These fulminant emotions, when chronic, are responses to unbearable suffering endured at a time of utmost vulnerability, helplessness and unrelieved threat: that is, in early childhood.

The human infant enters the world with the implicit expectation of being safely held, seen, heard, physically protected and emotionally nourished, her feelings welcomed, recognized, validated and mirrored. Given such an "evolved nest", in the apt phrase of the psychologist Darcia Narvaez, we develop and maintain a strong connection to ourselves, a deeply rooted confidence in who we are, a trust in innate goodness present in the world and an openness to love within ourselves, as without. Trauma represents a disconnect from these healthy inclinations, in extreme cases a defensive denial of them as being too vulnerable to bear. And that, in essence, is what fascism is on the emotional level: a desperate escape from vulnerability.

Looking at the hideous demigod of fascism, Adolf Hitler, or at his present day caricature Donald Trump, who is often compared to him – including some years ago by his current vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance – we find many remarkable characteristic similarities: relentless self-hypnotising ... blah blah blah, Nazis bad ... Muh Holocaust!


Here's what Wikipedia says about the early life of Gabor Maté:

Quote from: Wikipediaé
Maté was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1944 to a Jewish family. His maternal grandparents, Josef Lövi and Hannah Lövi, who came from the town of Košice in eastern Slovakia, were killed in Auschwitz when he was five months old. His aunt disappeared during the war, and his father endured forced labour at the hands of the Nazi Party. When he was one, Maté's mother put him in the care of a stranger for over five weeks to save his life. Upon their reunion, the infant Maté was so hurt that he avoided looking at his mother for several days. He claims this trauma of "abandonment, rage, and despair" continues to manifest in his adult life, leading to similar altercations when he perceives a threat of abandonment, especially from his wife.

Essentially, what Maté is saying with the article above is "The Nazis in 1944 made me cry when I was a baby because my Mummy left me with a baby sitter for a few weeks. So I blame my wife and Donald Trump and all you Fascist voters for my 80 years of Looney Tunes Kill Whitey idiocy. Boo Hoo! Oy Veh Hoo!" :((

Gabor Maté migrated to Canada in 1956, where he has since maintained a comfortable life torturing and destroying the minds of White Canadian university students, while chowing down on every mind-bending drug known to man.

Hurry up and die you decrepit, drug-addled, coffin-dodging Kike.

And for everybody else ... Embrace the Nazi within. Get off your knees and save the world for the future of White children.

While the MSM and your democratically elected governing regimes cry about dictatorial censorship in North Korea, those same Western commie bastards touting freedom will have you locked up for watching a video, posting anti-government rhetoric on Facebook or X/Twitter, or just lock you up for being provocatively White in a Black No-Go Zone.

Freedom!? What Freedom?

23 Words.

Sobbing young North Korean girls are publicly punished and humiliated in rare footage of Kim Jong Un's regime officials - for utterly trivial reason

* Their only crime was watching unsanctioned media from South Korea

Excerpt: Resurfaced footage has revealed how North Korean girls get publicly humiliated and punished for watching South Korean media.

The tape shows a public shaming session in a large auditorium, where scores of young North Koreans are lined up in front of military men and berated for their 'crimes.'

One young girl, identified only as Choi, was seen weeping as she was dragged in front of the crowd.

According to a translation by KBS Media, which obtained the footage, she said: 'I made the mistake of listening to and distributing impure published propaganda.'

She is then led away in handcuffs.

Kim Jong Un's government has had an iron grip on information coming in and out of North Korea for decades, expressly forbidding its citizens from consuming foreign news, music, films, and TV.

Anyone caught violating the severe restrictions can face serious consequences, including imprisonment and even death.

Despite this, ongoing efforts to combat North Korea's control over its population have been ongoing.

Flash Drives For Freedom, a charity that sends over USB sticks filled with Western and South Korean media, as well as interviews with defectors and Korean-language Wikipedia pages, claims to have sent over 136,686 USB sticks filled with anti-propaganda material.

According to its website: 'The drives are smuggled into the country using many different methods.

'A healthy black market distributes the drives throughout North Korea. The majority of North Koreans have access to devices that can read USB drives, SD cards, and microSD cards, using an adapter.'

Quote from: MSM & Govt CensorsMark Latham is ordered by the Federal Court to pay Alex Greenwich a staggering $140,000 sum over sexually explicit tweet that shocked Australia

The tweet stemmed from a heated online argument with independent state MP Alex Greenwich and conveyed the meaning that he 'engages in disgusting sexual activities', the court was told.

Mr Greenwich, who is gay and is a vocal advocate for LGBTQI issues, sued Mr Latham over the tweet sent in March 2023, days after the state election.

On Wednesday, the court ordered Mr Latham pay Mr Greenwich $100,000 in damages and a further $40,000 in aggravated damages.

The former One Nation state leader's tweet described a sex act in explicit terms and was in response to a post quoting Mr Greenwich describing Mr Latham as a 'disgusting human being'.

'Mark Latham is a disgusting human being and people who are considering voting for One Nation need to realise they are voting for an extremely hateful and dangerous individual who risks causing a great deal of damage to our state,' Mr Greenwich said.

Mr Latham responded with 'Disgusting? How does that compare with sticking your d*** up a bloke's a*** and covering it with s***?'


A Japanese man died from kidney failure three years after putting a stick of eyeliner up his backside.

The unnamed patient, who was in his 60s, was rushed to the hospital after his brother found him unconscious at home.

A CT scan revealed a 3.5-inch long tube of eyeliner near his rectum, which doctors believe he used 'for sexual stimulation.'

The patient - who was a cross dresser - was too unstable for surgery and died two days after being admitted to the hospital.

Related: Why are celeb children more likely to be trans?

* * * *

Slim Dusty - I'd Like to Have a Drink With Adolf

Sing Along with Slim Dusty: Duncan

Creating the miracle of the white race required a thousand years of brutal sacrifice. For most of that period, 80% of men were denied reproduction, and the bottom 1% of every generation was hanged.

The payoff was the industrial revolution, and lifting the world out of 100,000 years of abject poverty.

Now it's being destroyed in a few generations. It's the greatest crime in human history.

Flyer - While You Watch Your Football;sa=view;id=4377

While You Watch Your Football
Your nation is being invaded
Your women are being raped
And your children are being murdered

Conor McGregor has claimed he is the 'only logical choice' to become the next Ireland president as he laid out some of his ambitious plans after previously being backed by Elon Musk.

The UFC icon is patriotic about his home nation, despite now living in luxurious settings around the United States, and wants to challenge for the presidency title next year.

McGregor has been engaged in controversial political discourse before, particularly surrounding the Dublin riots that followed the stabbing of three children and a carer in the city last year.

Current president, Michael D. Higgins, is expected to call for an election in October next year and McGregor believes he would have the backing of the Irish public that would see him take the presidential helm.

He knows who and what is behind non-White immigration
The following video was reposted on X/Twitter by Conor McGregor
Filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl's controversial masterwork is an artful work of propaganda showcasing German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. Edited from over 60 hours' worth of raw footage shot over the course of the rally's four days, the film is visually remarkable in the way it captures the event's enormous scale.

World renowned WWII historian David Irving exposes Churchill for being a drunk, a coward, and of course, being paid by the JEW.



Ernst Zündel (1939-2017) was a German-born publisher, author, and civil rights activist.

In 1983, Sabina Citron, founder of the Canadian holocaust remembrance association, filed a private complaint before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal against Zündel for a 28 page pamphlet he had published in 1977 called "Did 6 Million Really Die?"

In 1984, the Ontario government joined the criminal proceedings against Zündel based on Citron's complaint, and Zündel underwent two criminal trials in 1985 and 1988 for the charge of "spreading false news."

To wage the legal battle that was forced upon him, Zundel brought together an impressive all-star international team of researchers, historians, scientists, legal specialists, scholars,  and experts to aid in his defense.

As a result of the two trials, an enormous quantity of evidence and testimony challenging the prevailing historical narrative was presented to the court under oath and thereby made part of the permanent public record.

This thread will shed light on the evidence, testimony, and explosive revelations from his trials.

Alexa is owned by Amazon, therefore you can now say that Jeff Bezos is interfering in US elections and should be in a prison cell along with Zuckerberg.

There's plenty of White kids that have been murdered by darkies whose names have been deliberately lost by The System, because White kids dying doesn't fit the anti-White agenda. Here's the story of one 15 year old White Boy ...

The Murder of Richard Everitt

Richard Norman Everitt was a White 15-year-old boy who was stabbed to death in London, England. Everitt's neighbourhood, Somers Town, had been the site of ethnic tensions. He was murdered by a gang of British Bangladeshis who were looking to murder a random White boy. Richard did not provoke the attack and had no history of anti-social behaviour.

Badrul Miah, Showat Akbar, and Abdul Hai were tried in 1995. Miah was given a life sentence, with minimum terms of 12 years. Akbar was sentenced to three years in custody for violent disorder. Abdul Hai was acquitted by the jury on the direction of Mrs Justice Steel, the trial judge, at the close of the prosecution case, and is now a local councillor for the UK Labour Party.

A campaign for the release of two convicts began, which asserted that the jury and prosecution had acted out of racism. Advocacy groups including Liberty, Camden Legal Centre, Camden Racial Equality Council, and the Society of Black Lawyers supported the campaign. Street protesters held a banner saying "FREE THE KINGS X TWO". A subsequent appeal was rejected.

Miah further appealed the case to European Court of Human Rights in July 1998, but this appeal was also unsuccessful. He was released in 2008 after 12 years.

The Aftermath

Jalal Uddin, a Bengali activist, spoke of his fears that revenge attacks from Whites could continue perpetually.

A halal butcher's was firebombed, and White gangs attacked Bengalis. Bengalis told family members to stay indoors, and the police increased their presence in order to combat the White gangs.

After the convictions, Everitt's family were abused by Bengali neighbours, and moved to Essex before settling in northern England. His mother said that "I know it's a terrible thing to say, but I sometimes wish that Richard had been murdered by a White boy. Then we'd have had to deal with the murder but not the nightmare of everything else that followed". &er

In February 2012, politician Richard Barnbrook (then independent, formerly BNP) raised the issue of Everitt's murder and that of Terry Gregory (2003) in the London Assembly. He questioned why even after convictions and sentencing, 23 police officers were still investigating the murder of Stephen Lawrence, who was Black, yet none were assigned to finding the killers of the aforementioned White teenagers, suggesting there were "hate crime double standards". Mayor and later Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that both cases were solved and neither were racist because you cannot be racist against White people.

Who Was Richard Everitt?

Richard Norman Everitt was born on 6 December 1978 in Camden, London to Norman and Mandy Everitt. His family were native to North London and moved to the Somers Town Estate in 1986. Everitt had two older siblings: Daniel and Lucy. His hobbies included building bikes, football, and playing on his Sega Megadrive. In court Everitt was described by a friend as "well-liked, very kind and someone who would do anything for anybody" and by the prosecution as "a mild-mannered and harmless 15-year-old boy who presented an easy target".

A Name You Do Not Know - Richard Everitt
Video from

Quote from: YouTube Commenter

Some 20+ years ago i was driving through Wales and listening to a Talk in on the car radio about Stephen Lawrence and the reporter come Radio host was babbling on about the  injustice etc the way they do go on so i stopped the car to try to phone in and ask him his views on the Richard Everitt case but i could not get a good reception so i carried on driving,when i eventually got a good reception i phoned in but he was of air but i still got to talk to him so  i asked  him what he thought about the killers of young Richard being allowed to escape the country,the fat bloater nearly choked as he was expecting Stephen Lawrence plaudits, am afraid i know nohing at all about that case he said,well that is strange because it was heavily featured in the daily newspaper you write for i said,he carried on stumbling and faffing but did not know about the murder,the Stephen Lawrence caea came along and all the journos jumped on that and forgot about young Richard Everitt,same as Kriss Donald,Ross Parker,Ben Kinsella,Charlene Downes.,Laura Wilson; all young white young boys & girls all brutally kiled because they are White.
Democracy only works if voters have an alternative to the well established globalist unaparty model of political elitism. No alternative means all this democracy tripe is nothing but a con ...

Olaf Scholz demands mainstream German parties avoid working with 'right-wing extremists' as hard-right AFD party wins landmark victory in state elections

Excerpt: The German Chancellor last night demanded mainstream parties avoid working with 'right-wing extremists' after the Alternative for Germany's historic victory in state elections.

The hard-right party has insisted they should be included in state coalition talks after securing 32.8 per cent of Sunday's vote in Thuringia.

They also came a close second in neighbouring Saxony, taking home 30 per cent of the vote after the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

Alice Weidel, the AfD's national co-leader, has called on opponents not to freeze the party out, insisting 'firewalls are undemocratic'.

The party's large share of the vote in Thuringia means it will hold a 'blocking minority' in the regional parliament, giving it special powers including the right to block judicial appointments.

The AfD is against Germany's support for uncontrolled immigration, is sceptical of the European Union and wants to curb German aid to Ukraine in favour of cosier relations with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The party's branches in Thuringia and Saxony are classified as 'right-wing extremist' groups by Germany's domestic intelligence agency.

The AfD's victory sent shockwaves through the political classes in Europe, where leaders fear a resurgence of nationalism that could shake the foundations of the EU.

Hundreds of anti-AfD and left-wing protesters have staged demonstrations RIOTS in cities including Hamburg, Dresden and Leipzig, with further marches planned in the coming days.
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