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Messages - CallumMacRaebourne

This year has been a great one! For myself and for Creativity in Scotland!

At the beginning of the year my partner and I moved into our first home! It didn't take us long to get settled in and get everything organised, we decided to escape the growing immigration problem within the city and move out to a small fishing village! Theres not much to it but its enjoyable and its a close knit community! Its coming up to a year since we moved in and we currently have no plans to move out in the near future, however it will only be temporary as we will require a larger home when we begin our white racial family!

As for Creativity in Scotland, we have definitely made ourselves known with the locals this year as our activism has made the front page of the local newspaper twice so far! I'm planning on getting out there again soon and hitting surrounding towns and cities!  Growth hasn't been amazing this year however we have had a lot of good responses and have some upcoming plans and ideas we are hoping to set in motion this year or to organise them for the beginning of next year, and hopefully if all Is successful (im sure it will be) we will draw in some new memberships and further build creativity's foundation in Scotland as well as Britain!

Total White Victory
Brother Fergus
Rahowa Brother and welcome to Creator Forum!,

Have you took the time to read our literature? If not, I highly recommend that you read all our literature but mainly "Natures Eternal Religion" and "White mans bible" both are excellent eye openers and very enjoyable reads! All of our literature can be downloaded free of charge, and can be found on our main page, if you prefer we have "Natures Eternal Religion" in audio book form available for easy listening!

Unfortunately I'm unaware of any currently active members in your local state however don't let this discourage you from joining our church, we all have had to start from the bottom and build the church into what it is today! You will be able to find plenty promotional material in our gallery such as flyer and
sticker designs available to use, should  you wish to partake in any activism!

I hope you find what your looking for on the forums and within the church and take the next step towards joining the church as an official member!

White Regards
Brother Fergus
Welcome sister! Thank you for joining the forums! I hope you consider joining the church and becoming a fully pledged member to our magnificent creed!
I'm with you Comrade! Think ill raise my glass to him also! The pro white agenda is littered with talkers and hobbyist's. Its the activists that make a difference, whether it be handing out flyers around town or culling the racial enemies,
Scotland's Political Police Target Creators in Door to Door Witch Hunt - Their Aim is to Crucify Creators

From the Church of Creativity, Scotland.

Today, friends and supporters of the church informed us that the political police were out in force today in Bervie making door to door enquiries regarding our recent (100% LEGAL) activism that has been occurring throughout the town by Church of Creativity activists! The Political Police were in a desperate search for leads presumably so that they could seize and crucify Creators  and any other innocent that falls into their trap simply for the crime of thinking for themselves in a Politically inCorrect fashion. This follows ongoing street activism by our Church Members and dedicated Supporters that has been ongoing in the town of Bervie since March of this year, when stickers and flyers containing the evocative phrases "WHITE PEOPLE AWAKE" and "SAVE THE WHITE RACE" caused an outcry in the local newspapers, with journalists and politicians declaring the idea that Scots people wanting a future for Scots children in Scotland as "Disgusting" and "Racist."

More at: 2015-03-19 Inverbervie, Scotland - Targeted by Radical Group,8379.0.html

Quote from: Arbroath Creators"For as long as one hundred White Men remain we won't surrender to foreign occupancy on our soil! We fight not for glory, honour or wealth but for the existence of Our Race alone! Which no worthy White Man surrenders but with his life"

The Declaration of Arbroath Restated
Issued by the Church of Creativity Scotland
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Legal Notices
Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
Links: The History of Creativity | The Creator Calendar Explained
» Save the White Race - Join the Church of Creativity «

23 Words
What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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