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Questions from Vermont, USA: Current Church Status

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 30 Jun 2015

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From: Emily Cutts
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 1:54 AM
Subject: Question about the Creativity Alliance

My name is Emily and I'm a reporter at the Rutland Herald, a newspaper in Rutland Vermont.

I saw you were listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups in the state and was wondering if you were available to talk about this.

I think email will be our best way to communicate because of the time difference. Below are my questions.

What is your membership in Vermont?
How long has the Creativity Alliance had an address in Middlebury, VT?
Why Middlebury?
Who is a typical member? Are there any members in Vermont I could speak to?
According to the handbook, Creativity was founded in Florida- how did the Pontifex Maximus end up in Australia?
How did you become Pontifex Maximus?
What drew you to the church?
How many members of the church are there worldwide?
How do members practice Creativity?
You are on the SPLC's list along with the Aryan Strikeforce, Aryan Nations LA and the National Socialist Movement, do you have any reaction on being grouped with them?

Thank you for your time,
Emily Cutts
802-774-3063 direct

From: Rev. Cailen Cambeul
Sent: Friday, 26 June 2015 2:12 PM
Subject: Question about the Creativity Alliance

To Emily Cutts,

Thank you for your query.

If you are looking for my opinion regarding the SPLC listing us as a so-called Hate Group, then you must understand that Creativity is a religion that is about our love for the White Race.

The SPLC itself I would call a Hate Group because of its virulent hatred for anything and anyone that does not cave in to their definition of right and wrong – their definition of Politically Correct.  The SPLC calls us a Hate Group? It is they that have divided the world into what allow to exist and what they do not allow. And by the definition that the SPLC, ADL and other supremacist anti-White groups follow, it is White people that are the Politically Incorrect, it is White people that are responsible for all the woes of every other living thing on this Earth. The SPLC has their solution, which is – to put it in the words of Oprah Winfrey, "White people ... they must all die." All we of the CHURCH OF CREATIVITY want is self determination for our people, while the SPLC want to exterminate our people – WHITE PEOPLE!

If you need proof of that, look to your own standing orders as a reporter: Anything a White person says or does is fair game, while anything a non-White says or does is sacrosanct. Black is always the victim, White is always the perpetrator. And if your paper was to stray outside those Politically Correct confines, then it would be you that would top the SPLC list of Hate Groups for the week.
What is your membership in Vermont?
It is our policy to never state, confirm nor deny Church Membership numbers.
We are however, often surprised when yet another past Church Member from the 42 years that Creativity has been in existence joins us. So even if I were to present you with a full list of our Membership plus known Supporters, it would still be far less than the total Creator population of Vermont.

How long has the Creativity Alliance had an address in Middlebury, VT?
More than five years.

Why Middlebury?
In short, why not Middlebury? A Creator is an ordinary person with the same hopes, aspirations and rights as any citizen of the United States. Why he or she chooses to live in a particular area is their own personal business.

Who is a typical member? Are there any members in Vermont I could speak to?
There is really no typical member of our Church. Every Church Member is of course a White man or woman. They range in ages from eight to eighty-eight. We have everything ranging from office workers, to factory workers, serving and former military and police. Our Church Members work in both the private sector and government employment, and some are unemployed and some retired. They are ordinary White Americans. However, a predominate number of our Church Members are ex military. That includes officers and other ranks, both special forces and general Army, Navy, Air-Force and Marines. And that pattern is by no means confined to the United States; The same goes for Britain, South Africa and Australia. FYI I formerly served with the Australian Regular Army. So you could say that the typical Church Member is a former soldier – but what is a typical former soldier?

If you would like to interview someone in Vermont, you may contact Reverend Pat in writing at P.O. Box 1006, Middlebury, VT, U.S.A. 05753-5006.

According to the handbook, Creativity was founded in Florida- how did the Pontifex Maximus end up in Australia?
In the same way that previous Pontifex Maximii were situated in North Carolina, Michigan, Florida again and Illinois. The title of Pontifex Maximus moves along with the holder of that title.

How did you become Pontifex Maximus?
I was given the title of Pontifex Maximus following a unanimous vote by a group of Creators known as the Guardians of the Faith Committee, which consists of Creators from around the globe of the highest standing.

What drew you to the church?
I was drawn to the Church because – like the founder of Creativity, Ben Klassen – I had come to the conclusion that we are in a religious battle and that to save the White Race from allowing itself to be exterminated as some form of self flagellating Christian rite, we first have to face the Jewish superstitions of Christianity and straighten out the White Man's thinking in that regard.

How many members of the church are there worldwide?
From Q1: It is our policy to never state, confirm nor deny Church Membership numbers.
We are however, often surprised when yet another past Church Member from the 42 years that Creativity has been in existence joins us. So even if I were to present you with a full list of our Membership plus known Supporters, it would still be far less than the total Creator population around the world.

How do members practice Creativity?
Different Creators practice Creativity each day in their own way. Some come together once a week and discuss the Holy Books of Creativity. Others gather to listen to a sermon by their local Minister of Creativity. Some recite the Five Fundamental Beliefs of Creativity several times a day. Some will choose a Credo from the White Man's Bible or another of our Holy Books and read that – A Credo a day keeps the cobwebs away! Some follow the diet as mentioned in the White Man's Bible, Salubrious Living. It all depends on the individual Creator and their background as well as their personal preferences. And then there are those like myself that are totally immersed in Creativity, and when not answering answering queries from reporters or other interested persons, we are advising other Creators and fellow White Racial Loyalists, or editing books, articles and websites for publication. Those Creators from a Christian background will typically favour ritualistic activity, while those from an atheistic background typically favour the work and the efforts of the struggle that is a duty of all Creators. I, by the way, am from an atheistic background. However, no matter what a Creator's background, personal preferences or locality, a Creator always takes the time each day to discuss Creativity with a non-Creator in the hope that we may straighten out yet another White person's thinking.

You are on the SPLC's list along with the Aryan Strikeforce, Aryan Nations LA and the National Socialist Movement, do you have any reaction on being grouped with them?
The SPLC (along with the ADL) is a hateful malignant growth on the liberal/Marxist/Jewish front that glorifies in the decay of society's values and the eventual extermination of the White Race. I am neither concerned about the categories that those enemies of civilisation wish to place us, nor with whom they lump us.

What is Good for the White Race is the Highest Virtue.

Yours Faithfully,
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.
The Church of Creativity

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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.

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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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