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Las Vegas: The Story Of A Crooked Jew Landlord - Allan Rothstein

Started by G.L.R., Sun 04 Sep 2022

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The Horrible Story of Allan Rothstein Section 8 Slumlord

September 5th, 2022

Just a couple of days ago, a Las Vegas Jew and real estate broker and property manager, Allan Rothstein, found himself in court after  he forced a homeless woman to sign a contract agreeing to sexual  intercourse with him in order to rent a four-bedroom home to her and her  five children and to accept the Section 8 housing voucher which was her  only way of paying the rent. According to news reports, Rothstein then  required the woman to pay out of her own pocket for repairs to the home  that he said were necessary in order to bring it up to Section 8  standards. ...Rothstein then proceeded to charge her more rent than was stipulated  in the contract and the voucher. He also charged her for utilities,  something that she was not legally required to pay under the terms she  signed. When she refused to pay these extra fees, Rothstein then started  sending her bills for "late fees" for the unpaid items that ran into  thousands of dollars. When Rothstein made sexual advances to the woman, demanding the sex  acts that were laid out in the contract he pressured her to sign, she  refused his demands. And he did put her under pressure. The woman and  her five offspring were homeless. They were living week to week in a  motel, an expensive and untenable situation that had to end.

But rents are high in Las Vegas — a very Jewish, and very corrupt, and very cold-hearted, city. And it's hard  to find a landlord who isn't a slumlord who will accept a Section 8  voucher there. And Section 8 vouchers expire: If you don't find a place  to rent in 90 days, your voucher simply ceases to exist and you are back  where you started. Rothstein essentially said to her, Sign this,  pay that, pay some more, give me any sex act I want whenever I want,  then pay this extra too, or, sister, you and your babies are out on the  street again. When she refused sex to Rothstein, he started eviction  proceedings against her — even though the Regional Housing Authority had  been paying their part, the vast majority part, of the agreed-upon rent  to Rothstein on time, every month — and even though the woman's  agreed-upon part of the rent payment, $145 per month, had been paid —  and even though Rothstein additionally illegally demanded, and was  getting from her, almost $400 per month extra that wasn't in any  contract, money he collected just because he said so.

The home in question
Now I don't know if this was a White woman or not. Many  Section 8 recipients are non-Whites, though these days, as usury and  other forms of Jewish financial predation make us poorer and poorer,  more and more Whites are on the relief lists. The important thing in this Rothstein episode, I think, is  the vicious and extreme exploitation of the helpless that characterized  Rothstein, and characterizes so many Jews in Jew-Gentile interactions.  Here we had a vulnerable woman and her children in trouble. In need.  Desperate. How does Rothstein view the woman when she comes to  him? Does he want to help her? Does he sympathize? Does he try to find a  way for both the owner and the potential tenant to have a transaction  that benefits them both, as an ethical businessman should do?... Read more ...

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